「性別平等教育委員會」,以下簡稱「性平會」。 1131120修訂
1、被害人或其法定代理人不願提出申請調查時,學校並無權限強制要求該當事人應簽復不申請調查同意書或任何切結形式之文件,倘該被害人或其法定代理人業於學校告知權益或說明法定流程時,即已口頭表示不願提出申請調查,則請學校之處理人員協助做成紀錄,並參照防治準則第 18條第1項之規定,由渠確認後簽名或蓋章,並提經性平會討論後,於本部之回報系統陳報性平會之會議紀錄 。
依據性平法第 33 條第 5 項規定,性別平等教育委員會或調查小組依本法規定進行調查時,行為人、申請人及受邀協助調查之人或單位,應予配合,並提供相關資料,不得規避、妨礙或拒絕。
防治準則第 24 條規定:行為人應親自出席接受調查;當事人為未成年者,接受調查時得由法定代理人或實際照顧者陪同。性平法第 43 條第 4 項規定:行為人不配合調查,而無正當理由者,由學校報請主管機關處新臺幣一萬元以上五萬元以下罰鍰,並得按次處罰至其配合或提供相關資料為止。
依據校園性平事件防治準則第 24 條第 1 項第 9 款規定:申請人撤回申請調查時,為釐清相關法律責任,事件管轄學校或機關得經所設之性平會決議,或經行為人請求,繼續調查處理。學校所屬主管機關認情節重大者,應命事件管轄學校繼續調查處理。
有關學制轉銜期間被害人或其法定代理人申請調查校園 性別事件之處理疑義?
2、倘被害人或其法定代理人申請調查於學制轉銜期間遭受學校教職員工或學生之性侵害、性騷擾或性霸凌事件,惟被害人是否繼續升學或就讀學校尚未確定,亦未具有學籍,則該被害人並不符合防治準則第 9 條所定「學生」之身分,此時學校之處理請參照上開本部函釋辦理。
依據性平法第 36 條第3項規定:學校於事件處理完成後應將處理結果,以書面載明事實及理由通知申請人、檢舉人及行為人。又此校園性別事件之調查處理係屬公權力之行使,無分公私立學校,均適用行政程序法之規定。
(4) )依第19條規定,有下列各款情形之一者,不得聘任為教師;已聘任者,應予以解聘:一、有第十四條第一項各款情形之一。二、有第十五條第一項各款情形之一,於該議決一年至四年期間。有前條第一項情形者,於該停聘六個月至三年期間,其他學校不得聘任其為教師;已聘任者,應予以解聘。
1. 依據教育部102年7月16日臺教學(三)字第1020080238號函,依性平法第28條第3項規定,被害人或其法定代理人未必為同條第 2項之申請人,考量對其 權益之影響及處理之一致性,於現行性平法架構下,分為「調查處理程序中」及「調查處理完成後」說明如下:
(2)就調查處理完成後,如被害人或其法定代理人已提出申請或經學校通知已參加為當事人者,自應依性平法第31條規定通知渠處理結果;如被害人或其法定代理人因故始終未提出申請調查或參加程序者, 參照訴願法第18條規定「自然人、法人、非法人之團體或其他受行政處分之相對人及利害關係人得提起訴願」(依目前訴願實務,性別事件之調查報告得為訴願標的,處理結果則視其性質而定其得否提起訴願),依行政程序法第100條第1項規定「書面之行政處分,應送達相對人及已知之利害關係人;書面以外之行政處分,應以其他適當方法通知或使其知悉」,仍請學校通知被害人或其法定代理人處理結果及救濟權益(亦即被害人或其法定代理人得提起申復)。
2. 依據性平法第31條第1項及第2項規定,校園性別事件之被害人或其法定代理人得以書面向行為人行為時所屬學校申 請調查,任何人知悉時,亦得向學校提出檢舉。
3. 依性平法第31條第2項規定,被害人或其法定代理人未必為同條第1項之申請人,考量對其權益之影響及處理之一致性,於現行性平法架構下,分為「調查處理程序中」及「調查處理完成後」說明如下:
Instructions for protecting the rights and interests of parties involved in Gender-Related Incidents on Campuses and related assistance
"Gender Equity Education Act", hereinafter referred to as "Gender Equity Act".
" Regulations Governing Prevention of Gender-Related Incidents on Campuses ", hereinafter referred to as the " Regulations Governing Prevention ".
