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Department of Physics,National Taiwan University

Faculty(by Directory)

Stathes Paganis

Name   裴思達
 Stathes Paganis
Title   Professor
Education   Ph.D. in Particle Physics, The University of Texas at Austin USA, 1999 
Office   宇宙館R7N1
Tel   02-3366-5964


  • Since 2014-9 Professor in Particle Physics, NTU.
  • 2014 Professor in Particle Physics, The University of Sheffield, UK
  • 2011-2014 Reader in Particle Physics, The University of Sheffield, UK
  • 2005-2010 Lecturer and Senior Lecturer, The University of Sheffield, UK
  • 2003-2005 Research Scientist, University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA
  • 1999-2003 Research Associate, Columbia University NY, USA
Leader of a new "Particle Physics and Particle Astrophysics" group (PPPA), with main responsibilities:
  • CERN, Large Hadron Collider, CMS experiment HGCAL project Institution Board Chair (63 Universities)
  • Taiwan Instrumentation and Detector Consortium (TIDC)
    After arriving in Taiwan he setup a Consortium of 5 prestigious institutes (NTU, AS, NCU, NTHU, NCKU) to collaborate and produce novel detectors for Particle Physics and industrial applications.International Collaborators include CERN, MIT and IHEP China.
  • Present focus is in the understanding of the origin of mass and the search for the underlying mechanism of the Electroweak Symmetry Breaking performing Higgs boson measurements in the CMS experiment.
  • Searches for Dark Matter, in particular very light weakly interacting particles, in collaboration with the LeCosPA institute.
  • Black Hole Evaporation experiment (AnaBHEL) in collaboration with Gerard Mourou (Physics Nobel 2018) and Pisin Chen (LeCosPA)
Selected Publications
Prof. Paganis has ~1150 publications.
All papers can be found here: