Bioceramics and Composites Lab |
Feng-Huei Lin |
- 組織工程
- 生醫陶瓷
- 奈米粒子
- 神經導管
- 材料表面改質
- 共軛焦顯微鏡*
- 原子力顯微鏡*
- 酵素免疫分析儀
Yonglin Hall, Room 605-607 |
Biomedical Polymer Lab |
Tai-Horng Young |
- 組織工程
- 生物相容性材料
- 醫用高分子
- 高分子薄膜
- 傅立葉轉換紅外線光譜儀*
- 傅立葉轉換拉曼光譜儀*
- 高效能液相層析儀*
- 冷凍乾燥機
- 螢光顯微鏡
Joint Teaching Building, Room 205, Room 207, Room 214 |
Orthopaedic Engineering and Movement Analysis Lab |
Tung-Wu Lu |
- 關節及韌帶生物力學
- 上下肢生物力學
- 人工關節設計、分析與評估
- 步態分析理論與實驗方法之研發及臨床應用
- 整合醫學影像及電腦輔助動作分析研究
- 電腦輔助手術規劃、模擬與分析
- 復健運動之研究
- 復健器材與評估設備之研發
- 中醫針灸療效醫學工程研究
- 正常顳顎關節之動作分析
- 智慧型穿戴式慣性感測器
- 三維動作擷取系統(Vicon 512, 七架超高頻紅外線攝影機)*
- 測力板四塊*
- 足底壓力整合量測系統*
- 三維電磁感應量測系統
- 電磁場軌跡追蹤儀*
- 關節機能模擬機械手臂*
- 多功能三維作用力資料擷取跑步機*
- 省力式肌力量測系統(自行研發)
- 肌電圖
- 力規
- 資料擷取控制系統
- 數位相機
- 穿戴式九軸慣性感測器
- VIC-3D非接觸式變形量測系統
- 多體動力與有限元素分析軟體
- 動力分析軟體- SD/FAST
- 電腦輔助設計與機構分析軟體
- 三維電腦圖像軟體發展系統
- 電腦輔助設計軟
- 人體三維生物力學與動作分析系統(自行研發)
- 高階機構動態分析軟體
Yonglin Hall, Room 514, Room 515 |
Biomechanics Research Lab |
Jaw-Lin Wang |
- Low-intensity ultrasound stimulation & piezoelectric stimulation
- Neuromodulation and its mechanisms
- Therapeutic strategies of muscle dystrophy
- Effects on NP cells and their mechanisms
- Fracture nonunion treatment
- Effects on chondrocytes and their mechanisms
- Development of stimulation devices
- 材料測試機
- 生物反應器(複數)
- 鑽铣床
- 微潛變機
- 顯微攝影系統(複數)
- 震動切片機
- 3D 列印機
- 超音波刺激設備
Jan-Shu Hall, Room 603 |
Material Testing Lab |
- Impact biomechanics
- Internal and external skeletal fixation
- Spinal stabilization tests
- 連續式衝擊測試儀
- 單軸臥式拉力測試機
- 混合式脊椎測試機台
Joint Teaching Building, Room 201 |
Precision Medical Device Testing Lab |
Analysis and development of orthopedics devices |
- BOSE 3510軸測試機*
- 3D醫學影像軟體平台
College of Engineering Building, Room 137 |
Medical Microsensor and System Lab |
Chii-Wann Lin |
- 表面電漿共振光學檢測技術
- 微奈米機電生醫感測技術
- 生醫量測儀表系統
- 生醫系統感測晶片(Lab on-a-chip)
- 無線生醫檢測系統
- 醫用儀器控制系統之研發;
- 生醫訊號擷取與分析系統之研發;
- 醫學影像擷取與分析系統之研發;
- 攜帶式醫用儀器系統之研發等四大方向。
- 影像式表面電漿共振晶片檢測儀*
- 影像式紫外光光譜檢測儀*
- 影像式橢圓儀暨表面電漿共振量測模組*
- 奈米探針蝕刻平台既原子力顯微鏡*
- 多腔濺鍍機*
- 化學抽氣櫃
- 直立式顯微鏡
- 烘箱
- 雷射雕刻機
- 訊號產生器
- 電源供應器
- 資料擷取卡
- 4道彩色高頻視波器
- 螢光顯微鏡
- 數位顯微鏡
- 3D印表機
- Elisa Reader
- 電路板雕刻機
- 氧電漿清洗機
- 純水機
- NI ELVIS Workstation, Protoboard, LabVIEW Drivers
- LabVIEW for Win/NI-5102 (Oscilloscope)/NI-4060 (Digital Multimeter)/NI-5401(Function Generator) Bundle
- LabVIEW for Win/PCI-4472/Sound and Vibration Bundle
- MXI-3 (Copper)/PXI Slot Chassis/LabVIEW FDS Bundle for Academic Used
- LabVIEW for Win/Motion Assistant/PCI-7344 (Motion Controller Board)/UMI-7764 (Universal Motion Interface)/Cable
- LabVIEW for Win/Vision Dev Module/PCI-1409 Starter Kit
- LabVIEW for Win/PCI-GPIBStarter Kit (Academic Only)
- LabVIEW for Win/PCI-6036E/BNC-2110 Starter Kit (Academic Only)
- LabVIEW for Win/PCI-6070E/CB-68LP Starter Kit (Academic Only)
- LabVIEW for Win/PCI-6024/SC-2075 Starter Kit (Academic Only)
Yong-Lin Hall, Room 524, Room 526, Room 527 |
Electronic Lab |
Fu-Shan Jaw |
- 發展以單晶片為控制中心的可攜式智慧型醫電設備,如心電監測器、腦電監測器及肌電監測器等。
- 發展射頻(RF)電路模組,以利無線遙測技術之應用。在臨床上以多通道生理電信號之即時(Real-time)傳輸與處理,在實驗動物上進行其電生理與行為反應之關連性分析。
- 配合醫用電子學與醫用電子系統設計之課程使用。
- 20 MHz任意波形產生器Wavetek 95
- 100 MH示波器/邏輯分析儀HP 54645D
- LCR Meter GW
- 數套(Tektronix TDS210, power supply, function generator, multimeter, PIC 發展系統)
