短顱貓如同短吻犬,也會受到上呼吸道阻塞症候群(Brachycephalic obstructive airway syndrome, BOAS)的影響,為一種先天結構異常所導致的疾病。常見短顱貓咪品種,如:波斯貓、異國短毛貓、英國短毛貓、喜馬拉雅貓等。
在育種的過程中為了刻意保留「扁臉」的特徵,鼻部、口吻部、腦部,及眼睛皆受到影響,部分短顱貓會出現鼻孔狹窄(stenotic nares)與鼻甲骨過度增生(aberrant nasal turbinates)而導致上呼吸道阻塞、眼球突出而容易發生角膜潰瘍(corneal ulcer)、鼻淚管阻塞而導致淚液沈積(epiphora)、咬合不正(malocclusion)而造成齒科問題及進食困難等。
導致短顱貓發生BOAS的致病機制為先天顱骨的發育異常,能夠導致「扁臉」特徵的出現是因為在頭骨發育過程中,頭骨的生長板們(basicranial and coronal epiphyseal cartilage)比起其他品種提早關閉所致。因此,面部骨頭(例如:鼻骨、上顎骨等)會急遽的縮短,而使臉部受到擠壓,出現過度狹窄的鼻孔、鼻甲過度增生上顎往背側旋轉、顱骨畸形等,育種出扁臉特徵的同時也喪失了貓咪應有的正常結構。

撲克臉波斯貓(A、B)擁有如人類嬰兒般又大又圓的眼睛、寬大的額頭、以及扁平的臉,此種表型非常受歡迎。娃娃臉波斯貓(C、D)的眼睛較為細長,且有著稍微突出的鼻吻部 (Schmidt et al., 2017)。
Schmidt, M. J., Kampschulte, M., Enderlein, S., Gorgas, D., Lang, J., Ludewig, E., ... & Ondreka, N. (2017). The relationship between brachycephalic head features in modern Persian cats and dysmorphologies of the skull and internal hydrocephalus. Journal of veterinary internal medicine, 31(5), 1487-1501.

撲克臉波斯貓(A、C)與娃娃臉波斯貓(B、D)外觀與頭骨示意圖 (Schmidt, 2019)。
Schmidt, M., & Ondreka, N. (2019). Hydrocephalus in animals. Pediatric hydrocephalus, 53.

不同程度之短顱貓外貌與頭骨 (Schlueter et. al., 2009)。
Schlueter, C., Budras, K. D., Ludewig, E., Mayrhofer, E., Koenig, H. E., Walter, A., & Oechtering, G. U. (2009). Brachycephalic feline noses: CT and anatomical study of the relationship between head conformation and the nasolacrimal drainage system. Journal of feline medicine and surgery, 11(11), 891-900.

短顱貓整顆頭骨向內壓縮,鼻骨、淚骨消失、上顎減少、犬齒幾乎成水平狀 (Schlueter et. al., 2009)。
Schlueter, C., Budras, K. D., Ludewig, E., Mayrhofer, E., Koenig, H. E., Walter, A., & Oechtering, G. U. (2009). Brachycephalic feline noses: CT and anatomical study of the relationship between head conformation and the nasolacrimal drainage system. Journal of feline medicine and surgery, 11(11), 891-900.

一般家貓(A、C)與短顱貓(B、D)上、下顎3D重建模型圖 (Sieslack et. al., 2021)。
Sieslack, J., Farke, D., Failing, K., Kramer, M., & Schmidt, M. J. (2021). Correlation of brachycephaly grade with level of exophthalmos, reduced airway passages and degree of dental malalignment’in Persian cats. PloS one, 16(7), e0254420.

短顱貓咬合不正 (Mestrinho et al., 2018)。
Mestrinho, L. A., Louro, J. M., Gordo, I. S., Niza, M. M., Requicha, J. F., Force, J. G., & Gawor, J. P. (2018). Oral and dental anomalies in purebred, brachycephalic Persian and Exotic cats. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 253(1), 66-72.

短顱貓鼻甲增生內視鏡畫面 (Ginn et al., 2008)。
Ginn, J. A., Kumar, M. S. A., McKiernan, B. C., & Powers, B. E. (2008). Nasopharyngeal turbinates in brachycephalic dogs and cats. Journal of the American Animal Hospital Association, 44(5), 243-249.

藉由線框圖(wireframes)來了解不同品種貓的表情與人類情感的連結。其中蘇格蘭摺耳貓更容易顯露出類似「疼痛」表情,讓人類產生憐憫之心 (Finka et al., 2020)。
Finka, L. R., Luna, S. P., Mills, D. S., & Farnworth, M. J. (2020). The Application of Geometric Morphometrics to Explore Potential Impacts of Anthropocentric Selection on Animals' Ability to Communicate via the Face: The Domestic Cat as a Case Study. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 7, 606848.