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謝之真 教授 / Chih-Chen Hsieh Professor

生物高分子及奈米流體系統研究室 Biopolymer Dynamics and MIcro/Nano-Fluids Lab 一館 微奈流體技術與生醫應用電腦模擬巨分子在複雜流場中的行為多功能微米顆粒開發及製造奈米流體裝置中的DNA 行為研究與應用 DNA Gene Mapping and Separation TechniquesMesoscale Simulations for BiomoleculesNovel Microparticle Synthesis (02)3366-3038 BLDG.Ⅰ (02)3366-3013 125 謝之真 Chih-Chen Hsieh 化工一館 CheE BLDG. I 副教授 Associate Professor 115
    • Education Background
      • National Taiwan University  B.S. Ch.E. ,1995
      • National Taiwan University  M.S. Ch.E. ,1997
      • University of Michigan Ph.D. Ch.E ,2005
      • Massachusetts Institute of Technology  Post doc,2006-2008


    • Research Topic
      • DNA Gene Mapping and Separation Techniques
        Develop novel micro/nanofluidic devices in conjunction with biochemical analysis and fluorescence microscopy to improve the current technologies for DNA gene analysis and genomic DNA separation.
      • Mesoscale Simulations for Biomolecules
        Using mesoscale molecular simulations to understand and predict the behavior of biomolecules (DNA, proteins and lipids) at mesoscale level. The simulations are also used to help design new devices for manipulating biomolecules.
      • Novel Microparticle Synthesis
        Combining the flow-lithography and novel materials to manufacture various functional microparticles. We have created bihydrogel pH and temperature microsensors and the methods of mass production of micro ceramic mechanical components.


    • Recent Research Topic
      • Investigating confined polymer behavior using end-fluorescent DNA (1/1) 利用尾端螢光之DNA 研究高分子在侷限環境下之行為 (1/1) Chih-Chen Hsieh, sponsored by the National Science Council Contract #NSC-98-2221-E-002-070, NT$964,000, 08/1/2009-7/31/2010.
    1. 指導碩士生李杰容獲得2019 年台灣化工學會66週年年會壁報論文專題競賽” 生化及生醫工程組”佳作。
    2. 指導碩士生張淳慎獲得2018 年台灣化工學會65週年年會學生英文報告競賽優勝。
    3. 指導碩士生郭朝琛獲得2018 年台灣化工學會65週年年會壁報論文專題競賽”生化及生醫工程組”優勝。
    4. 指導碩士生李杰容獲得2018 年台灣化工學會65週年年會壁報論文專題競賽” 生化及生醫工程組”佳作。
    5. 舒稚翔/指導教授謝之真教授/2017台灣化學工程學會64週年年會壁報論文競賽:”生化及生醫工程”佳作。
    6. 張名熠/指導教授謝之真教授/2016台灣化學工程學會63週年年會壁報論文競賽:”熱力及界面工程組”優勝。
    7. 謝奕民 /指導教授謝之真教授/台灣化學工程學會59週年年會壁報論文競賽:材料在化工上的應用組佳作,2012/11.
    8. 台灣化學工程學會化學工程傑作獎,2011
    9. 國科會優秀年輕學者研究計畫(個別型) ,2011
    10. 厲承翰、黃秋德同學 /指導教授謝之真教授/台灣化學工程學會58週年年會壁報論文競賽:輸送現象及分離技術(微奈米流體系統)組佳作,2011/11/25-26
    11. 99年度台大優良教師
    1. JT Wu, CY Wu, SK Fan, CC Hsieh, YC Hou, HY Chen, “Customizable Optical and Biofunctional Properties of a Medical Lens Based on Chemical Vapor Deposition Encapsulation of Liquids”, Chemistry of materials, 2015, 27, 7028−7033. (SCI, EI).
    2. CJ Chiang, YH Lee, YP Lee, GT Lin, MH Yang, LY Wang, CC Hsieh and CA Dai*, “One-step in situ hydrothermal fabrication of D/A poly(3-hexylthiophene)/TiO2 hybrid nanowires and its application in photovoltaic devices”, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2016, 4, 908-919. (SCI, EI).
    3. CYH Shen, Lee, YP Lee, CJ Chiang, FK Wei, CH Wua, KC Kaua, HW Liu, CC Hsieh, LY Wang, CA Dai, “Self-organization and phase transformation of all π-conjugated diblock copolymers andits applications in organic solar cells”, Reactive and Functional Polymers, 2016, 108, 94-102. (SCI, EI).
    4. CH Lam, AC Yang, HY Chi, KY Chan, CC Hsieh and DY Kang, “Microwave-Assisted Synthesis of Highly Monodispersed Single-Walled Alunminosilicate Nanotubes", ChemistrySelect, 2016, 1(19), 6212-6216. (SCI, EI).
    5. SH Wang, PH Wang, IM Hsieh and CC Hsieh, “Microfluidic synthesis of silica microcomponents using sol-gel process and stop-flow lithography”, Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 2018, 93,103-108. (SCI, EI).
    6. Lee, Y. P., Liu, H. Y., Lin, P. C., Lee, Y. H., Yu, L. R., CC Hsieh, PJ Shih, WP Shih, IJ Wang, JY Yen and CA Dai, Facile fabrication of superporous and biocompatible hydrogel scaffolds for artificial corneal periphery. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 2019,175, 26-35. (SCI, EI).
    7. FW Wang, CW Hsu and CC Hsieh, “Numerical Design and Experimental Realization of a PNIPAM Based Micro Thermosensor", ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2019, 11, 8591-8600. (SCI, EI).
    8. YP Lee, MW Liu, JK Qin, YH Lee, YL Yang, LY Wang, YY Cheng, YF Chen, WY Liu, CC Hsieh and CA Dai, “Long-term thermally stable nanoconfining networks for efficient fully conjugated semicrystalline/amorphous diblock copolymer photovoltaics”, Organic Electronics, 2019, 69, 263-374.
    9. SK Hu, FY Lo, CC Hsieh and L Chao, “Sensing Ability and Formation Criterion of Fluid Supported Lipid Bilayer Coated Graphene Field-Effect Transistors”, ACS Sensors, 2019, 4, 892-899.