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藍崇文 教授 / Chung-Wen Lan Professor

光電晶體材料研究室 Crystal Growth Lab 一館 太陽能電池晶體生長儲能材料輸送現象 Silicon materials, solar photovoltaics, anode materials for lithium ion batteries, crystal growth (02)3366-4190 BLDG. I (02)3366-3033 (02)3366-3060 工121 藍崇文 Chung-Wen Lan 化工一館 CheE BLDG. I 教授 Professor 215
    • Education Background
      • National Taipei Institute of Technology  DiplomaCh.E., 1983
      • National Taiwan University     M.S.Ch.E., 1986
      • University of Wisconsin-Madison M.S.Mat.Sci., 1989
      • University of Wisconsin-Madison Ph.D.Mat.Sci., 1991


    • Research Topic
      • Silicon materials and Solar Photovoltaics
        Research on silicon materials and their applications to photovoltaics, including silicon refining, crystal growth, characterizations, solar cell fabrication and evaluations. Current research projects include (1) Jointed industrial project on high-performance N-type silicon materials for solar cells; (2) Electric zone melting study of in-situ morphological observation, growth kinetics, defect formation, and phase field modeling.


    • Recent Research Topic
      • Key technology development for silicon casting using reusable Si3N4 crucibles recycled from kerf-loss silicon for photovoltaic industry
      • Development of key green technology for silicon and recirculated materials
      • Crystal growth, morphology and grain competition observation , and their phase field modeling of ribbon growth
      • Study of solar direct wafer processes
    1. 2022 PVSEC Award, 太陽光電領域全球三大國際會議之一。
    2. 2021 有庠綠能科技講座。
    3. 2020臺北科技大學傑出校友。
    4. 2020傑出人才基金會傑出人才講座。
    5. 2019年傑出人才發展基金會之「傑出人才講座」。
    6. 2019年台大化工系陳芳燦講座。
    7. 2019年台灣化工學會的會士。
    8. 2017年在台灣太陽光電產業協會的推薦下,也榮獲亞洲光伏協會兩年一評的『技術成就獎』。
    9. 2017宗倬章講座教授。
    10. 2016 ICCGE世界長晶學會最高榮譽Laudise Prize,IOCG每三年評獎一次,Laudise Prize是獎勵技術貢獻者。
    11. 2016 第23屆東元獎。
    12. 105年國家發明創作獎的發明銀牌獎。
    13. Best Presentation Award, The 26th International Photovoltaic Science and Engineering (PVSEC-26), Singapore 2016.
    14. Plenary Speaker, The 25th International Photovoltaic Science and Engineering (PVSEC-25), Busan, Korea 2015 (also member of International Advisory Committee of PVSEC).
    15. Conference co-chair, The 6th International Workshop on Crystal Growth technology, Jun. 14-20, 2014, Berlin, Germany
    16. Conference Chair, The 23th International Photovoltaic Science and Engineering (PVSEC-23), 2013, Taipei (also member of International Advisory Committee of PVSEC).
    17. 指導學生楊家福同學參加 IUMRS-ICEM 2014 獲得最佳海報獎
    18. 臺灣大學終身特聘教授 (2013-)
    19. Conference Chair, the 7th International Workshop on Modeling in Crystal Growth, Oct. 28-31, 2012, Taipei (Co-Chair of 4th International Workshop on Modeling in Crystal Growth, Fukuoka, Japan, Oct. 5-7, 2003) (also member of Advisory Committee of the International Conference in Crystal Growth (ICCG) 2013 in Warsaw, Poland and 2016 Nagoya, Japan).
    20. 指導學生林華愷同學參加 IWMCG7 獲得最佳海報獎
    21. Plenary Speaker, 2nd International Conference on Materials for Energy - EnMat II, May 12-16, 2013, Karlsruhe Germany.
    22. Plenary Speaker, 27th European PV Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition - EUPVSEC, Development of High-Quality Multi-crystalline Silicon for PV, Sep. 24-28, 2012, Frankfurt, Germany.
    23. 2011台灣化學工程學會金開英獎
    24. Associate Editor, Journal of Crystal Growth, (2011- now).
    25. Guess Editor, Special Issue in High Efficiency Silicon Solar Cells for J. of Photoenergy (2011).
    26. International Editor, Korean Journal of Crystal Growth, (2001-now)
    27. 2010 中國工程師學會傑出工程教授獎
    28. 臺灣大學特聘教授 (2007-2013)
    29. 台灣太陽光電產業協會創會終身名譽理事長 (2010-now)
    30. SEMI Taiwan, PV Committee, Vice Chairman (2008-2012)
    31. 國科會傑出研究學者研究計畫主持人(2008-2011)
    32. 台灣太陽光電產業協會第一任及第二任理事長 (2007-2010)
    33. 工研院太陽光電中心主任(2007-2010)
    34. Associate Editor in Chief, J. ChIChE, (2000-2009).
    35. 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011台灣SEMI委員會貢獻獎
    36. 2008台灣化學工程學會賴再得獎
    37. Editor, Fluid Dynamics and Materials Processing, 2005-2007.
    38. 國科會傑出研究獎, (2004-2007).
    39. 亞洲晶體生長科學與技術協會第四任主席(2005-2007)
