


【活動報導】美國加州大學災害韌性網絡執行長來訪 The University of California Disaster Resilience Network Visited NTU College of Social Sciences & Taiwan Social Resilience Research Center

2024 年 10 月 1 日,美國加州大學災難韌性網路(University of California Disaster Resilience Netwok, UCDRN)執行長 Nicolás Pascal 𦲷臨國立臺灣大學社會科學院及台灣社會韌性研究中心拜訪。本院洪貞玲副院長、郭銘傑國際長與臺灣社會韌性研究中心陳麒安執行秘書與 Nicolás Pascal 執行長洽談包括本校 NTU Beyond Borders 在內的種種雙方國際學術交流合作事項。

On October 1, 2024, Nicolás Pascal, CEO of the University of California Disaster Resilience Network (UCDRN), visited the College of Social Sciences at National Taiwan University and the Taiwan Resilient Society Research Center. Vice Dean Cheng-Ling HONG, Associate Dean for International Affairs Jason KUO and Executive Secretary of the Resilient Society Research Center Stephen Chen jointly held discussions with CEO Nicolás Pascal regarding various international academic collaboration initiatives, including the initiative of NTU Beyond Borders.