

李克強 教授 / Eric Lee Professor

高分子流力研究室 Polymeric Fluid Mechanics Lab 一館 高分子流體力學膠體粒子之電動力學現象AI 人工智慧在半導體製程上之應用 Polymeric Fluid MechanicsElectrokinetic PhenomenaApplication of AI on the semi-conductor processes (02)2362-2530 BLDG. I (02)2362-8511 ericlee@ntu.edu.tw 225 李克強 Eric Lee 化工一館 CheE BLDG. I 教授 Professor 207
    • 學經歷
      • 國立台灣大學                                  化工學士,1975-1979
      • University of Washington, Seattle, USA.   化工博士,1982-1986
      • Quantum Chemical Corporation, USA.   1986-1988


    • 目前研究主題
      • 膠體粒子之電動力學現象

        探討一般高電量微米及奈米粒子之電動力學現象,特別是電泳運動(Electrophoresis)與擴散泳運動(Diffusiophoresis)。近年來亦致力探討軟球(soft particle)及液滴在一般電解質或離子液體(Ionic liquids)內之特有運動現象及不同邊界之效應。

      • 介電泳(Dielectrophoresis, DEP)應用於微流體(Microfluidics)及奈米流體(Nanofluidics)操作在各類粒子下之特有行為探討。
      • 擴散泳在藥物輸送上之應用,包含微奈米乳液(Microemulsion and Nanoemulsion),脂質體(Liposome),SPB(Spherical Polyelectrolyte Brush),及Core-Shell複合粒子。
      • 高分子流體力學,特別是高分子液滴之各類泳動行為及其應用之探討。
      •  AI人工智慧與機器學習(ML: machine learning)在半導體製程領域之應用

        如何加速光學鄰近校正 (optical proximity correction, OPC) 的模型建立與運行速度及提升準確度,是半導體製造工業中的一個重要課題。現今主流的model-based OPC是本實驗室於機器學習 (Machine learning) 領域的主要研究目標,包含新型機器學習GAN (generative adversarial networks) 之應用於SRAF (sub-resolution assist feature)、混合型機器學習使用於OPC模型建立及機器學習OPC應用於線路修正。

      • 奈米通道之電動力學現象: 應用於半導體蝕刻技術之領域

        以修正型電動力學方程式(Modified Poisson-Boltzmann equation)模擬奈米通道中蝕刻液之成分離子分布,探討通道中擴散滲透現象及其定性與定量之表徵,找出濕式蝕刻之非等向性解決之關鍵因素,並以基礎擴散泳運動之模擬技術,探討蝕刻製程中副產物移除辦法,縮短Gate All Around(GAA)底層與入口端之蝕刻效率差異,以突破IC尖端技術之瓶頸。


    • 執行中之研究計畫
      • 台積電先進半導體製程(1.4奈米): To simulate fluid distribution during wafer processing to make vertical & lateral chemical etching rate difference,台積電(TSMC),執行期間一年,總共一百二十萬元。

      • 機器學習應用在hotspot的偵測與OPC verification model 之修正,聯華電子股份有限公司 (United Microelectronics Corporation) 產學合作計畫,分三年執行,一共三百萬元。

      • 開發利用介電泳技術移除有機溶劑中50nm以下粒子,且具量產潛力之技術,達興材料股份有限公司 (Daxin Materials Corporation),分兩年執行,一共約三百五十萬元。

