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Center for Buddhist Studies英文網站


    • 內頁
第 37 期 [2019.06出版]



037-1 早期佛教經典的模板現象——以含佛陀證悟宣言定型文句經群為例=Textual Templates in Early Buddhist Texts: A Study of Suttas Associated with the Buddha’s Enlightenment Announcement

釋見勛=Shi, Jianxun

037-2 《瑜伽師地論.攝事分》之《雜阿含經》摩呾理迦(本母)引用〈聲聞地〉內容考察=Cross-references to the Śrāvakabhūmi in the Saṃyukta-āgama mātṛkā transmitted in the Vastusaṃgrahaṇī of the Yogācārabhūmi

釋惠敏=Huimin Bhikshu

037-3 慧可所傳達摩的安心禪法=Bodhidharma’s Chan Method for Pacifying the Mind as Transmitted by Huike

陳平坤=Chen, Ping-Kun

037-4 佛教的沐浴修行——以佛陀僧團、漢傳禪宗為主=The Bathing Practice in Buddhism: Focusing on Buddhist Sangha and Chinese Zen

蘇美文=Su, Mei-Wen