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Graduate Institute of Public Affairs, NTU

Full-time Faculty

Ming-Feng Kuo
  • 發布單位:Graduate Institute of Public Affairs

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Ming-Feng Kuo, Associate Professor

Social Sciences Building 726

Degree: Ph.D., National Taiwan University

Specializations: Local Governance, Public Management, Policy Analysis, Performance Assessment, Applied Econometrics




Refereed Publications

1. Chun-Yuan Wang, Jinyun Guo, and Ming-feng Kuo. 2020. The Building of Social Resilience in Sichuan after Wenchuan Earthquake: A perspective of the socio-government interactions. Safety Science. Forthcoming. DOI: 10.1016/j.ssci.2020.104662. (SCI; Q1; 5-Year Impact Factor: 3.923)

2. Zhang, Yahong, Ming-feng Kuo, Jinyun Guo, and Chun-Yuan Wang. 2019. “How Do Intrinsic Motivations, Work-related Opportunities, and Wellbeing Shape Bureaucratic Corruptibility?” Public Administration Review 79(4): 552- 564. (SSCI; Q1; 5-year Impact factor: 5.765; Ranking: Public Administration 1/47) (Corresponding author)

3. Chung-An Chen, Don-Yun Chen, Zhou-Peng Liao and Ming-Feng Kuo. 2019. Winnowing Out High-psm Candidates: The Adverse Selection Effect of Competitive Public Service Exams, International Public Management Journal. Forthcoming. DOI: 10.1080/10967494.2019.1658663. (SSCI; 5-Year Impact Factor: 3.122; Ranking: Public Administration Q1、Q2) (Corresponding author)

4. Kuo, Ming-Feng and Chun-yuan Wang. 2017. “In the Twilight Zone of Collaborative Disaster Prevention? The Experience of Flood Control in Different Levels of Government in Taiwan.” Chinese Public Administration Review 8(2): 68-85. (Double-blind peer review) ( CPAR 2018  Best Article Award runner-ups)

5. Wang, Chun-yuan and Ming-Feng Kuo. 2017. “Strategic Styles and Organizational Capability in Crisis Response in Local Government.” Administration & Society 49(6): 798-826. (SSCI 2014; Ranking: Public Administration 15/47; Impact Factor: 1.263; Online First, published on August 7, 2014 as DOI: 10.1177/0095399714544940.)(Corresponding author)

Academic conference in recent years(Selected)

1. Ding, Tai-ping and Ming-feng Kuo. 2019. Community Governance and Citizens’ Satisfaction: A Multi-group Structural Equation Analysis. Paper presented at the 2019 Annual Conference of the American Society for Public Administration (ASPA). March 8-12. DC, USA. (Presenter)

2. Kuo, Ming-Feng, Chun-yuan Wang, Masao Kikuchi, IKUCHI, and Jinyun Guo. 2018. “Institutional Resilience on Collaborative disaster Governance system: A Comparative Study of Taiwan, Mainland China, and Japan.” The sixth Cross-Strait Academic Forum on Public Governance. Theme: Conflict, Coordination, and Collaboration in Public Governance in Greater China. Nov 2-3, 2018. Hong Kong: Department of Public Policy, City University of Hong Kong.

3. Zhang, Yahong, and Ming-feng Kuo. 2018. “The Rational and Irrational Natures of Corruption among Chinese Public Servants.” Paper presented at the 9 th Sino-US International Conference for Public Administration-Implementing Public Policy toward Good Governance. June 15-17. Beijing: Renmin University of China.

4. Kuo, Ming-Feng. 2018. “Behavioral Determinants of Civic Engagement: Evidence from Communities in China.” Paper presented at the 2018 Annual Conference of the American Society for Public Administration (ASPA). March 9-13. Denver, USA. (Presenter)

5. Zhang, Yahong, Ming-feng Kuo, Chun-yuan Wang, and Jin-yun Guo. 2018. “How Do Intrinsic Motivations, Work-related Opportunities, and Wellbeing Shape Bureaucratic Corruptibility?” Paper presented at the 2018 Annual Conference of the American Society for Public Administration (ASPA). March 9-13. Denver, USA. (Presenter)

6. Chun-yuan Wang, Ming-feng Kuo, and Elaine Yi Lu. 2018. “The Paradox of Performance Management in Disaster Response: An Examination of Theoretical - 7 - and Methodological Perspectives.” Paper presented at the 2018 Annual Conference of the American Society for Public Administration (ASPA). March 9-13. Denver, USA.

7. Yu-Hsiu Hsieh, Ming-Feng Kuo, and Tsai-Tsu Su. 2017. “Functional Analysis of Tax Laws in Taiwan: A Comparison of the DPP Administration (2000–2008) and the KMT Administration (2008–2016).” Paper Presented at the 5th Public Governance Forum in Greater China: Evidence-based Policy Making in Greater China and Australia. October 21-22. Shanghai, China: Fudan University. (Presenter)

8. Kuo, Ming-feng, Chun-yuan Wang, and Tai-ping Ding. 2017. “Red Tape and Perceived Performance: Does Business-like Management Matter in Taiwan Local Government.” Paper presented at the 2017 Annual Conference of the American Society for Public Administration (ASPA). March 17-21. Atlanta, USA. (Presenter)

9. Wang, Chun-yuan, and Ming-Feng Kuo. 2016. “Decision-making in Collaborative Disaster Governance: The case of the water park dust explosion in New Taipei City, Taiwan.” Paper presented at the 6th annual Workshop of “The Greater China Australia Dialogue on Public Administration”. 30-31 October.Guangzhou: Sun Yat Sen University.

