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NTU Department of Biomechatronics Engineering


  • 發布單位:Department of Biomechatronics Engineering

The Department of Biomechatronics Engineering in College of Bioresources and Agriculture at National Taiwan University invites applications for 2 tenure-track faculty positions (one for "Artificial Intelligence" and one for "Mechatronics and Control" field) at the level of assistant professor or higher (please specify the field and position you apply for). The position is expected to begin on February 1, 2025.


  1. Hold Ph.D. degree in engineering or engineering-related field.
  • Being capable to teach "Artificial Intelligence", "Machine Learning", or related courses for "Artificial Intelligence" field.
  • Being capable to teach "Automatic Control" or related courses for "Mechatronics and Control " field. 
  1. Show passion on teaching, be willing to cooperate and interact across disciplinaries.
  2. Demonstrate the strong potential to develop innovative research capacity.
  3. Ability to teach in English and equipped with the competence to stand out in international academic research are preferred.


For application, applicant must submit the following documents by Email or registered mail.


  • CV and supporting documents, including a copy of diploma of PhD degree, specialty fields (please provide a statement in less than 250 words), academic achievement, honors, and any other information which might be helpful to assess the applicant’s qualification.

*Academic transcripts including undergraduate and graduate studies are required when apply for the position of assistant professor. If the degree-granting institution does not require coursework, an official explanation letter from the advisor or the department is required.

  • List of scientific papers published after February 1, 2018 (Please indicate whether the paper was published in an SCI Journal). Applicant should specify one SCI paper (research article) published after February 1, 2020 as a representative journal (applicant must be the first author or corresponding author) article for external review. “Verification of Co-author’s Contribution to the Applicant’s Representative Publication” is required if the representative journal article is co-authored.


Doctoral dissertation finished after February 1, 2022 can be considered as a representative research work if applying for assistant professorship.

  • Research proposal and teaching plan.
  • List of referees ( names, affiliations, telephone numbers, and email addresses of two referees) and two recommendation letters (should be directly sent by the referees to the contact staff of Faculty Searching Committee before May 31, 2024).


Deadline for application: All required documents must be received by May 20, 2024.


Mailing Address:                                                                                                 

Dr. Kuo-Chi Liao, Chair of Department, Professor (Email:

Department of Biomechatronics Engineering,

College of Bioresources and Agriculture,

National Taiwan University

No. 1, Section 4, Roosevelt Road, Taipei 10617

Taiwan, R.O.C.

Contact staff: Dr. Yu-Chun Wang



Tel: +886-2-3366-5369

Fax: +886-2-2362-7620