在本週五,12月 30 日的【午間科學與科技講壇】,感謝何佳安特聘教授的安排,邀請到任教於印度知名的,印度理工學院 (Indian Institute of Technology) : Raviraj Vankayala 教授,針對新興的「診斷治療合體」奈米技術,發表其最新研究成果。
Theranostic Nanomedicines: Translating from Bench to Bedside and Beyond
【演講時間】2022年12月30日 (週五)中午 12:15-13:20
【地點】農化新館 B10 教室
Raviraj Vankayala 博士於臺灣國立清華大學化學系取得博士學位。之後,在清大化學系和加州大學 Riverside 校區從事博士後研究。 之後,在 Radoptics LLC 任職 Chief Technology Officer。
後來,受邀回到知名的印度理工學院 (IIT) 任教,並因其在 Nanobiotechnology 出色的研究成果,獲得 IIT 的傑出研究獎 ( Outstanding Researcher Award )。
Theranostic nanomedicines offer both diagnostic and therapeutic modalities in tackling various diseases at high spatial resolution. In the first segment of the talk, the efforts to develop various nanostructures derived from inorganic materials for simultaneous multi-modal imaging, phototherapy, boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT) and other combinatorial therapies of cancers will be discussed. Although these nanomedicines show excellent imaging and therapeutic capabilities, their toxicity, immunogenicity, and biodegradability are the most critical concerns for clinical translation. To circumvent these limitations, the second segment of the talk will be focused on the engineering of hybrid nanostructures derived from biological materials, such as, erythrocytes. The optical properties, effects of size on the in vivo biodistribution, theranostic capabilities, and their potential for clinical translation will be discussed.
國立臺灣大學生化科技系【午間科學與科技講壇】 敬邀