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Center for Buddhist Studies英文網站


    • 內頁
第 36 期 [2018.12出版]



036-1 從使用因明談清辨是否繼承龍樹的精神=Does Bhāviveka Inherit Nāgārjuna? -From the Perspective of the Use of Hetuvidyā

林恕安=Lin, Su-An

036-2 窺基《說無垢稱經疏》中三性注釋特色——以〈序品〉注疏及玄奘「有趣、無趣」譯文為探討=A Study of Kuiji’s Commentary on the Vimalakīrti-nirdeśa—The Distinctive Feature of His Exegesis of Three Natures in the first chapter and Compared to Xuanzang’ translation of Āgati

林育民=Lin, Yu-min

036-3 佛壇後壁背面觀音造像研究——從「施食」的觀點切入=Explaining the Beizuo Guanyin Behind the Back Wall of Buddhist Alter—A Food Bestowing Ritual Perspective

陳明華=Chen, Ming-Hua