    1. H.K. Lin, C.W. Lan, Revisiting the twinning mechanism in directional solidification of multi-crystalline silicon sheet, Acta Mater. 131 (2017) 1-10 (SCI, EI)
    2. G.Y. Chen, C.W. Lan, Understanding the facet formation mechanisms of Si thin-film solidification through three-dimensional phase-field modeling, J. Cryst. Growth 474 (2017) 166–170 (SCI, EI)
    3. S. P. Phang, H. C. Sio, C. F. Yang, C. W. Lan, Y. M. Yang, Andy W. H. Yu, Bruce S. L. Hsu, Chuck W. C. Hsu, and D. Macdonald, N-type high-performance multicrystalline and mono-like silicon wafers with lifetimes above 2 ms, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 56 08MB10
    4. H.K. Lin, C.W. Lan, A multilayer nucleation model for twinning during directional solidification of multi-crystalline silicon, J.Cryst. Growth 478 (2017) 47–51 (SCI, EI)
    5. T. Jain, H.K. Lin, C.W. Lan, Three dimensional modelling of grain boundary interaction and evolution during directional solidification of multi-crystalline silicon, J. Cryst. Growth 485 (2018) 8-18 (SCI, EI)
    6. T. Jain, H.K. Lin, C.W. Lan, Twinning mechanism at three-grain tri-junction during directional solidification of multi-crystalline silicon, Acta Mater. 144 (2018) 41-50 (SCI, EI)
    7. J. W. Jhang, T. Jain, H. K. Lin, and C. W. Lan, Possible twinning operations during directional solidification of multicrystalline silicon, Cryst. Growth Des. 18 (2018) 2518-2524 (SCI, EI)
    8. T-J. Liao, Y.S. Kang, C.W. Lan, In situ observation of crystal/melt interface and infrared measurement of temperature profile during directional solidification of silicon plate, J. Cryst. Growth, 499 (2018) 90-97 (SCI, EI)
    9. H.L. Yang, I.T. Liu, C.E. Liu, H.P. Hsu, C.W. Lan, Recycling and reuse of kerf-loss silicon from diamond wire sawing for photovoltaic industry, Waste Management, 84 (2019) 204-210 (SCI, EI)
    10. A. Lan, C.E. Liu, H.L. Yang, H.T. Yu, I.T. Liu, H.P. Hsu, C.W. Lan, Silicon ingot casting using reusable silicon nitride crucibles made from diamond wire sawing kerf-loss silicon, J. Cryst. Growth, 525 (2019) 125184 (SCI, EI)
    11. J.W. Jhang, C.W. Lan, Three-dimensional phase field modelling of twin nucleation during directional solidification of multi-crystalline silicon, J. Cryst. Growth, 520 (2019) 33–41 (SCI, EI)
    12. J.W. Jhang, G. Regula, G. Reinhart, N. Mangelinck-Noël, C.W. Lan, Heterogeneous twinning during directional solidification of multi-crystalline silicon, J. Cryst. Growth, 508 (2019) 42–49 (SCI, EI)
    13. C.E. Liu, W.C. Lan, H.T. Yu, H.L. Yang, I.T. Liu, H.P. Hsu, C.W. Lan, Making reusable reaction-bonded silicon nitride crucibles for silicon casting from kerf-loss silicon waste, Int J Appl Ceram Technol., 17 (2020) 146-152 (SCI)
    14. Victor Lau Jr., Kensaku Maeda, Kozo Fujiwara, Chung-wen Lan, In situ observation of the solidification interface and grain boundary development of two silicon seeds with simultaneous measurement of temperature profile and undercooling, , Journal of Crystal Growth, 532 (2020) 125428 (SCI, EI)
    15. Pei-Yu Sun, Pi-Chen Tsai, Po-Yu Liang, Hsiao-Ping Hsu, Agustina Sutejo, Allen Yang, Chung-Wen Lan, Green scalable vapor texture etching for multicrystalline silicon wafers, Prog Photovolt Res Appl., 28(2020) 993–1000 (SCI, EI)
    16. Victor Lau Jr , Chung-wen Lan, In situ observation and temperature profile study of silicon Thin-sheet growth on quartz and silicon nitride substrates, J. Cryst. Growth, 552 (2020) 125938 (SCI, EI)
    17. Subbiramaniyan Kubendhiran, Gavin Sison, Hsiao Ping Hsu, Chung-Wen Lan, Copper Assisted Inverted Pyramids Texturization of Monocrystalline Silicon in a Nitrogen Bubbling Bath for Highly Efficient Light Trapping, Silicon (2020),
    18. C.W. Lan, S. Kubendhiran, G. Sison, H. P. Hsu, Monitoring hydrogen peroxide using an electrochemical method during metal assisted chemical etching for silicon, Silicon, (2021)(SCI, EI)
    19. V. Lau Jr., P.T. Chiang, C.W. Lan, In situ visualization of silicon wafer casting on silicon carbide as low nucleation undercooling substrate, J. Cryst. Growth, 566-567 (2021) 126142
    20. G. Sison, P.T. Chiang, C.W. Lan, Growth of polycrystalline Si0.7Ge0.3 on various substrates for thermoelectric applications, J. Cryst. Growth, 585 (2022) 126599.