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College of Life Science, NTU_EN


[Recruitment] NTU Department of Life Science Seeking Full-time Faculty
  • 發布單位:College of Life Science


The NTU Department of Life Science is seeking to recruit one faculty member at the level of Assistant Professor or above with expertise in virology and immunology who may begin Feb. 1, 2024. Candidates should be able to participate in the instruction of virology, immunology, microbiology, general biology, and related laboratory courses and must have a doctoral degree and international experience. Preference will be given to those with post-doctoral training. To apply, please provide a the following information:

  1. CV (including 3 references) 
  2. Research Proposal  
  3. Teaching Plan (including syllabus)  
  4. List of publications and their PDF files from within the past 7 years (after Feb. 1, 2017)  
  5. Copies of transcript and academic certificate from any previous doctoral program 

Please send the above information by e-mail to:, and request the 3 references to send their letters of recommendation directly to the above e-mail address. 

The deadline for receipt of all information is Sept. 9, 2023. 
Contact: Sheng-chieh Wu, Assistant Professor 
Address: Department of Life Science, National Taiwan University, No. 1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Rd., Taipei City 10617  
Tel: 02-3366-2496 
Fax: 02-2367-3374