姓名 |
Kwo-Ray Chu |
職稱 |
特聘研究講座教授 |
學歷 |
1972年康乃爾大學應用物理博士 |
辦公室 |
710 |
聯絡電話 |
02-3366-5113 ; 02-2365-7005 |
電子郵件 |
krchu@yahoo.com.tw |
個人網頁 |
主要經歷 |
- 1973-1977: Research Scientist, Science Applications International Corporation, Virginia, U.S.A.
- 1977-1983: Supervisory Research Physicist, U.S. Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, D.C.
- 1983-2010: 清華大學物理系教授/特聘講座
- 2010-present: 臺灣大學物理系特聘研究講座
榮譽 |
- 「國科會五十科學成就」 (2009).
- 臺灣大學「傑出校友」(2007).
- 斐陶斐榮譽學會「傑出成就獎」(2006).
- 行政院「傑出科技榮譽獎」(2004).
- 「總統科學獎」 (2003).
- 中央研究院院士 (2002).
- 教育部「理科學術獎」(2002).
- 教育部「國家講座」(1997).
- 國科會「傑出研究獎」(1986-1995).
- 中華民國物理學會「會士」(1994年).
- Plasma Science and Application Award, IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society (2001).
- K J Button Medal and Prize, British Institute of Physics (2001).
- Fellow, IEEE (1997).
- Fellow, American Physical Society (1983).
教學與研究領域 |
研究重點:電子迴旋脈射(Electron Cyclotron Maser (ECM)。ECM係靜磁場中迴旋的電子,基於相對論效應所產生的受激輻射(stimulated emission)現象。ECM輻射將電磁波的頻段及功率推進到前所未有的新境界,在電磁波頻譜的毫米及次毫米波段,佔有獨特的地位。ECM輻射於核融合加熱、先進雷達、粒子加速、太空探測、材料處理、物性偵測及頻譜學等應用,發揮了高度的實用價值,同時輻射機制本身也具有高度的研究價值,為應用物理學門帶來了許多新的研究題材。
(2)發展非線性迴旋速調放大理論,完成一個功率超越state-of-the-art百倍的30 MW、10 GHz迴旋速調放大器設計,作為下一代加速器的RF source,於馬利蘭大學獲得實驗印證。
代表著作 |
- S. H. Kao, C. C. Chiu, K. F. Pao, and K. R. Chu, “Competition between Harmonic Cyclotron Maser Interactions in the Terahertz Regime,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 135101 (2011).
- C. C. Chiu, C. Y. Tsai, and S. H. Kao, K. R. Chu, L. R. Barnett and N. C. Luhmann, Jr., “Study of a High-Order-Mode Gyrotron Traveling-Wave Amplifier,” Phys. Plasmas 17, 113104 (2010).
- L. R. Barnett, N. C. Luhmann Jr., C. C. Chiu, and K. R. Chu, “Relativistic Performance Analysis of an Advanced High-Current-Density Magnetron Injection Gun, ” Phys. Plasmas 16, 093111 (2009).
- C. C. Chiu, K. F. Pao, Y. C. Yan, and K. R. Chu, “Nonlinearly Driven Oscillations in the Gyrotron Traveling-Wave Amplifier,” Phys. Plasmas 15, 123109 (2008).
- K. F. Pao, C. T. Fan, T. H. Chang, C. C. Chiu, and K. R. Chu, “Selective Suppression of High Order Axial Modes in the Gyrotron Backward-Wave Oscillator,” Phys. Plasmas 14, 053108 (2007).
- T. H. Chang, C. T. Fan, K. F. Pao, S. H. Chen, and K. R. Chu, “Stability and Tunability of the Gyrotron Backward-Wave Oscillator,” Applied Phys. Lett. 90, 191501 (2007).
- K. F. Pao, T. H. Chang, C. T. Fan, S. H. Chen, C. F. Yu, and K. R. Chu, "Dynamics of Mode Competition in the Gyrotron Backward-Wave Oscillator," Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 185101 (2005).
- K. R. Chu, "The Electron Cyclotron Maser," Rev. of Modern Phys. 76, 489 (2004).
- S. H. Chen, T. H. Chang, K. F. Pao, and K. R. Chu, " Study of Axial Modes in Gyrotron Backward-Wave Oscillators," Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 268303 (2002).
- T. H. Chang, S. H. Chen, L. R. Barnett, and K. R. Chu, "Characterization of Stationary and Non-stationary Behavior of Gyrotron Backward Wave Oscillator," Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 064802 (2001).
- S. H. Chen, K. R. Chu, and T. H. Chang, "Saturated Behavior of Gyrotron Backward-Wave Oscillator," Phys. Rev. Lett. 85, 2633 (2000).
