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Department of Chemistry


YearCourseCourse No.RequiredSyllabus
AllService Learning (a) / Service Learning (b)203 001A0 / 203 001B0Y
AllStudent Service Education (II)203 00220Y
AllStudent Service Education (III)203 00330Y
FreshmenCalculus (1)(2)201 49810 / 201 49820Y
    FreshmenCalculus (3)(4)201 49830 / 201 49840Y
      FreshmenGeneral Physics (a)(1)(2)202 101A1 / 202 101A2Y
        FreshmenGeneral Physics Lab. (1)(2)202 10501 / 202 10502Y
          FreshmenGeneral Chemistry (I)(II)203 10110 / 203 10120Y
            FreshmenChemistry Lab. (I)(II)203 11510 / 203 11520Y
              SophomoreAnalytical Chemistry (I)203 21210Y
              SophomoreAnalytical Chemistry (II)203 21220Y
              SophomoreOrganic Chemistry (I)203 22210Y
              SophomoreOrganic Chemistry (II)203 22220Y
              SophomoreChemistry Lab. (Ⅲ)(IV)203 22510 / 203 22520Y
                SophomorePhysical Chemistry (II)--Quantum Chemistry203 33170Y
                JuniorChemistry Lab. (V)203 33510Y
                  JuniorInorganic Chemistry (I)203 34210Y
                  JuniorInorganic Chemistry (II)203 34220Y
                  JuniorPhysical Chemistry (I)-Thermodynamics203 33160Y
                  SeniorSeminar (B.S.)203 40330Y