10. Kuo, Ming-feng, Chun-yuan Wang, Yahong Zhang, and Gin-yun Guo. 2016. “When PSM Met Burnout: Adaption or Conflict?” Paper presented at the 2016 Annual Conference of the American Society for Public Administration (ASPA). March 18-22. Seattle, USA. (Presenter)

11. Zhang, Yahong, Ming-feng Kuo, Gin-yun Guo, and Chin-chih Chu. 2016. “Understanding Corruption Intentions among Chinese Public Officials.” Paper Presented at the 2016 Annual Conference of the American Society for Public Administration (ASPA). March 18-22. Seattle, USA.

12. Kuo, Ming-Feng, Ding-ming Wang, and Tai-ping Ding. 2015. “Residents Protesting in the Local Communities: An Exploration of the Fundamental Governance and Public Trust in China.” Paper presented at the 2015 Asian Group of Public Administration (AGPA) Annual Conference. Sept. 2-4. Seoul, Korea: The Korea Institute of Public Administration (KIPA), Asian Group for Public Administration (AGPA). (Presenter)

13. Kuo, Ming-Feng, Jin-Yun Guo, Xiao-Ping Jiang, and Zhi-Qiang Xia. 2015. “Public Trust in Government and Protest Policing in China.” Paper presented at the Global Policing Research Summit- The International Conference on the - 9 - Politics and Management of Policing Reform. Aug. 13-17. Taipei: Central Police University & Public Administration and Development Editorial Board. (Presenter)

14. Kuo, Ming-Feng, Chin-chih Chu, and Chun-yuan Wang. 2015. “Do Innovative Managerial Tools Bring Higher Perceived Productivity? The Examination of Moderate Effects of Organizational Contextual Factors.” Paper presented at the 2015 Social Innovation Research Conference (SIRC). May 21. Shanghai, China: Fudan University.

15. Kuo, Ming-feng, Chun-yuan Wang, Yan-yi Chang, and Tzung-Shiun Li. 2015. “Collaborative Disaster Management: Lessons from Taiwan Local Governments.” Paper presented at the 2015 TASPAA Annual Conference. May 22-23. Taipei, Taiwan: National Taiwan University. (Presenter)

16. Kuo, Ming-Feng, Chin-chih Chu, and Chun-yuan Wang. 2015. “The Impact of Citizens Trust and Institutions on Performance Perceptions Gap.” Paper presented at the 2015 Annual Conference of the American Society for Public Administration (ASPA). March 6-10. Chicago, USA. (Presenter)

17. Kuo, Ming-Feng, Xiao-Ping Jiang, Zhi-Qiang Xia, and Jin-Yun Guo. 2014. “The Self-Perceived Awareness of Public Service Motivation: A Study on Policing Sector in China.” Paper presented at the Workshop on the “Politics and Management of Policing Reforms in Newly Industralised, Industralising, and Developmental States”. November 5. Taoyuan: Central Police University & Public Administration and Development Editorial Board. (Presenter)

18. Kuo, Ming-Feng, and Chun-yuan Wang. 2014. “Decentralization Dilemma in Disaster Management: Lessons of flood control in Taiwan.” Paper presented at the “2014 Greater China-Australia Dialogue on Public Administration: ‘Maximising the Benefits of Decentralisations’.” Workshop. 20-22 October. Hangzhou, Zhejiang: Zhejiang University. (Presenter)

19. Lin, Hen-I, Je-Liang Liou, and Ming-Feng Kuo. 2014. “Economic Valuation of Meteorological Information Services for Agricultural Producers in Taiwan.” Paper presented at the “2014 Taiwan-Korea-Japan International Conference on Agriculture and Resources Economics. August 13. Taipei, Taiwan: National Taiwan University.

20. Wang, Chun-yuan, Ming-Feng Kuo, and Chin-chih Chu. 2014. “A Stakeholder Approach to Public Performance Management: Lessons of Taiwan Local Government.” Paper Present at the 2014 Annual Conference of the American Society for Public Administration (ASPA). March 14-18. Washington, DC. (Presenter)

21. Wang, Ding-Ming, Ming-feng Kuo, and Chao-Chi Lin. 2013. “Dynamic Voting Scenario under the Mixed Electoral System: A Comparison of Taiwan and Japan.” Paper presented at the 2013 AES (Asian Election Studies) International Conference. 30 March 2013. Taipei, Taiwan: National Chengchi University.

22. Kuo, Ming-feng, Chun-Yuan Wang, Jan Chung-Yuan, and Evan M. Berman. 2013. “Organizational Happiness in Taiwan Public Agency: The Self-Perceive and the Preliminary Exploration of Influencing Factors from Middle Managers.” Paper presented at the 74th ASPA (American Society for Public Administration) Annual Conference. 18 March 2013. New Orleans, USA: ASPA.

23. Wang, Chun-yuan and Ming-Feng Kuo. 2012. “Strategic Styles and Emergency Management in Local Government: An Exploration of the Bureaucratic and Strategic Model.” Paper presented at the 2012 IASIA (International Association of Schools and Institutes of Administration) Annual Conference. 16-21 July 2012. Bangkok, Thailand: National Institute of Development Administration. (Presenter)

24. Wang, Ding-Ming, and Ming-Feng Kuo. 2006. “The Political Impact of New Electoral System and Redistricting in Taiwan: An Experience from the Reform of Japan in 90's.” Paper presented at the 48th Annual Conference for the American Association for Chinese Studies (AACS), Oct. 20-22, California, USA: University of California at Riverside.