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NTU Department of Biomechatronics Engineering

Academic Events

【Bio-industrial Engineering Practice - Speech】Find a place which needs you and do things you like (Chief Executive Officer in C Fruit Co, Mr. Chong-Min Huang)
  • 發布單位:Department of Biomechatronics Engineering

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此次演講描述了講者創業的經歷以及心路歷程。講者自從求學時期開始,就不斷的在廣泛的領域中嘗試,並且也不斷地跳脫框架,出社會後也當過員工和老闆的角色,並一直思考如何選擇,找到最適合自己的地方和自己做了會開心的事情。 講者敘說了創立鮮果多的使命和願景:因為看到台灣果農有水果滯銷的問題,就研發出了把水果真空包裝的技術給果汁業者,並用了許多方法減少成本,像是在產地附近進行處理,減少運輸成本。此外,講者在過程中也遇到了許多困難,但也又立定了更偉大的夢想,創造更大的市場價值。 講者在此次演講中也一直強調要找到做自己開心的事情,並且鼓勵我們跳脫框架,以及去思考自己為什麼要做這件事情,進而去想做這件事情的價值。


撰寫者:大學部學生 蔡予恩



The speaker described his entrepreneurial experience and mind experience. Since the school days, the speaker has constantly been experimenting in a wide range of fields and breaking free from the norm. After entering the workforce, he has served in roles as both an employee and a boss, always pondering over how to make the right choices and find the best fit for himself in terms of doing things that make him happy. The speaker then went on to describe the mission and vision behind the founding of C Fruit Co. Seeing the problem of fruit farmers in Taiwan facing unsold produce, they developed a technology for vacuum-sealing fruit for juice makers, and used many methods to reduce costs, such as processing the fruits near the production site to reduce transportation costs. Additionally, the speaker encountered many difficulties along the way, but they also set their sights on an even greater dream of creating greater market value. Throughout the speech, the speaker emphasized the importance of doing what makes oneself happy, and encouraged the audience to break free from the norm and think about why they want to do something, and further contemplate the value of doing it.


Author: Bachelor student, Jonas Tsai.