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Department of Biomedical Engineering, NTU


Laboratory P.I. Research Areas Equipment Bldg.
Bioceramics and Composites Lab Feng-Huei Lin
  1. 組織工程
  2. 生醫陶瓷
  3. 奈米粒子
  4. 神經導管
  5. 材料表面改質
  1. 共軛焦顯微鏡* 
  2. 原子力顯微鏡* 
  3. 酵素免疫分析儀
Yonglin Hall, Room 605-607
Biomedical Polymer Lab Tai-Horng Young
  1. 組織工程
  2. 生物相容性材料 
  3. 醫用高分子
  4. 高分子薄膜
  1. 傅立葉轉換紅外線光譜儀*
  2. 傅立葉轉換拉曼光譜儀*
  3. 高效能液相層析儀*
  4. 冷凍乾燥機
  5. 螢光顯微鏡
Joint Teaching Building, Room 205, Room 207, Room 214
Orthopaedic Engineering and Movement Analysis Lab Tung-Wu Lu
  1. 關節及韌帶生物力學
  2. 上下肢生物力學
  3. 人工關節設計、分析與評估
  4. 步態分析理論與實驗方法之研發及臨床應用
  5. 整合醫學影像及電腦輔助動作分析研究
  6. 電腦輔助手術規劃、模擬與分析
  7. 復健運動之研究 
  8. 復健器材與評估設備之研發
  9. 中醫針灸療效醫學工程研究
  10. 正常顳顎關節之動作分析
  11. 智慧型穿戴式慣性感測器


  1. 三維動作擷取系統(Vicon 512, 七架超高頻紅外線攝影機)*
  2. 測力板四塊*
  3. 足底壓力整合量測系統* 
  4. 三維電磁感應量測系統
  5. 電磁場軌跡追蹤儀*
  6. 關節機能模擬機械手臂* 
  7. 多功能三維作用力資料擷取跑步機*
  8. 省力式肌力量測系統(自行研發)
  9. 肌電圖
  10. 力規
  11. 資料擷取控制系統
  12. 數位相機
  13. 穿戴式九軸慣性感測器
  14. VIC-3D非接觸式變形量測系統



  1. 多體動力與有限元素分析軟體
  2. 動力分析軟體- SD/FAST
  3. 電腦輔助設計與機構分析軟體
  4. 三維電腦圖像軟體發展系統
  5. 電腦輔助設計軟
  6. 人體三維生物力學與動作分析系統(自行研發)
  7. 高階機構動態分析軟體
Yonglin Hall, Room 514, Room 515
Biomechanics Research Lab Jaw-Lin Wang
  1. Low-intensity ultrasound stimulation & piezoelectric stimulation
    1. Neuromodulation and its mechanisms
    2. Therapeutic strategies of muscle dystrophy
    3. Effects on NP cells and their mechanisms
    4. Fracture nonunion treatment
    5. Effects on chondrocytes and their mechanisms
  2. Development of stimulation devices
  1. 材料測試機
  2. 生物反應器(複數)
  3. 鑽铣床
  4. 微潛變機
  5. 顯微攝影系統(複數)
  6. 震動切片機
  7. 3D 列印機
  8. 超音波刺激設備
Jan-Shu Hall, Room 603
Material Testing Lab
  1. Impact biomechanics
  2. Internal and external skeletal fixation 
  3. Spinal stabilization tests
  1. 連續式衝擊測試儀 
  2. 單軸臥式拉力測試機 
  3. 混合式脊椎測試機台
Joint Teaching Building, Room 201
Precision Medical Device Testing Lab Analysis and development of orthopedics devices
  1. BOSE 3510軸測試機*
  2. 3D醫學影像軟體平台
College of Engineering Building, Room 137
Medical Microsensor and System Lab Chii-Wann Lin
  1. 表面電漿共振光學檢測技術
  2. 微奈米機電生醫感測技術
  3. 生醫量測儀表系統
  4. 生醫系統感測晶片(Lab on-a-chip)
  5. 無線生醫檢測系統



