


【人物專訪】專訪德國漢堡大學商業經濟與社會科學院交換生潘艾蓮(Ela Polat)

108學年第2學期由於COVID-19疫情席捲全球,本院的各類國際交流受到巨大衝擊,所幸在學期初歐洲疫情尚未廣泛蔓延,本院來自歐洲的交換生都順利在邊境封鎖前入境。歐美學生來到台灣交換,順道至亞洲各地增廣見聞是大家一致的目標,但本學期的學生在整個交換期間只能選擇深入探索台灣。我們訪問到來自德國漢堡大學商業經濟與社會科學院的同學潘艾蓮(Ela Polat),請她跟我們分享她一學期在台灣作交換學生的心得。


Q: Hi Ela, please briefly introduce yourself to us, especially the country and the university you are from.

Hi, my name is Ela Polat I am 26 years old and I am from Hamburg, Germany. Currently, I am studying the Master Program Interdisciplinary Public and Nonprofit Management Studies and will start working on my Thesis next semester.

Q: Why did you want to study abroad as an exchange student?

Because I was well aware of the fact that an experience like this will bring you so much personal growth and broaden your horizon at the same time.

Q: We heard many exchange students choose Taiwan mainly because they are interested in Chinese culture and language. How about you?

For me it was more about Taiwan in particular. So, after I saw the NTU on my list of possible exchange destinations, I started researching and was so fascinated by its very special and unique culture and history. Moreover, the combination of traditional and modern culture one can find in Taiwan was a mixture I became very curious about.

Q: About life and study in Taiwan, could you tell us about your expectations and the reality? (Good and bad )

So, I really expected that the workload at NTU will be quite a lot and I was really not disappointed. But at the same time, I really learned so, so much. Additionally, the ICL Program came as a surprise for me and I really loved it. When thinking about my daily life, I knew that eating out was quite common in Taiwan, but as a Vegetarian I sometimes craved more unfried vegetables and since I love cooking, I missed that, too. But all in all, the food in Taiwan is just amazing! The best thing about Taiwan are really the super nice people living here, always ready to help! And I think it’s very important to mention how much amazing places one can travel to in Taiwan, with breathtaking natural sceneries around every corner.

Q: What do you like most about NTU?

The beautiful campus, the super nice teachers, the quality of learning materials!

Q: What challenges have you been facing with study at NTU?

Sometimes it was just to many submissions in one week, but other than that it was a nearly perfect study experience.

Q: What would you tell students who are thinking of coming to NTU to attend the exchange student program?

I would say, Do it! But be prepared for the not that easy workload. You are really getting a great mix between everyday Taiwanese student life and highlight travel and fun moments with your friends.

Q: Overall, in your opinion, is going on exchange worth it? 

It was totally worth it and I would always repeat this experience. Taiwan and its people are just amazing and so welcoming and this country has so much culture and beautiful natural landscapes to offer.

Q: Anything else you would like to share with us?

Thank you so much for this opportunity!