Name |
Xiao-Gang He |
Title |
Distinguished Professor |
Education |
Ph.D., University of Hawaii (1987) |
Office |
Tel |
E-mail |
hexg@phys.ntu.edu.tw |
Web |
Research |
- Electroweak and Strong Interactions.
- Grand Unified Theories
- Supersymmetric Phenomenology
- Particle Astrophysics
- Topological Phases in Quantum Mechanics
- My main interests of research are in particle phenomenology, particle astrophysics and quantum mechanics. The topics which I have worked on include: CP violation, B physics, Higgs physics, Neutrino physics, Collider physics, Extra dimensions, Baryon asymmetry of the universe, Particle physics model buildings, Cosmology and Topological phases in quantum mechanics.
Selected Publications |
- S. L. Chen and X. G. He, “Interactions of Unparticles with Standard Model Particles”, Phys. Rev. D76: 091702 (Rapid Communication) (2007). [TOPCITE = 50+]
- X. G. He, J. Tandean and G. Valencia, “Does the HyperCP Evidence for the Decay Sigma --> p mu+ mu- Indicate a Light Pseudoscalar Higgs Boson?”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 98: 081802 (2007).
- X. G. He, Y. Y. Keum and R. R. Volkas, “A(4) flavor symmetry breaking scheme for understanding quark and neutrino mixing angles”, JHEP 0604: 039(2006).[TOPCITE=50+]
- X. G. He, X. Q. Li, X. Liu and X. Q. Zeng, “New members in the 0+ (0++) family”, Phys. Rev. D73: 051502 (Rapid Communication) 2006).
- K.S. Babu, Xiao-Gang He, Model of geometric neutrino mixing, e-Print: hep-ph/0507217.[TOPCITE=50+]
- H. K. Fu, X. G. He, Y. K. Hsiao, “B ---> eta(eta-prime) K(pi) in the standard model with flavor symmetry”, Phys. Rev. D69: 074002 (2004).
- X. G. He and A. Zee, “Some simple mixing and mass matrices for neutrinos”, Phys. Lett. B 560:87-90 (2003).[TOPCITE=100+]
- X. G. He, H. Y. Jin, J. P. Ma, “Radiative decay of upsilon into a scalar glueball”, Phys. Rev. D66: 074015 (2002).
- X. G. He, Y. K. Hsiao, J. Q. Shi, Y. L. Wu and Y.F. Zhou, “The CP violating phase gamma from global fit of rare charmless hadronic B decays”, Phys. Rev. D64: 034002 (2001).
- N. G. Deshpande, X. G. He, W. S. Hou and S. Pakvasa, ”Electroweak penguins, final state interaction phases and CP violation in B to K pi decays”, e-print hep-ph/9809329, Phys. Rev. Lett. 82, 2240 (1999).[TOPCITE=50+]
- N.G. Deshpande and X. G. He, “Isospin structure of penguins and their consequences in B physics”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 74, 26-29(1995); Erratum-ibid 74, 4099(1995). [TOPCITE=100+]
- N. Deshpande and X. G. He, “Hadronic Penguin B Decays In the Standard And the Two Higgs Doublet Models”, Phys. Lett. B336, 471-476 (1994). [TOPCITE=100+]
- X. G. He and B. McKellar, “Topological phase due to electric dipole moment and magnetic monopole interaction”, Phys. Rev. A47, 3424-3425 (1993).
- X. G. He, B. McKellar and S. Pakvasa, “The neutron electric dipole moment”, Int. Jou. Mod. Phys. A4, 5011-5046 (1989). Erratum-ibid, A6, 1063 (1991). [TOPCITE=50+]
- J. Donoghue, X. G. He and S. Pakvasa, “Hyperon Decays and CP nonconservation”, Phys. Rev. D34, 833-842 (1986). [TOPCITE=50+]