113 年 11 月 5 日 (二),美國范德堡大學政治學系 Brett V. Benson 教授蒞臨臺大社科院訪問。在本院張佑宗院長指導下,本院郭銘傑國際長和洪曉盈組員,很高興與本校國際處叢肇廷助理國際長及國合組陳郁雯副股長共同接待他。此次訪問開啟臺大—范大兩校的國際學術交流合作的新篇章。
On Tuesday, November 5, 2024, Professor Brett V. Benson from the Department of Political Science at Vanderbilt University visited the College of Social Sciences at National Taiwan University (NTU). Under the guidance of Dean Yutzung Chang, Associate Dean for International Affairs, Jason Kuo, and the College Chief Staff over International Affairs, Ms. Sheila Hung, had the pleasure of welcoming him along with Executive Director for International Affairs of National Taiwan University, Mr. Andrew Tsung, Deputy Director for Global Engagement of the Office of International Affairs, Ms. Wendy Chen. Dr. Brett V. Benson’s visit marked the beginning of a new chapter in international academic exchange and collaboration between the two universities.