  1. 醫用儀器控制系統之研發;
  2. 生醫訊號擷取與分析系統之研發;
  3. 醫學影像擷取與分析系統之研發;
  4. 攜帶式醫用儀器系統之研發等四大方向。
  1. 影像式表面電漿共振晶片檢測儀*
  2. 影像式紫外光光譜檢測儀* 
  3. 影像式橢圓儀暨表面電漿共振量測模組* 
  4. 奈米探針蝕刻平台既原子力顯微鏡* 
  5. 多腔濺鍍機* 
  6. 化學抽氣櫃
  7. 直立式顯微鏡
  8. 烘箱
  9. 雷射雕刻機
  10. 訊號產生器
  11. 電源供應器
  12. 資料擷取卡
  13. 4道彩色高頻視波器
  14. 螢光顯微鏡
  15. 數位顯微鏡
  16. 3D印表機
  17. Elisa Reader
  18. 電路板雕刻機
  19. 氧電漿清洗機
  20. 純水機
  21. NI ELVIS Workstation, Protoboard, LabVIEW Drivers 
  22. LabVIEW for Win/NI-5102 (Oscilloscope)/NI-4060 (Digital Multimeter)/NI-5401(Function Generator) Bundle
  23. LabVIEW for Win/PCI-4472/Sound and Vibration Bundle
  24. MXI-3 (Copper)/PXI Slot Chassis/LabVIEW FDS Bundle for Academic Used
  25. LabVIEW for Win/Motion Assistant/PCI-7344 (Motion Controller Board)/UMI-7764 (Universal Motion Interface)/Cable
  26. LabVIEW for Win/Vision Dev Module/PCI-1409 Starter Kit
  27. LabVIEW for Win/PCI-GPIBStarter Kit (Academic Only)
  28. LabVIEW for Win/PCI-6036E/BNC-2110 Starter Kit (Academic Only)
  29. LabVIEW for Win/PCI-6070E/CB-68LP Starter Kit (Academic Only) 
  30. LabVIEW for Win/PCI-6024/SC-2075 Starter Kit (Academic Only)
Yong-Lin Hall, Room 524, Room 526, Room 527
Electronic Lab Fu-Shan Jaw
  1. 發展以單晶片為控制中心的可攜式智慧型醫電設備,如心電監測器、腦電監測器及肌電監測器等。 
  2. 發展射頻(RF)電路模組,以利無線遙測技術之應用。在臨床上以多通道生理電信號之即時(Real-time)傳輸與處理,在實驗動物上進行其電生理與行為反應之關連性分析。
  3. 配合醫用電子學與醫用電子系統設計之課程使用。
  1. 20 MHz任意波形產生器Wavetek 95
  2. 100 MH示波器/邏輯分析儀HP 54645D
  3. LCR Meter GW
  4. 數套(Tektronix TDS210, power supply, function generator, multimeter, PIC 發展系統)
Jan-Shu Hall, Room 505
Medical Informatic Research and Genetic Elucidation Lab Chung-Ming Chen
  1. 醫學影像處理
  2. 生物醫學訊息分析
  1. 20台高效能電腦
  2. 長、短波紅外線攝影機
  3. 機器手臂
  4. 3D光學掃描器
  5. 人體模型
  6. 電腦輔助診斷系統
Jan-Shu Hall, Room 701, Room 702
Lab of Tissue Engineering and Regeneration Sung-Jan Lin
  1. Hair Follicle Stem Cells and Hair Follicle Regeneration
  2. Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine
  3. Pigment Regeneration
  4. In Vivo Optical Imaging
  5. Damage from Radiation and Chemical Therapy
  1. Inverted Microscope with a Color Digital Imaging System
  2. *Upright Fluorescence Microscope (NIKON)
  3. *Two-Photon Excitation Microscope
  4. *Cryostat Microtome
  5. Paraffin Microtome
  6. Biological Safety Cabinet
  7. Cell Culture Incubator
  8. *Animal Facility

