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Center for Buddhist Studies英文網站


    • 內頁
第 22 期 [2011.12出版]



022-1 日僧俊芿與南宋文人士大夫的交往=The Dissemination of Chinese Buddhism into Japan: The Case of the Japanese monk, Junreng


022-2 對呂澂《大乘起信論》考證的再審視=A Re-examination of Lu Cheng's Reasoning That The Awakening of Faith Is a Chinese Fabrication

于德隆=Yu, Delong

022-3 即心是佛、無心是道:唐代黃檗希運禪師之心體觀=Huangbo Xiyun's View of the Mind

鄧克銘=Deng, Keh-ming

022-4 敦煌藏文獻編目整理、出版方面的成果回顧及未來研究趨勢之展望=A Critical Review of Catalogues of Tibetan Materials in the Dunhuang Manuscripts, with a Special Introduction to Recent Publications in Institutes in Gansu Province research

才讓=Tshe Ring