


【活動報導】香港恆生大學王世茹博士來訪 Dr. Shiru Wang from The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong Visted NTU College of Social Sciences

2024 年10 月11日,台大社科院、胡佛東亞民主研究中心及台灣韌性社會研究中心成功舉辦Three Faces of Populism in Asia 新書討論會。



On October 11, 2024, the College of Social Sciences at National Taiwan University, the Hoover Institution's East Asia Democracy Research Center, and the Taiwan Resilient Society Research Center successfully hosted a book discussion event on Three Faces of Populism in Asia. The event was chaired by Dean Yu-tzung CHANG. Dr. Shiru Wang from Heng Seng University of Hong Kong compared the three different aspects of populism—populism as an ideology, as a movement, and as a practice—across various Asian societies. The event was attended by 50 to 60 faculty members and students from both within and outside the university, and the discussions were lively and engaging!