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NTU Department of Biomechatronics Engineering

Academic Events

【Bio-industrial Engineering Practice - Speech】- The trend of agricultural machinery in Taiwan ( Mr. Yu-Xiang Liu in Shin Taiwan Kubota Company & Mr. Bo-Mao Xie in Hung-Zhou Agricultural Machinery Co.)
  • 發布單位:Department of Biomechatronics Engineering

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台灣新久保田公司的業務向我們介紹了台灣農業現況及其挑戰。其中,水稻是台灣主要的農產品之一,尤其在雲嘉南花蓮地區。然而台灣的糧食自給率逐漸下降。這是因為國內飲食習慣改變以及國際貿易的影響。因此現代農業的發展變得越來越重要。 新久保田公司的業務介紹了一些現代農業的技術和設備,例如曳引機、整地機械、種植機械、現代插秧機、植保機械(包括無人機和乘坐式噴藥車)、選別機械等。此外,農機使用證和近零排放也成為了現代農業的新趨勢。 講座中也提到了一些國外的農業技術和發展。例如,美國和荷蘭是農業技術最先進的國家之一。以荷蘭為例,他們使用填海造陸技術、溫室栽培技術、及科技農業等技術來提高農作物的產量和品質。以色列也是一個在精準農業和海水淡化廠方面表現出色的國家。此外,歐洲也開始使用自動化農機具和無人化技術來提高農業效率。 總的來說,現代農業技術和設備的發展是現代農業中不可或缺的一部分。這些技術和設備不僅能夠提高農作物的產量和品質,同時也能夠減少農業勞動力和能源的使用,從而為環境保護做出貢獻。


撰寫者:大學部學生 陳冠宇



In this lecture, Shin Taiwan Kubota Company introduced Taiwan's current agricultural situation and its challenges. Rice is one of Taiwan's main agricultural products, especially in the Yunlin-Chiayi-Tainan and Hualien regions. However, Taiwan's self-sufficiency rate in food production is gradually decreasing due to changes in domestic dietary habits and the impact of international trade. Therefore, the development of modern agriculture has become increasingly important. Shin Taiwan Kubota Company introduced some modern agricultural technologies and equipment, such as traction machines, tillage machinery, planting machinery, modern transplanting machines, plant protection machinery (including drones and ride-on sprayers), sorting machinery, etc. In addition, the use of agricultural machinery certification and near-zero emissions has become a new trend in modern agriculture. The lecture also mentioned some foreign agricultural technologies and developments. For example, the United States and the Netherlands are among the countries with the most advanced agricultural technologies. In the case of the Netherlands, they use technologies such as land reclamation, greenhouse cultivation, and agricultural technology to improve crop yields and quality. Israel is also a country that performs well in precision agriculture and desalination plants. In addition, Europe has begun to use automated agricultural machinery and unmanned technology to improve agricultural efficiency. Overall, the development of modern agricultural technology and equipment is an indispensable part of modern agriculture. These technologies and equipment can not only increase crop yields and quality but also reduce the use of agricultural labor and energy, thus contributing to environmental protection.


Author: Bachelor student, Kuan-Yu Chen.