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Department of Physics,National Taiwan University

Faculty(by Directory)

Hsi-Sheng Goan

Name   管希聖
 Hsi-Sheng Goan
Title   Professor
Education   Ph.D., University of Maryland (1999)
Office   609
Tel   02-3366-5163


  • 2023.08 – Present, Director, Center for Quantum Science and Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
  • 2022.08 – Present, Director, IBM Quantum Hub at National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
  • 2019.08 – 2023.07, Deputy Director, Center for Quantum Science and Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
  • 2011.08 - present, Professor, Department of Physics , National Taiwan University, Taipei. 
  • 2007.08 - 2011.07, Associate Professor, Department of Physics , National Taiwan University, Taipei. 
  • 2005.01 - 2007.07, Assistant Professor, Department of Physics , National Taiwan University, Taipei. 
  • 2002.01 - 2004.12, Hewlett-Packard Fellow, Centre for Quantum Computer Technology, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia. 
  • 2001.09 - 2002.01, Senior Research Associate, Centre for Quantum Computer Technology, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia 
  • 1999.11 - 2001.08, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Centre for Quantum Computer Technology and Department of Physics , University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia.
  1. Quantum Information Science and Quantum Computing (theory) 
  2. Theoretical Mesoscopic and Nano Physics 
  3. Quantum Measurement Theory 
  4. Single Charge and Single Spin Detection (theory) 
  5. Quantum (Nano) ElectroMechanical Systems (theory) 
  6. Quantum Optics (theory) 
  7. Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics
Selected Publications
  1.  Md. M. Ali, P.-W. Chen and H.-S. Goan*, “Decoherence-free subspace and disentanglement dynamics for two qubits in a common non-Markovian squeezed reservoir”, Phys. Rev. A 82, 022103 (2010).
  2. H.-S. Goan*, C.-C. Jian and P.-W. Chen, “Non-Markovian finite-temperature two-time correlation functions of system operators of a pure-dephasing model”, Phys. Rev. A 82, 012111 (2010).
  3. C.-A. Yen, S.-J. Horng, H.-S. Goan*, T.-W. Kao, Comment on “A special attack on the multiparty quantum secret sharing of secure direct communication using single photons”, Opt. Commun. 283, 3202 (2010).
  4. X. Z. Yuan, H.-S. Goan* and K. D. Zhu, “Geometric phase of a central spin coupled to an antiferromagnetic environment”, Phys. Rev. A 81, 034102 (2010).
  5. D.-B. Tsai, P.-W. Chen, and H.-S. Goan*, “Optimal control of the silicon-based donor-electron-spin quantum computing”, Phys. Rev. A 79, 060306 (Rapid Communications) (2009).
  6. Md. M. Ali and H.-S. Goan*, “Matter-wave interference in the time-of-flight distribution”, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 42, 385303 (2009).
  7. C.-A. Yen, S.-J. Horng, H.-S. Goan*, T.-W. Kao, Y.-H. Chou, “Quantum direct communication with mutual authentication”, Quantum Inf. Comput. 9, 0376-0394 (2009).
  8. X. Z. Yuan, H.-S. Goan*, C. H. Lin, K. D. Zhu and Y.W. Jiang, “Nanomechanical-resonator-assistedinduced transparency in a Cooper-pair-box system”, New J. Phys. 10, 095016 (2008).
  9. T.-Y. Huang, C.-T. Liang*, G.-H. Kim, C. F. Huang, C.-P. Huang, J.-Y. Lin, H.-S. Goan, and D.A. Ritchie, “From insulator to quantum Hall liquid at low magnetic fields”, Phys. Rev. B 78, 113305 (2008).
  10. X. Z. Yuan*, K. D. Zhu and H.-S. Goan, “The dynamics of a central spin in quantum Heisenberg XY model”, Eur. Phys. J. D 46, 375 (2008)
  11. K.-L. Liu and H.-S. Goan*, “Non-Markovian entanglement dynamics of quantum continuous variable systems in thermal environments”, Phys. Rev. A 76, 022312 (2007).
  12. C. Wu, Z. Wang, X.-L. Feng, H.-S. Goan, L.C. Kwek, C.H. Lai and C.H. Oh*, “Unconventional geometric quantum computation in a two-mode cavity”, Phys. Rev. A 76, 024302 (2007).
  13. X. Z. Yuan, H.-S. Goan* and K. D. Zhu, “Influence of an external magnetic field on the decoherence of a central spin coupled to an antiferromagnetic environment”, New J. Phys. 9, 219 (2007).
  14. X.Z. Yuan, H.-S. Goan* and K.D. Zhu “Non-Markovian reduced dynamics and entanglement evolution of two coupled spins in a quantum spin environment”, Phys. Rev. B 75, 045331, (2007).