主要經歷 |
- 大葉大學電機系助理教授(1998.2~2001.7)
- 大葉大學電機系副教授(2001.8~ 2006.1)
- 大葉大學電機系教授(2006.2~ 2007.1)
- 大葉大學電機系/材料系合聘教授(2007.2~2009.7)
教學與研究領域 |
- 高溫超導物理、元件製作與傳輸特性之研究
- 高溫超導薄膜微波特性與應用之研究
- 超巨磁阻薄膜傳輸特性與電子自旋元件之研究
- 透明導電氧化物薄膜之成長與光電特性研究
Selected Publication |
- C. N. Kuo, C. W. Tseng, C. M. Wang, C. Y. Wang, Y. R. Chen, L. M. Wang*, C. F. Lin, K. K. Wu, Y. K. Kuo, and C. S. Lue* (2015, Apr). Lattice distortion associated with Fermi-surface reconstruction in Sr3Rh4Sn13 . Phys. Rev. B, 91, 165141 . (IF 3.736) MOST 103-2112-M-006-014-MY3. *:通訊作者
- L M Wang*, Chih-Yi Wang, Guan-Min Chen, C N Kuo, and C S Lue* (2015, Mar). Weakly-correlated nodeless superconductivity in single crystals of Ca3Ir4Sn13 and Sr3Ir4Sn13 revealed by critical fields, Hall effect, and magnetoresistance measurements. New Journal of Physics, V17, 033005. (IF 3.558) MOST 101-2112-M-002-020-MY2.
- Shu-Hsien Liao*, Kuen-Lin Chen, Chun-Ming Wang, Jen-Jie Chieh, Herng-Er Horng, Li-Min Wang*, C. H. Wu and Hong-Chang Yang, (2014, Nov). Using Bio-Functionalized Magnetic Nanoparticles and Dynamic Nuclear Magnetic Resonance to Characterize the Time-Dependent Spin-Spin Relaxation Time for Sensitive Bio-Detection”. Sensor, 14, 21409. (IF 2.245)
- Chih-Pin Lu, Guohong Li, Jinhai Mao, Li-Min Wang, and Eva Y. Andrei*, (2014, Jul). Bandgap, Mid-Gap States, and Gating Effects in MoS2. Nano Letters , 14, 4628 . (IF 13.592)
- C. N. Kuo, H. F. Liu, C. S. Lue*, L. M. Wang*, C. C. Chen, and Y. K. Kuo* (2014, Mar). Characteristics of the phase transition near 147 K in Sr3Ir4Sn13. Physical Review B, 89, 094520. (IF 3.736) MOST 101-2112-M-002-020-MY2.
- S. H. Liao, H. C. Yang, H. E. Horng, J. J. Chieh, K. L. Chen, H. H. Chen, J. Y. Chen, C. . Liu, C. W. Liu, and L. M. Wang (2013, Dec). Time-dependent phase lag of biofunctionalized magnetic nanoparticles conjugated with biotargets studied with alternating current magnetic susceptometor for liquid phase immunoassays. Appl. Phys. Lett., 103, 243703. (IF 3.844)
- Chen, Kuen-Lin; Hsu, Chin-Wei; Ku, Yue-Bai; Chen, Hsin-Hsien; Liao, Shu-Hsien; Wang, Li-Min; Horng, Herng-Er; Yang, Hong-Chang (2013, Oct). A signal input coil made of superconducting thin film for improved signal-to-noise ratio in a high-Tc SQUID-based ultra-low field nuclear magnetic resonance system. Superconductor Science and Technology, (26) 115008 . (IF 2.796)
- L M Wang, Chih-Yi Wang, Un-Cheong Sou, H C Yang, L J Chang, Caleb Redding, Yu Song, Pengcheng Dai and Chenglin Zhang (2013, Sep). Longitudinal and Transverse Hall Resistivities in NaFe1-xCoxAs single crystals with x = 0.022 and 0.0205: Weak pinning and anomalous electrical transport properties. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 25, 395702. (IF 2.346)
- H. C. Yang, K. W. Huang, S. H. Liao, H. E. Horng, J. J. Chieh, H. H. Chen, M. J. Chen, K. L. Chen, and L. M. Wang, “Enhancing the tumor discrimination using antibody-activated magnetic nanoparticles in ultra-low magnetic fields”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 102, 013119 (2013). (IF 3.844)
- H. C. Yang, L. L. Chiu, S. H. Liao, H. H. Chen, H. E. Horng, C. W. Liu, C. I. Liu, K. L. Chen, M. J. Chen, and L. M. Wang, “Relaxation of biofunctionalized magnetic nanoparticles in ultra-low magnetic fields”, J. Appl. Phys. 113, 043911 (2013). (IF 2.168)
- S. H. Liao, Hong-Chang Yang, H. E. Horng, C. W. Liu, H. H. Chen, M. J. Chen, K. L. Chen, C. I. Liu, and L. M. Wang, “Characterizing the field-dependent T1-relaxation and imaging of ferrofluids using high-Tc superconducting quantum interference device magnetometer in low magnetic fields”, J. Appl. Phys. 112, 123908 (2012). (IF 2.168)
- L. M. Wang, Chih-Yi Wang, and Chun-Chin Tseng, “Correlation of the temperature coefficient of resistivity for doped manganites to the transition temperature, polaron binding energy, and magnetic order”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 100, 232403 (2012). (IF 3.844)
- Shu-Hsien Liao, Chieh-Wen Liu, Hong-Chang Yang, Hsin-Hsien Chen, Ming-Jye Chen, Kuen-Lin Chen, Herng-Er Horng, Li-Min Wang, and Shieh-Yueh Yang, “Correlation of the temperature coefficient of resistivity for doped manganites to the transition temperature, polaron binding energy, and magnetic order”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 100, 232405 (2012). (IF 3.844)
- Hong-Chang Yang, Chieh-Wen Liu, S. H. Liao, Hsin-Hsien Chen, M. J. Chen, K. L. Chen, Herng-Er Horng, S. Y. Yang, and L. M. Wang, “Temperature and concentration-dependent relaxation of ferrofluids characterized with a high-Tc SQUID-based nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometer”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 100, 202405 (2012). (IF 3.844)
- L. M. Wang, Ching-Yu Chang , Shau-Tin Yeh, Shinn Wei Chen, Zi An Peng, Shun Chang Bair, D. S. Lee, F. C. Liao, and Y. K. Kuo; “Synthesis and Post-annealing Effects on the Transport Properties of Thermoelectric Oxide (ZnO)mIn2O3 Ceramics”, CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL 38, 1167(2012). (IF 1.686)