Jan-Shu Hall, Room 505 |
Medical Informatic Research and Genetic Elucidation Lab |
Chung-Ming Chen |
- 醫學影像處理
- 生物醫學訊息分析
- 20台高效能電腦
- 長、短波紅外線攝影機
- 機器手臂
- 3D光學掃描器
- 人體模型
- 電腦輔助診斷系統
Jan-Shu Hall, Room 701, Room 702 |
Lab of Tissue Engineering and Regeneration |
Sung-Jan Lin |
- Hair Follicle Stem Cells and Hair Follicle Regeneration
- Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine
- Pigment Regeneration
- In Vivo Optical Imaging
- Damage from Radiation and Chemical Therapy
- Inverted Microscope with a Color Digital Imaging System
- *Upright Fluorescence Microscope (NIKON)
- *Two-Photon Excitation Microscope
- *Cryostat Microtome
- Paraffin Microtome
- Biological Safety Cabinet
- Cell Culture Incubator
- *Animal Facility
Yonglin Hall, Room 533, Room 622, Room 630
Cell and Tissue Engineering Lab |
Pen-Hsiu Grace Chao |
- Tissue Engineering
- Cell Biology and Mechanobiology
- Bioreactor Development
- Cell Culture Platforms
- Custom Bioreactors
- Fully-automated Epifluorescence Microscope*
- Live-imaging Cell Culture Chamber*
- Plasma and UV Ozone Systems
- Multi-modal Multiwell Plate Reader
- Large-scale Multi-jet Electrospinning System
Yonglin Hall, Room 627-629 |
Ophthalmology Biomechanics Lab |
Po-Jen Shih |
- 眼科生物力學
- 生醫波動力學
- 生醫訊號分析和識別
- 頻譜分析儀
- 微步進控制器
- 液體壓力計
- 類比麥克風
- 防震台
- 數位攝影機
- 眼壓計
- 顯微鏡
Yonglin Hall, Room 529, Room 530 |
Transdisciplinary and Translational Cancer Research Lab |
Hsiang-Kuang Tony Liang |
Vision: to improve the efficacy of treatment and quality of life for cancer patients
Mission: through integrating medicine and engineering to improve treatment effects and to reduce side effects of cancer treatments
Goal: Develop personalized cancer treatments
1. Personalized treatment strategy for gliomas
2. Drug delivery system for gliomas
3. Neuroimaging analysis of gliomas
4. Proton beam therapy
5. Next generation cancer
- AI computer
- Optic microscope
- Carbon dioxide cell incubator
- Biological safety cabinet
- Refrigerator
- Chicken eggs incubator
- Automated stereotaxic instrument for mouse brain
Yonglin Hall, Room 434-437 |
Multimodal Medical Imaging Optimization Lab |
Kevin T. Chen |
Mission: To aid the reconstruction and quantification of medical images using artificial intelligence and multimodal information.
- Analysis of neurodegenerative disease images
- Analysis of positron emission tomography images
- Medical imaging artificial intelligence
- High-performance workstations
- Graphical processing units
- PET phantoms
- Medical image analysis software
Yonglin Hall, Room 430, Room 432, Room 626 |
Smart Biomaterials and Bioelectronics Lab |
Zong-Hong Lin |
- 開發用於生物電刺激應用的微奈米材料/電極
- 自驅動(生物)化學感測器
- 生物醫學診斷元件
- 穿戴式醫療電子產品及遠端智慧監控平台
- Bruker ICON AFM with PeakForce TUNA Module
- 多靶共濺鍍系統
- Keithley 4200半導體參數分析儀
- 螢光光譜儀
- 紫外線/可見光吸收光譜儀
- 電化學工作站
- 紅外線熱影像儀
Yonglin Hall, Room 609 |
Parkinson’s Disease and Related Neurodegenerative Disorders Laboratory
Chin-Hsien Lin |
Parkinson’s disease and related neurodegenerative disorders |
- BMG CLARIOstar Plus multi-mode plate reader*
- Zeiss LSM 900 Confocal Microscope*
The 5th core laboratory, National Taiwan University Hospital |