"Gender Equity Education Committee", hereinafter referred to as "Gender Equity Committee". 2024.11.20 edited
What are the procedures involved from the submission of an investigation request to its conclusion?
Within 2 months of receiving the investigation report from the Gender Equity Committee, the school must refer the case to the relevant committee (such as the Student Reward and Disciplinary Committee or the Faculty Review Committee) for deliberation and resolution in accordance with the regulations. In compliance with Article 36 of the Gender Equity Act, the results of the disposition, including the facts and reasons, must be documented in writing and notified to the applicant, the victim, the complainant, and the perpetrator.
Case Acceptance Phase
What are the confidentiality obligations regarding the parties involved, the complainant, and the witnesses during the investigation and handling process?
When the school is required to make public statements, the real names and identifying information of the aforementioned individuals must be omitted and replaced with coded references. Only the existence of the incident, its nature, and the handling process may be disclosed.
Any breach of confidentiality will be subject to penalties in accordance with the Criminal Code and other applicable regulations.
What support can students with special education needs receive?
According to Article 24, Paragraph 2 of Regulations Governing Prevention, if the parties involved possess a certificate of disability issued by competent authorities at various levels or a valid certification as a student with special education needs, the members of the investigation team should include professionals with expertise in special education. Therefore, upon reviewing the information about the parties involved, the Gender Equity Committee will take the initiative to address this matter if it learns that a party is a special education needs student and will encourage the party to proactively disclose this information.
How should the situation be handled if the victim or their legal representative is unwilling to file a request for investigation?
According to the Ministry of Education's letters dated May 26, 2014 (Tai Jiao Xue (3) Zi No. 1030902914) and March 26, 2014 (Tai Jiao Xue (3) Zi No. 1030041317):
Will request for investigation and the subsequent initiation of an investigation by the Gender Equity Education Committee affect course enrollment or instruction? What support will the school provide?
Article 24 of the Gender Equity Act: " When investigating a gender-related incident on campus, the school or competent authority shall take necessary measures for the protection of the involved parties' rights to education and employment, and must not use unequal power or status to act in a manner that could affect the victim's rights to education or employment, or to request an investigation. "
Article 26 of Regulations Governing Prevention:
In order to safeguard the education or employment rights of the parties involved in a gender-related incident on campus, the educational institution or competent authority with jurisdiction may, when necessary, in accordance with the provisions of Article 24 of the Act, adopt the following measures and report the matter to the competent authority for future reference: 1.Handle the attendance records and performance assessments of the parties involved flexibly, and actively assist them with their academic work or work duties, and it may exempt parties involved from being subject to the regulations pertaining to requesting leave, or to teacher or student performance assessments. 2.Respect the wishes of the victim and reduce the opportunities for interaction between the two parties involved, and the educational institution or competent authority with jurisdiction may, in accordance with the victim's request or based on the gender committee's assessment of the effect of the incident on students' right to education and campus safety, discontinue any teaching, instruction, training, evaluation, management, or counseling relationship between the parties involved, or one that provides a work opportunity to a student, or order the offender to avoid contact with the victim. 3. Avoid situations where retaliation could occur. 4. Prevent or reduce the possibility of the offender causing any further harm. 5. Other measures that the gender committee. considers necessary. When any of the parties involved is not employed by or enrolled at the educational institution with jurisdiction, the educational institution at which that person is employed or enrolled shall be notified to handle the matter in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph. Any of the necessary measures referred to in the two preceding paragraphs shall be implemented after the gender committee has passed a resolution.
As an offender to an investigation, do I have the right to refuse to participate in the investigation?
According to Article 33, Paragraph 5 of the Gender Equity Act, When a Gender Equity Education Committee or an investigation team carries out an investigation in accordance with the provisions of this Act the perpetrator, the applicant, and any person(s) who or unit(s) which have been asked to assist in the investigation shall cooperate and provide pertinent information, and shall not evade, obstruct, or refuse.
Furthermore, Article 24 of Regulations Governing Prevention stipulates that An offender shall appear in person for the investigation; if any of the parties involved is a minor, their legal guardian or actual caregiver may accompany them during the investigation.
Additionally, Article 43, Paragraph 4 of the Gender Equity Act states that If an offender fails without reasonable grounds to cooperate with the investigation specified there, the school shall report the matter to the competent authority and request that it impose a fine of not less than 10,000 New Taiwan Dollars and not more than 50,000 New Taiwan Dollars, and a separate fine may be imposed for each instance of a violation until the offender complies or provides relevant information.
