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NTU Overseas Exchange Student Scholarship and NTU 希望出航獎學金

In addition to 1) the personal information sheet and the "Application Payment Documents " (see "Appendix 4 - Application Payment Documents" for details), please also attach 2) Chinese transcripts over the years and 3) the study plan, thank you.

(Please refer to the attached link for detailslink)

If you have any questions, please contact the person in charge of the International Office.

International Office  張惠琪 Kiki Chang (Ms.)

T: +886 (0)2 3366 2007 ext346



School-wise information:

This year, some changes were made to the overseas exchange scholarships offered by the International Office. In addition to the original "Ministry of Education 學海惜珠計畫", the new "National Taiwan University Overseas Exchange Student Scholarship" is set up to reward outstanding students, and the "Ministry of Education 學海飛颺計畫" is included to increase the overall quota. The "National Taiwan University 希望出航Scholarship" has been revised to award financially and culturally disadvantaged students. The scholarships mentioned above are all applicable to students who wish to exchange abroad after the 2021 academic year.

For students who intend to exchange abroad, the International Office will first explain the application procedures for the "National Taiwan University Overseas Exchange Student Scholarship" and "National Taiwan University 希望出航Scholarship" below, students are encouraged to apply.

2021 Academic Year (2021/2022) National Taiwan University Scholarship for Overseas Exchange Students

1. Qualification:

Through the selections handled by different colleges, departments, institutes, and centers of the school, qualifiers will exchange abroad for one semester or one academic year in the 2021 academic year (excluding students with job and dual degree students).

2. Number of Qualifiers:

Schools, departments, institutes, and centers will select suitable qualifiers, which will be arranged in order. There will be at most 3 students, with 1 official and 2 backup students.

3. Offered Value:

The decision shall be made in accordance with the Scholarship Aiding Table (Appendix 1). The countries not listed within the table shall be determined separately by the International Office.

4. How to apply:

All colleges are requested to send the paper documents of the "Student Recommendation List" (Appendix 2) to the International Affairs Office before March 30, 2021. In addition, send the electronic file of the "Student Personal Information Form" (Appendix 3) via e-mail to Ms. 張惠琪, the person in charge of this scholarship

5. Review method:

Reviewed by the review committee.

6. Announcement time of admission list:

The admission list will be announced on the website of the International Affairs Office before April 30, 2021. College officers and students will both be notified individually.

7. Regulations:

(1)       Each student can apply for multiple on-campus scholarships at the same time, but only one scholarship will be awarded. If there are exclusive regulations, the regulations shall be followed.

(2)       If a scholarship is offered by the admitted school, students will only receive the scholarship from that school. If the value of the on-campus scholarship is higher than that offered by the admitted school, with relevant certificates, the difference will be made up by the on-campus scholarship.

(3)       The priority order of scholarships:

(1)        學海惜珠

(2)        Scholarships offered by admitted schools

(3)        Scholarships for limited countries, regions, and fields

(4)        National Taiwan University Overseas Exchange Student Scholarship, National Taiwan University 希望出航Scholarship

8. Obligations:

(1)       Qualified students who will be exchanging aboard and their guardians must sign a contract with the school one month prior to leaving, and abide by the terms of the contract; if they do not sign, they will not receive the scholarship.

(2)       When studying abroad, students must participate in education exhibitions held by the admitted school to promote National Taiwan University and various student exchange programs. After the exchange period, they must also participate in the annual "National Taiwan University Overseas Education Exhibition" to introduce overseas schools and share their experiences.

(3)       Qualified students must turn in a study report, an official course record/transcript, and other related documents within two months after the end of their exchange. For those who fail to turn in, the scholarship needs to be returned fully within three months.

(4)       If the qualified students drop out, be suspended, decide not to return to Taiwan to continue their studies, or return early without complying with the originally agreed exchange period, the scholarship they had received shall be repaid fully within two months after the end of their exchange.

(5)       Those who fail to get the admission permit or do not enroll on time will have their scholarship canceled immediately, and their qualification will not be retained.

9.If encounter natural disaster, war, rebellion, turmoil, epidemic, or other inevitable events that is not held responsible by the school, thus resulting in the inability or delay of one’s exchange, which in turn affects one’s right of receiving the scholarship, the International Affairs Office reserves the right to make the final decision.

