姓名 |
Daniel Baumann |
職稱 |
教授 |
學歷 |
2008 年 普林斯頓大學博士 |
辦公室 |
808 |
聯絡電話 |
02-3366-5189 |
電子郵件 |
dbaumann@ntu.edu.tw |
個人網頁 |
主要經歷 |
- 2015 -2023 Professor, Department of Physics, National Taiwan University
- 2011 -2015 AssociateProfessor(Reader),Cambridge University
- 2009 -2011 Long-termMember, Institute for Advanced Study
- 2008 -2009 Postdoctoral Researcher ,Harvard University
榮譽 |
- 2020-2022 YushanProfessorship,NationalTaiwanUniversity
- 2020 Chin-YuVisitingProfessor,NationalTaiwanUniversity
- 2021 Chin-YuLecturer,NationalTaiwanUniversity
- 2013 BetheLecturer,UniversityofBonn
- 2008 DistinguishedVisitor,UniversityofTexas
- 2008-2011 PappalardoFellowship,MIT
- 2008-2011 MillerFellowship,Berkeley
- 2008-2013 StephenHawkingFellowship,Cambridge
- 2003-2008 CentennialFellowship,Princeton
- 2003 JosephHenryPrize,Princeton
- 2002-2003 UK-GermanyMilleniumScholarship,Cambridge
- 2005 PrincetonUniversityTeachingAward
研究領域 |
Cosmology, High Energy Theory
代表著作 |
- D. Baumann, G. Bertone, J. Stout and G. M. Tomaselli,Sharp Signals of Boson Clouds in Black Hole Binary Inspirals,Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, no.22, 221102 (2022) [Editor's Suggestion].
- D. Baumann and D. Green,The Power of Locality: Primordial Non-Gaussianity at the Map Level,JCAP 08, no.08, 061 (2022).
- D. Baumann, G. Bertone, J. Stout and G. M. Tomaselli,Ionization of Gravitational Atoms,Phys. Rev. D 105, no.11, 115036 (2022).
- D. Baumann, W. M. Chen, C. Duaso Pueyo, A. Joyce, H. Lee and G. Pimentel,Linking the Singularities of Cosmological Correlators,JHEP 09, 010 (2022).
- D. Baumann, C. Duaso Pueyo, A. Joyce, H. Lee and G. Pimentel,The Cosmological Bootstrap: Spinning Correlators from Symmetries and Factorization,SciPost Phys. 11, 071 (2021).
- D. Baumann, H. S. Chia, R. Porto and J. Stout,Gravitational Collider Physics,Phys. Rev. D 101, no.8, 083019 (2020).
- D. Baumann, C. Duaso Pueyo, A. Joyce, H. Lee and G. Pimentel,The Cosmological Bootstrap: Weight-Shifting Operators and Scalar Seeds,JHEP 12, 204 (2020).
- N. Arkani-Hamed, D. Baumann, H. Lee and G. Pimentel The Cosmological Bootstrap: In ationary Correlators from Symmetries and Singularities,JHEP 04, 105 (2020).
- D. Baumann, D. Green and T. Hartman Dynamical Constraints on RG Flows and Cosmology,JHEP 1912, 134 (2019).
- D. Baumann, H. S. Chia, J. Stout and L. ter Haar The Spectra of Gravitational Atoms,JCAP 1912, no. 12, 006 (2019).
- D. Baumann, H. S. Chia and R. Porto Probing Ultralight Bosons with Binary Black Holes,Phys. Rev. D 99, no. 4, 044001 (2019) [Editor's Suggestion].
- D. Baumann et al.First Constraint on the Neutrino-Induced Phase Shift in the BAO Spectrum,Nature Phys. 15, 465 (2019).
- D. Baumann, D. Green, and B. Wallisch Searching for Light Relics with Large-Scale Structure,JCAP 1808, no. 08, 029 (2018).
- D. Baumann, G. Goon, H. Lee and G. Pimentel Partially Massless Fields During In ation,JHEP 1804, 140 (2018).
- D. Baumann, D. Green and M. Zaldarriaga Phases of New Physics in the BAO Spectrum,JCAP 1711, no. 11, 007 (2017).