      • 多孔粒子於稀薄離子溶液中之擴散泳現象,科技部專題研究計畫,112-2221-E-002 -030 -,一年期計畫,約一百二十萬元。

  • 1.英國皇家化學學會(Royal Society of Chemistry)會士 (Fellow) (2023)。
    2.陳芳燦111年度講座學者 (2023)。
    3.應醫學與科技出版龍頭Elsevier邀請,著有學術專書THEROY OF ELECTROPHORESIS AND DIFFUSIOPHORESIS OF HIGHLY CHARGED COLLOIDAL PARTICLES, Interface Science and Technology, Vol. 26, Elsevier, 2019.
    該書獲科技部化工學門推薦為國內工程領域最具影響力學術專書 (2019)
    同時獲台灣大學108年評選為傑出學術專書 (2019)
    Phoretic Motions of Liquid Droplets: a Theoretical Analysis. 預計2024 年九月出版.
    (i)  台灣大學109年度彈性薪資獎勵 (2020)
    (ii) 台灣大學傅斯年研究獎 (2005)
    (iii)宗倬章先生獎 (2000)
    (iv) 台灣大學教學優良獎 (1999)
    (v)  台灣大學教學優良獎 (1989)
    6.正應Molecules期刊 (SCI Impact Factor: 4.412)之邀,擔任其Special issue: “Electrokinetic Motions of Colloidal Particles and Polymeric Fluid Mechanics” 之客座編輯(Guest Editor),預計2024年六月出版。
    7.指導博士班學生范莉雅2022年撰寫之論文: “Diffusiophoresis of a Highly Charged Conducting Fluid Droplet,” (SCI; Impact Factor: 4.98; Rank in Physics, Fluids & Plasmas: 2/34 (5.88%); 流體力學權威期刊/傑出期刊)獲該期刊總編輯評選為Editor’s pick。
    8.指導博士班學生范莉雅2022年撰寫之論文: “Diffusiophoresis in Suspensions of Highly Charged Soft Particles, ” 獲選為Electrophoresis期刊(SCI, Impact Factor: 3.595) 2022年11月最佳學生論文獎 (Best student paper award)。
    9.指導學生曾麒樺同學獲獎台積電2022年博士獎學金,一年50萬元,至多五年。研究題目為”To improve OPC verification accuracy using machine learning”。
    10.指導學生蔡孟佑同學獲Electrophoresis 期刊 (SCI, IF: 3.595) 2022年最佳學生論文獎。
    13.指導蔡豐安同學榮獲「國科會94 年度大專學生參與專題研究計畫研究創作獎」。
    14.指導羅仕瀚同學榮獲「國科會91 年度大專學生參與專題研究計畫研究創作獎」。


  • Books

    Eric Lee, PHORETIC MOTIONS OF LIQUID DROPLETS: A THEORETICAL ANALYSIS, in the Series: Interface Science and Technology, Academic press/Elsevier, London. (To be published in September, 2024)


    Eric Lee, THEORY OF ELECTROPHORESIS AND DIFFUSIOPHORESIS OF HIGHLY CHARGED COLLOIDAL PARTICLES, vol.26 in the series: Interface Science and Technology, Academic press/ Elsevier, 2019


    (科技部化工學門推薦所著學術專書為全國工程領域最具影響力學術專書 (2019))

    (台灣大學108年學術研究績效獎勵傑出學術專書 (2019))


    Selected Journal Papers in Recent Years:

    1. Shirley Lu, Jessica Tseng, Lily Chuang, Celia Hsu, Nemo Chang, Sunny Chen, and Eric Lee*,“Electrophoresis of a weakly charged dielectric fluid droplet in a cylindrical pore,”Electrophoresis. (2024) (SCI; Impact Factor: 3.595;電動力學權威期刊) (Accepted)

    2. Jessica Tseng, Judy Su, Kevin Chang, Amy Chang, Lily Chuang, Amanda Lu, Rose Lee and Eric Lee*, “Electrophoresis of a Dielectric Droplet with Constant Surface Charge Density,” Electrophoresis, 44(23), 1810-1817 (2023). (SCI; Impact Factor: 3.595;電動力學權威期刊)

    3. Leia Fan, Jason Lin, Annie Yu, Kevin Chang, Jessica Tseng, Judy Su, Amy Chang, Shirley Lu and Eric Lee*, “Diffusiophoresis of a Weakly Charged Liquid Metal Droplet,” Molecules, 28(9), 3905 (2023). (SCI; Impact Factor: 4.927)

