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NTU Department of Biomechatronics Engineering

Academic Events

【Seminar Speech】- Examples of IOT-devices application to home and neighborhood safety / Mr. Wei-Ran Zhuang, Manager in Firmware Department, Amazon in Taiwan
  • 發布單位:Department of Biomechatronics Engineering

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本系很高興邀請到台灣亞馬遜韌體部莊偉然經理來介紹IoT裝置如何協助居家安全。Amazon Ring以改善社區與家庭安全為出發點,此智能監控產品改善固定式監視器或攝影機的視線範圍限制與死角問題;另外,Ring也透過無人飛行裝置,讓使用者可以透過手機遙控的方式即時監控家中情形。相較地狹人稠的台灣,美國的居住型態(獨棟且各住宅間隔較遠)對於居家安全更為重視,因此相關智能監控產品包括門鈴、警鈴、鳥瞰監控系統等IoT裝置越來越具市場潛力。最後,莊經理也提到這類產品對於個人隱私與資安問題仍有進步空間,但同時也是同學們可以著墨的議題之一。



It is our pleasure to invite Manager Zhuang in Firmware Department, Amazon in Taiwan, to introduce usage of IOT devices on home safety. To improve home and neighborhood safety, Amazon Ring uses the intelligent monitoring-products to improve the restriction on line-of-sight coverage of fixed monitors and cameras. Besides, Ring uses unmanned aerial devices to enable users to monitor their homes by smartphones. Compared to Taiwan, America pays attention to home safety more because of living style in America with longer residential distance. Thus, intelligent monitoring-products including IOT devices like doorbells, alarms and aerial-monitoring systems have market potentials more and more. Finally, Manager Zhuang also mentions that there is still room for improvement on the intelligent products due to problems of personal privacy and information security, but it is also one of issues which can be focused on.


Authors: Master student: Yi-Xin Zhou, PhD student: Yi-Min Wu