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NTU Department of Biomechatronics Engineering

Academic Events

【Bio-industrial Engineering Practice - Speech】- Lesson learned from battery failures and forensic analysis (Alwin Wu, Manager in UL Taiwan)
  • 發布單位:Department of Biomechatronics Engineering

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本次生工實習專題演講因應校方政策改為線上授課,我們很開心能邀請到優力國際安全認證公司的吳明龍經理與我們分享電池的關鍵安全特性與失效分析的案例分析策略。因為鋰電池在日常使用較為普及,且爆炸、起火的威力驚人,因此是電池失效分析主要對象。UL台灣就是在幫助廠商解決電池失效相關的問題,並處理客戶端的事件,幫助廠商找出電池失效的關鍵與解決方案。 吳經理也分享了鋰電池的失效案例,自2006年開始,鋰電池的使用漸漸變大,電池失效的問題也慢慢進入大眾的視野。尤其是現今電動車越來越普及的情況下,電動車的一大重點-電池,也需要大家的重視。電池的設計、品質與使用是分析電池的三大重點。設計的內容包含了其結構、材質等等,這些設計需要考量到安全的部分。使用時,每個使用者的需求不同,使用電池的技術就截然不同,舉例來說:用在手機與電動車的電池所需要的特性就不一樣。吳經理最後也簡單介紹如何幫助客戶分析電池失效的原因,需要比對壞掉的樣品與正常樣品,並把兩著樣品的差異點串接出來,並利用實驗來驗這假設是否正確,如果電池失效是可以再現的,表示假設的失效原因是正確的,並將這個結果轉達給委託的客戶。


撰寫者:大學部學生 魏渤翰



We are pleased to invite manager, Alwin Wu, from UL Taiwan to share the key safety characteristics of battery and failure analysis case study. Since lithium batteries are widely used in our daily life. However, when they are on fire or explode, they can be extremely dangerous. Thus, they are frequently studied in case of battery failure. UL Taiwan is dedicated to help their customers to deal with the problems of battery failure, and find out the key reason to make a solution to prevent battery failure. Manager Wu also shared the battery failure case. Since 2006, the usage of lithium batteries has become more prevalent than before, which also brings battery failure into sight. Nowadays, the development of electric vehicles is highly associated with the safety issue of batteries. The three critical factors of a battery are its design, quality, and using. The design of the battery, including structure and materials, needs to take safety into consideration. As for using, the demands of different products vary. (for instance, cellphone and electric vehicles) Thereby their usage habits are also quite different. Manager Wu also provided his own experience of analysis on battery failure. A normal sample is required to compare with the failure one. They need to make assumptions of the possible causes and verify their idea by experiment. If the battery failure can be reproduced by the specific given condition implies that the assumption is correct. Therefore they can provide the possible solution to their customers.


Author: Bachelor student, Po-Han Wei.