    4. Leia Fan and Eric Lee*, “Diffusiophoresis of a Highly Charged Conducting Fluid Droplet,” Physics of Fluids, 34(6) (2022): 062013. ((Editor’s pick/編輯精選該期最佳論文) SCI; Impact Factor: 4.98;傑出期刊/流體力學權威期刊) (Ranked 2nd among all the 34 SCI journals in the field of PHYSICS, FLUIDS & PLASMAS)

    5. Leia Fan, Yvonne Wu, Elaine Jian, Jessica Tseng, Renee Wan, Andy Tseng, Jason Lin and Eric Lee*, “Diffusiophoresis of a Highly Charged Dielectric Fluid Droplet Induced by Diffusion Potential,” Physics of Fluids, 34(4) (2022), 042003. (SCI; Impact Factor: 4.98;傑出期刊/流體力學權威期刊) (Ranked 2nd among all the 34 SCI journals in the field of PHYSICS, FLUIDS & PLASMAS) 

    6. Meng‐Yu Tsai, Leia Fan, Jessica Tseng, Jason Lin, Andy Tseng and Eric Lee*, "Electrophoresis of a Highly Charged Fluid Droplet in Dilute Electrolyte Solutions: Analytical Hückel‐Type Solution," Electrophoresis, 43(15) (2022), 1611-1616. (SCI; Impact Factor: 3.595;電動力學權威期刊) (Best Student Award)                                                    

    7. Leia Fan, Elaine Jian, Wen-Chun Chang, Yvonne Wu, Jason Lin, Andy Tseng, Jessica Tseng, Renee Wan, Annie Yu and Eric Lee*, “Diffusiophoresis in Suspensions of Highly Charged Soft Particles,” Electrophoresis, 43(21-22) (2022), 2227-2233. SCI; Impact Factor: 3.595;電動力學權威期刊) (Best Student Award)

    8. Yvonne Wu, Elaine Jian, Leia Fan, Jessica Tseng, Renee Wan and Eric Lee*, "Diffusiophoresis of a Highly Charged Dielectric Fluid Droplet," Physics of Fluids, 33(12) (2021), 122005. (SCI; Impact Factor: 4.98;傑出期刊/流體力學權威期刊) (Ranked 2nd among all the 34 SCI journals in the field of PHYSICS, FLUIDS & PLASMAS)

    9. Meng-Yu Tsai, Yvonne Wu, Leia Fan, Elaine Jian, Jason Lin, Jessica Tseng, Andy Tseng, Renee Wan and Eric Lee*, “Analytical Solution to Dielectric Droplet Diffusiophoresis under Debye-Hückel Approximation,” Electrophoresis, 43(3) (2021), 495-500. (SCI; Impact Factor: 3.595;電動力學權威期刊)

    10. Yvonne Wu, Leia Fan, Elaine Jian, Jessica Tseng and Eric Lee*, "Electrophoresis of a Highly Charged Dielectric Fluid Droplet in Electrolyte Solutions," Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 598(15) (2021), 358-368. (SCI; 高引用期刊; Impact Factor: 9.965)

    11. Yvonne Wu and Eric Lee, “Diffusiophoresis of a Highly Charged Soft Particle Normal to a Conducting Plane,” Electrophoresis, 42(21-22) (2021), 2383-2930. (SCI; Impact Factor: 3.595;電動力學權威期刊)

    12. Yvonne Wu, Wen-Chun Chang, Leia Fan, Elaine Jian, Jessica Tseng and Eric Lee, “Diffusiophoresis of a Highly Charged Soft Particle in Electrolyte Solutions Induced by Diffusion Potential,” Physics of Fluids, 33(1) (2021), 012014. (SCI; Impact Factor: 4.98;傑出期刊/流體力學權威期刊) (Ranked 2nd among all the 34 SCI journals in the field of PHYSICS, FLUIDS & PLASMAS)

    13. Yu-Fan Lee, Wen-Chun Chang, Yvonne Wu, Leia Fan and Eric Lee, “Diffusiophoresis of a Highly Charged Soft Particle in Electrolyte Solutions,” Langmuir, 37(4) (2021), 1480-1492. (SCI; Impact Factor: 4.331)