10.If there are any unresolved matters, they shall be handled in accordance with relevant regulations and announcements of the International Affairs Office.



2021 Academic Year (2021/2022) National Taiwan University 希望出航Scholarship

1. Qualification:

Through the selection handled by different colleges, departments, institutes, and centers of the school. Qualifiers will exchange abroad for one semester or one academic year in the 2021 academic year (excluding students with jobs and dual degrees students). Qualifiers need to meet any one of the following statuses:

(1)        Financially disadvantaged students (being qualified in one of the following two categories will be sufficient):

  1. With government-issued certificates for low-income households, low-middle-income households, or families with special circumstances.
  2. The total household income (in NTD) meets the following requirements at the same time:

(a)    The annual household income does not exceed 800,000.

(b)   The annual household interest does not exceed 10,000.

(c)   The annual household profit does not exceed 50,000.


(2)        Culturally disadvantaged students

  1. No family member within three generations has a college admission, for example, none of the students' great-grandparents, grandparents, and parents were admitted to college.
  2. New Taiwanese residents and their children
  3. Native Taiwanese
  4. Meet any of the three criteria above, and the total household income (in NTD) must meet the following requirements at the same time:

(a)    The annual household income does not exceed 1.2 million.

(b)    The annual household interest does not exceed 10,000.

(c)    The annual household profit does not exceed 50,000.


(3)        Non-Taiwanese students who hold a certificate of financially disadvantaged household / low-income household/tax exemption issued by their national government agency that year.

2. Number of Qualifiers:

Schools, departments, institutes, and centers will select suitable qualifiers, which will be arranged in order. There will be at most 3 students, with 1 official and 2 backup students.

3. Offered Value:

The decision shall be made in accordance with the Scholarship Aiding Table (Appendix 1). The countries not listed within the table shall be determined separately by the International Office.

4. How to apply:

All colleges are requested to send the paper documents of the "Student Recommendation List" (Appendix 2), "Student Personal Information Form" (Appendix 3), and "Application Payment Documents " (Appendix 4) to the International Affairs Office before March 30, 2021.

5. Review method:

Reviewed by the review committee.

6. Announcement time of admission list:

Admission lists will be announced on the website of the International Affairs Office before April 30, 2021. College officers and students will both be notified individually.

7. Regulations:

(1) Each student can apply for multiple on-campus scholarships at the same time, but only one scholarship will be awarded. If there are exclusive regulations, the regulations shall be followed.

(2) If a scholarship is offered by the admitted school, students will only receive the scholarship from that school. If the value of the on-campus scholarship is higher than that offered by the admitted school, with relevant certificates, the difference will be made up by the on-campus scholarship.

(3) The priority order of scholarships:


(2)Scholarships offered by admitted schools

(3)Scholarships for limited countries, regions, and fields

(4)National Taiwan University Overseas Exchange Student Scholarship, National Taiwan University 希望出航Scholarship

8. Obligations of qualified students:

(1)  Qualified students who will be exchanging aboard and their guardians must sign a contract with the school one month prior to leaving, and abide by the terms of the contract; if they do not sign, they will not receive the scholarship.

(2)  Qualified students must turn in a study report within three months of the start of their exchange, which will be forwarded to the donor by the school.

(3)  When studying abroad, students must participate in education exhibitions held by the admitted school to promote National Taiwan University and various student exchange programs. After the exchange period, they must also participate in the annual "National Taiwan University Overseas Education Exhibition" to introduce overseas schools and share their experiences.

(4)  Qualified students must turn in a study report, an official course record/transcript, and other related documents within two months after the end of their exchange. For those who fail to turn in, the scholarship needs to be returned fully within three months.

(5)  If the qualified students drop out, be suspended, decide not to return to Taiwan to continue their studies, or return early without complying with the originally agreed exchange period, the scholarship they had received shall be repaid fully within two months after the end of their exchange.

(6)  Those who fail to get the admission permit or do not enroll on time will have their scholarship canceled immediately, and their qualification will not be retained.

9. If encounter natural disaster, war, rebellion, turmoil, epidemic, or other inevitable events that is not held responsible by the school, thus resulting in the inability or delay of one’s exchange, which in turn affects one’s right of receiving the scholarship, the International Affairs Office reserves the right to make the final decision.

10.If there are any unresolved matters, they shall be handled in accordance with relevant regulations and announcements of the International Affairs Office.