Can the applicant withdraw the application?
According to Article 24, Paragraph 1, Subparagraph 9 of Regulations Governing Prevention: When an applicant withdraws their application for an investigation, to clarify the related legal liability, the educational institution or competent authority with jurisdiction may continue the investigation, after a resolution to do so is passed by its gender committee, or at the request of the offender. If the educational institution's competent authority considers that the circumstances were of a serious nature, it shall direct the educational institution with jurisdiction to continue investigating and handling the matter.
Regarding the handling of requests for investigation into Gender-Related Incidents on Campuses by victims or their legal representatives during the transition period of educational systems, what are the points of concern?
After the investigation is completed, is it necessary to inform the victim and offender of investigation report?
If I am the informant, will I receive notification?
According to Article 36, Paragraph 3 of the Gender Equity Act: After the investigation is complete, the Gender Equity Education Committee shall submit a written report to its school or competent authority regarding the investigation and suggestions for handling.
After receiving the aforesaid investigation report, the school or competent authority shall put forth a disposition or turn it over to the pertinent authority for a decision within two months according to this Act or pertinent laws or regulations. The school or competent authority shall notify in writing the applicant, victim, informant, and offender of its handling conclusion, facts established and grounds.
If the investigation determines that the gender-related incident is, what penalties will the offender face?
If a involved party is dissatisfied with the outcome of a campus gender-related incident, what are the available remedies?
According to Article 37 of Gender Equity Act: If not agreeing with the conclusion referred to in Paragraph 3 of the preceding Article, the applicant, victim, and offender may, within thirty days from the day following receipt of the written notification, submit a written request for reconsideration to the school or competent authority, specifying the grounds for reconsideration. However, if the offender is the principal, a teacher, staff member, or worker, the applicant or victim may make the request for reconsideration directly to the competent authority.
The aforesaid request for reconsideration may be made only once.
The school or competent authority may request that its gender equity education committee reinvestigate the case if, upon reconsideration of the original investigation's conclusion, the school or competent authority finds significant flaws in the investigative procedure, or identifies new facts or new evidence sufficient to affect the original investigation's determination. In the case of a request for reconsideration filed directly with the competent authority under the provisions of Paragraph 1, the reinvestigation shall be completed within forty days.
If, upon reconsideration conducted pursuant to the provisions of Paragraph 1, the competent authority determines that the conclusion reached by the school's investigation is unlawful or otherwise inappropriate, it may when necessary and in accordance with the recommendations of the gender equity education committee directly impose a remedy or specify the reasons for returning the matter to the school for handling in conformance with the law, and shall also hold responsible individuals accountable.
As the person under investigation, will the case file be destroyed after the case is concluded and after leaving the school?
According to Article 34 of Regulations Governing Prevention: The educational institution or competent authority with jurisdiction shall designate a unit or personnel to preserve the database that it has established Paragraph 1 of Article 28 of the Act for a period of 25 years. If the database is preserved using electronic storage media, when necessary, an electronic signature or encryption may be used for dealing with the data. The database established in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph shall be divided into archives of original data and archives of report documents.
According to Article 28 of Gender Equity Act:
The school or competent authority shall establish a database of gender-related incidents on campus, as well as profiles of offenders. If the offender is a student and transfers to another school for studies, the former competent authority and the school where the offender originally studied shall, in such cases as they consider there to be a need for follow-up counseling, notify the new school where the offender studies within one month of the date of knowing such transfer. If the offender is not a student and transfers to another school for employment, the former competent authority and the school where the offender was originally employed shall provide follow-up counseling, and notify the new school where the offender is employed within one month of the date of knowing such transfer. The notified school described in the previous two Paragraphs shall keep track of the offender and provide counseling where necessary. The school shall not reveal the offender’s name or other information that may lead to his or her identification without legitimate reason. The establishment, means of retention, duration of retention, destruction, and use of the database mentioned in Paragraph 1, and the school notification and other pertinent matters mentioned in Paragraphs 2 and 3, shall be prescribed in accordance with the principles of prevention prescribed in Article 21, Paragraph 1.
If there is a judicial lawsuit or a decision not to prosecute, does that mean that the school's investigation is not established?