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NTU Department of Biomechatronics Engineering

Academic Events

【Bio-industrial Engineering Practice - Speech】- Introduction to patent (Jay Hsu, Patent Attorney)
  • 發布單位:Department of Biomechatronics Engineering

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本次生工實習專題演講我們邀請到生機系的系友許超傑專利工程師,介紹了專利工程師的工作內容以及其所必須具備的工作能力。以生機系畢業的同學為例,因為具備有工程學科背景,所以在撰寫專利稿件時,可以更好更迅速地理解業主的技術及與業主溝通。此外他也分享了相關行內知識如設計及發明專利在學界與業界觀點中各自具備的優勢、in firm與in house的專利工程師的工作特性與業務內容差異、專利工程師在撰寫台灣、日本、美國的專利案件報酬也有所不同等,相當有趣;而學長也介紹了在學術界會面臨到與專利相關的議題,如公開發表的12個月內會有申請的優惠期、面臨侵權問題時該如何應對、保障自身權益等。最後學長強調可以多方嘗試後再看看自己是否適合這個特殊的工作類型,如果對這樣的工作型態有興趣,也可以先進入專利事務所磨練幾年再進入公司,會有相當大的幫助。





We are delighted to invite our alumni, Jay Hsu, to talk about his working experience as a patent engineer. He said that people who graduate from BME possess the strength of the background knowledge of engineering, which is favorable to understand the needs and key technology of clients. Aside from that, he also shared some interesting facts related to patents. For instance, working as a patent engineer working in firm and in house leads a different lifestyle. In addition, due to the territoriality of patents, the pay of writing a patent may vary, depending on whether it's a US, Taiwan, or Japan patent. As for the patent issues related to academic research, he also provided some useful tips, such as the preference period (12 months after publication), and how to protect ourselves when facing infringement. Last, he encouraged us that we should try to understand and explore jobs in different industries when choosing careers. If we want to choose the job as a patent engineer, the working experience in firm for several years will be helpful.


Author: Bachelor student, Chih-Yun Tsai.