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  • Date:2018-09-12
  • 1958
    Professor Choh-Hao Li, the Director of Hormone Research Laboratory at the University of California, San Francisco, delivered a summer course on protein research in National Taiwan University. Since then he had been actively involved in the promotion of protein research in Taiwan.
    After continual consultation between Professor Li and the President of Academia Sinica, the Chairman of Science Education Forum, the Chairman of National Science Council, the Minister of Education, the President of NTU, and Professor T. B. Lo, a consensus was reached to set up two collaborative Institutes in NTU and Academia Sinica: Institute of Biological Chemistry (IBC; affiliated with Academia Sinica) and Institute of Biochemical Sciences (IBS; affiliated with NTU). These two institutes were to be accommodated in a new Biochemistry Building.
    Institute of Biochemical Sciences was formally established under College of Science, NTU.
    M.S. program was established in IBS.
    Construction of Biochemistry Building was completed.
    Ph.D. program was established in IBS.
    A new building for IBC was constructed in Nankang.
    A new annex of the Biochemistry Building in NTU was constructed.
    College of Life Science in NTU was established. The IBS was transferred to College of Life Science and still maintained close collaboration with IBC.
    Former Directors
    Tung-Bin Lo (1972-1978)
    Yee-Hsiung Chen (1978-1984)
    Wen-Chang Chang (1984-1990)
    Chen-Sheng Liu (1990-1996)
    Mu-Chin Tzeng (1996-1999)
    Inn-Ho Tsai (1999-2002)
    Shyh-Horng Chiou (2002-2005)
    Wen-Chang Chang (2005-2008)