夏先生為生機系友,在畢業之後不僅經歷在台灣企業以及國際頂級公司任職, 也有過數次創業的經驗,可以說是將生機系畢業之後幾個主流的未來就業走向 都嘗試了遍。因此,此次的演講對於我們這些兩年後就要步入職場的碩士生們 是非常的有參考價值。通常科技產業會是生機研究所畢業的就業大宗,而夏先 生分別待過台灣的科技公司 HTC 以及美國的科技公司 Google,並針對兩者進行 了對比,讓我們對未來職涯的規劃有更清楚的參考資訊。而在整個演講中我認 為夏先生提到最重要的部分是要及早的進行投資。不僅是為了讓未來的自己經 濟狀況更好而進行的金融投資:專注於提升整體自身個面向狀態以及能力的投 資也是十分地重要,希望我們可以有規劃的在不同方面讓自己成為更加優秀且 自在的人。這是整場演講聽下來對我來說覺得最重要的事情。
撰寫者:碩士班學生 林威均
Mr. Xia, an alumnus of our department, has not only worked in Taiwanese companies and top international corporations after graduation, but he has also ventured into entrepreneurship multiple times. In fact, he's explored nearly every mainstream career path that a graduate from our department might pursue. This makes his talk extremely valuable for us master’s students, who will be entering the job market in just two years.
Typically, the tech industry is a major employment avenue for graduates from our program. Mr. Xia has worked at both HTC and Google, offering a comparative perspective that gives us clearer insight for our own career planning.
One of the key takeaways from the talk, in my view, was the importance of starting to invest early. This isn’t just about financial investments to improve our future economic standing, but also about investing in ourselves. By focusing on improving various aspects of our personal and professional skills, we can become more capable and confident individuals. This is what I found to be the most important message of the entire talk.
Author: Master student: Wei-Jun Lin