- K. R. Chu, H. Y. Chen, C. L. Hung, T. H. Chang, L. R. Barnett, S. H. Chen, and T. T. Yang, "An Ultra High Gain Gyrotron Traveling Wave Amplifier," Phys. Rev. Lett. 81, 4760 (1998).
- K. R. Chu, H. Guo, and V. L. Granatstein, "Theory of the Harmonic Multiplying Gyrotron Traveling Wave Amplifier," Phys. Rev. Lett. 78, 4661 (1997).
- K. R. Chu, L. R. Barnett, H. Y. Chen, S. H. Chen, Ch. Wang, Y. S. Yeh, Y. C. Tsai, T. T. Yang, and T. Y. Dawn, "Stabilization of Absolute Instabilities in the Gyrotron Travelling Wave Amplifier," Phys. Rev. Lett. 74, 1103 (1995).
- C. S. Kou, S. H. Chen, L. R. Barnett, H.Y. Chen, and K. R. Chu, "Experiments Study of an Injection Locked Gyrotron Backwave Wave Oscillator," Phys. Rev. Lett. 70, 924 (1993).
- K. R. Chu and A. T. Lin, "Harmonic Gyroresonance of Electrons in Combined Helical Wiggler and Axial Guide Magnetic Fields," Phys. Rev. Lett. 67, 3235 (1991).
- L. R. Barnett, L. H. Chang, H. Y. Chen, K. R. Chu, W. K. Lau, and C. C. Tu, "Absolute Instability Competition and Suppression in a Millimeter-Wave Gyrotron Traveling-Wave Amplifier," Phys. Rev. Lett. 63, 1062 (1989).
- K. R. Chu and A. T. Lin, "Gain and Bandwidth of the Gyro-TWT and CARM Amplifier," IEEE Trans. Plasma Science PS-16, 90 (1988).
- K. R. Chu, V. L. Granatstein, P. E. Latham, W. Lawson, and C. D. Striffier, "A 30 MW gyroklystron Amplifier Design for High Energy Linear Accelerators," IEEE Trans. Plasma Science PS-13, 424 (1985).
- Y. Carmel, K. R. Chu, M. E. Read, A. K. Ganguly, D. Dialetis, R. Seeley, J. S. Levine and V. L. Granatstein, "Realization of a Stable and Highly Efficient Gyrotron for Controlled Fusion Research,'' Phys. Rev. Lett. 50, 112 (1983).
- Y. Y. Lau and K. R. Chu, "Electron Cyclotron Maser Instability Driven by Loss Cone Distribution,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 50, 243 (1983).
- H. Guo, L. Chen, H. Keren, J. L. Hirshfield, S. Y. Park, and K. R. Chu, "Measurement of Gain for Slow Cyclotron Waves on an Annular Electron Beam," Phys. Rev. Lett. 49, 730 (1982).
- R. M. Gilgenbach et al. (15 authors), "Heating at the Electron Cyclotron Frequency in the SX-B Tokamak," Phys. Rev. Lett. 44, 647 (1980).
- K. R. Chu and J. L. Hirshfield, "Comparative Study of the Azimuthal and Axial Bunching Mechanisms in Electromagnetic Cyclotron Instabilities," Phys. Fluids 21, 461 (1978).
- K. R. Chu, "Theory of Electron Cyclotron Maser Interaction in a Cavity at the Harmonic Frequencies," Phys. Fluids 21, 2354 (1978).
- K. R. Chu and R. W. Clark, "Dynamical Model for Magnetic Signal Interpretation in Relativistic Electron Beam Heated Plasmas," Phys. Rev. Lett. 38, 704 (1977).
- W. M. Manheimer, K. R. Chu, E. Ott and J. P. Boris, "Marginal Stability Calculation of Electron Temperature Profiles in Tokamaks," Phys. Rev. Lett. 37, 286 (1975).
- K. R. Chu, R. W. Clark, M. Lampe, P. C. Liewer and W. M. Manheimer, "Ion Heating by Expansion of Beam-Heated Plasma," Phys. Rev. Lett. 35, 94 (1975).
- C. A. Kapetanakos, W. M. Black, and K. R. Chu, "Plasma Heating by a Rotating Relativistic Electron Beam," Phys. Rev. Lett. 34, 1156 (1975).
- K. R. Chu, N. Rostoker, "Interaction of a Rotational Relativistic Electron Beam with a Magnetized Plasma," Phys. Fluids 17, 813 (1974).
- K. R. Chu, N. Rostoker, "Relativistic Electron Beam Neutralization in a Dense Magnetized Plasma," Phys. Fluids 16, 1472 (1973).