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NTU Department of Biomechatronics Engineering

Academic Events

【Bio-industrial Engineering Practice - Speech】- Introduction to TSMC and its campus programs ( Dr. Zong-Ming Yang)
  • 發布單位:Department of Biomechatronics Engineering

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講者一開始對台積電公司做詳細介紹,台積電是全球最大的邏輯積體電路製造公司,製程研發技術領先全球,同時為500多個客戶生產出超過12000種產品;在晶圓代工的部分占了60%左右的比例,產能也領先同業3倍。再來介紹台積電的組成,內部職業分為三個領域,包括研究發展、營運、策略暨支援,也針對這三個領域解釋各科系的隸屬職責,讓我們清楚了解自己可以走哪塊。最後和我們介紹台積電的校園專案, 例如半導體學程和dna積因暑期實習,如果未來希望往該領域發展,可以針對需要的部分做進修,楊博士的介紹讓我對半導體產業和台積電都有更進一步的了解,收益良多。


撰寫者:大學部學生 陳冠霖



The speaker began by providing a detailed introduction to Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC), the largest integrated circuit manufacturing company in the world. TSMC is at the forefront of process research and development technology, and produces over 12,000 products for more than 500 customers. In terms of wafer foundry, TSMC accounts for around 60% of the market share and its production capacity is three times that of its competitors. The speaker also introduced the company's structure, which is divided into three areas of expertise: research and development, operations, and strategy and support. The responsibilities of each department within these areas were explained, providing clarity for listeners on which area they may be interested in pursuing. Finally, the speaker introduced TSMC's campus programs, such as the semiconductor program and Summer Internship, which offer opportunities for individuals to further their education in areas relevant to TSMC's industry. Overall, the speaker's introduction provided valuable insights into TSMC and the semiconductor industry, leaving the audience with a greater understanding of the company and its products.


Author: Bachelor student, Guan-Lin Chen.