Yonglin Hall, Room 533, Room 622, Room 630

Cell and Tissue Engineering Lab Pen-Hsiu Grace Chao
  1. Tissue Engineering
  2. Cell Biology and Mechanobiology
  3. Bioreactor Development
  1. Cell Culture Platforms
  2. Custom Bioreactors
  3. Fully-automated Epifluorescence Microscope*
  4. Live-imaging Cell Culture Chamber*
  5. Plasma and UV Ozone Systems
  6. Multi-modal Multiwell Plate Reader
  7. Large-scale Multi-jet Electrospinning System
Yonglin Hall, Room 627-629
Ophthalmology Biomechanics Lab Po-Jen Shih
  1. 眼科生物力學
  2. 生醫波動力學
  3. 生醫訊號分析和識別
  1. 頻譜分析儀
  2. 微步進控制器
  3. 液體壓力計
  4. 類比麥克風
  5. 防震台
  6. 數位攝影機
  7. 眼壓計
  8. 顯微鏡
Yonglin Hall, Room 529, Room 530
Transdisciplinary and Translational Cancer Research Lab Hsiang-Kuang Tony Liang

Vision: to improve the efficacy of treatment and quality of life for cancer patients

Mission: through integrating medicine and engineering to improve treatment effects and to reduce side effects of cancer treatments

Goal: Develop personalized cancer treatments

1. Personalized treatment strategy for gliomas
2. Drug delivery system for gliomas
3. Neuroimaging analysis of gliomas
4. Proton beam therapy
5. Next generation cancer

  1. AI computer
  2. Optic microscope
  3. Carbon dioxide cell incubator
  4. Biological safety cabinet
  5. Refrigerator
  6. Chicken eggs incubator
  7. Automated stereotaxic instrument for mouse brain
Yonglin Hall, Room 434-437
Multimodal Medical Imaging Optimization Lab Kevin T. Chen

Mission: To aid the reconstruction and quantification of medical images using artificial intelligence and multimodal information.


  1. Analysis of neurodegenerative disease images
  2. Analysis of positron emission tomography images
  3. Medical imaging artificial intelligence
  1. High-performance workstations
  2. Graphical processing units
  3. PET phantoms
  4. Medical image analysis software
Yonglin Hall, Room 430, Room 432, Room 626
Smart Biomaterials and Bioelectronics Lab Zong-Hong Lin
  1. 開發用於生物電刺激應用的微奈米材料/電極
  2. 自驅動(生物)化學感測器
  3. 生物醫學診斷元件
  4. 穿戴式醫療電子產品及遠端智慧監控平台
  1. Bruker ICON AFM with PeakForce TUNA Module
  2. 多靶共濺鍍系統 
  3. Keithley 4200半導體參數分析儀
  4. 螢光光譜儀
  5. 紫外線/可見光吸收光譜儀
  6. 電化學工作站
  7. 紅外線熱影像儀
Yonglin Hall, Room 609

Parkinson’s Disease and Related Neurodegenerative Disorders Laboratory

Chin-Hsien Lin Parkinson’s disease and related neurodegenerative disorders
  1. BMG CLARIOstar Plus multi-mode plate reader*
  2. Zeiss LSM 900 Confocal Microscope*
The 5th core laboratory, National Taiwan University Hospital
Laboratory P.I. Research Area Equipment Bldg.
Biology and Biomaterials Teaching Lab Pen-Hsiu Grace Chao
  1. 醫工實驗教學
  1. 細胞培養設備
  2. 自動酵素免疫分析儀
  3. 化學抽氣櫃
  4. 顯微影像系統
  5. 電泳設備
  6. 聚合酶反應器
Bioelectronics Teaching Lab Fu-Shan Jaw
  1. 電路學實驗教學
  2. 電子學實驗教學
  1. 電源供應器
  2. 數位電錶
  3. 函數產生器
  4. 數位儲存示波器
Biomechanics Teaching Lab Po-Jen Shih
  1. 靜力學實驗:力分析與合成
  2. 動力學實驗:平移與轉動
  3. 衝擊實驗與分析
  1. 轉動慣量實驗器
  2. 陀螺(迴轉定向儀)
  3. 重量平衡桌
  4. 自由落體實驗儀
  5. 單擺
  6. 衝擊試驗器