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NTU Department of Biomechatronics Engineering

Academic Events

【Seminar speech】- The industrial development of hemodialysis in Taiwan ( Mr. Shu-Chun Lin, Director in BenQ Dialysis)
  • 發布單位:Department of Biomechatronics Engineering

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血液透析之可分為血液透析及腹膜透析,而透析設備大致包含洗腎機、透 析器、透析粉、透析液、迴路管、穿刺針等等。其中透析器內具有中空纖維膜,可透過濃度差之擴散、壓力差造成之超濾,以及水流動帶動之對流將欲過濾之尿毒素帶出。產業鏈可分成研發耗材、設備、藥物的上游;物流、設備投放銷售的中游;以及提供透析服務的下游。 電子業進入透析市場的優勢在於,可利用如 AOI 技術,增進產品製程。例如在貼標機上裝設感測器,自動汰除產線上的不良品。


撰寫者:碩士班學生 陳軾羽

Blood dialysis can be divided into hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis, with dialysis equipment including kidney dialysis machines, dialyzers, dialysis powder, dialysis fluid, tubing, and needles, among others. The dialyzer contains hollow fiber membranes that facilitate the removal of toxins through diffusion based on concentration differences, ultrafiltration caused by pressure differences, and convection driven by water flow. The industry supply chain can be categorized into the upstream sector of research and development for consumables, equipment, and medications; the midstream sector of logistics and equipment sales and distribution; and the downstream sector that provides dialysis services. The electronics industry has an advantage in entering the dialysis market by utilizing technologies like AOI (Automated Optical Inspection) to enhance product processes. For example, sensors can be installed on labeling machines to automatically remove defective products from the production line.


Author: Master student: Shi-Yu Chen