

林祥泰 教授 / Shiang-Tai Lin Professor

電算分子工程研究室 Computational Molecular Engineering Lab 二館 分子模擬熱力學與相平衡流體物性預測甲烷水合物 Molecular SimulationsThermodynamics and Phase EquilibriaFluid Property PredictionsClathrate Hydrates (02)3366-1369 BLDG.II (02)3366-3065 stlin@ntu.edu.tw N303 林祥泰 Shiang-Tai Lin 化工二館(鄭江樓) CheE BLDG.II 教授 Professor N310
    • 學經歷
      • 國立台灣大學   化學學士,1994
      • 美國德拉威大學  化工博士,2000


    • 研究主題
      • 分子模擬與物性預測


    • 最新研究
      • 以嚴謹活性係數模型預測液相熱力學性質(1/3-3/3), 國科會 NSC 98-2221-E-002 -087 -MY3 08/01/2009 -07/31/2011
    1. 指導學生呂紹維獲台大第四屆「學士班學生論文獎」傅斯年獎(2020)
    2. 指導學生呂紹維獲台大化工108學年度學士專題海報競賽訊聯金獎(2020)
    3. 指導學生陳奕安獲台大化工108學年度學士專題海報競賽銀獎(2020)
    4. 指導學生古岱力,獲選參加2020灣化學工程學會67年年會英語口頭報告競賽論文競賽優等
    5. 指導學生蔡昌哲同學,獲得2019 年台灣化學工程學會66 週年年會壁報論文競賽-輸送組優勝
    6. 指導學生劉曉丰同學,獲得2019 年台灣化學工程學會66 週年年會壁報論文競賽-熱力及界面工程組優勝
    7. 指導學生梁興豪同學,獲得2019 年台灣化學工程學會66 週年年會壁報論文競賽-熱力及界面工程組優勝
    8. 指導學生林姿妤同學,獲科技部107 年度大專生研究計畫創作獎 (2019)
    9. 指導學生張峻愷同學,獲達興材料第八屆研究生獎學金 (2019)
    10. 指導學生林姿妤同學,獲2018 年台灣化學工程學會65 週年年會英語口頭報告競賽論文競賽佳作
    11. 指導學生林姿妤同學,獲得2018 年台灣化學工程學會65 週年年會壁報論文競賽-熱力及界面工程組佳作
    12. 指導學生許軒豪與黃晨軒獲台大化工系106 學年度學士專題競賽金牌 (2018)
    13. 指導學生黃晨軒獲台大106 學年度學士班學生論文院長獎 (2018)
    14. 台灣大學105學年度教學傑出教師 (2017)
    15. 指導學生張峻愷同學,獲科技部105 年度大專生研究計畫創作獎 (2017)
    16. 論文被Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics選為期刊封底(2017)
    17. 指導學生陳威霖,獲得2016 達興材料博士班獎學金
    18. 共同主持的氣體水合物研究團隊研究成果榮登 Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 期刊封面,2016
    19. Editorial Board of Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers (2015-2022)
    20. Deputy Editor of Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers (2023-now)
    21. Editorial Advisory Board of ACS Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data (2021-now)
    22. 論文被Journal of Computational Chemistry選為期刊封面(2015)
    23. 王立行同學/指導教授林祥泰教授台灣化學工程學會61週年年會英語口頭報告競賽論文競賽-輸送/熱力/綠色化工/環保C1組佳作 (2014)
    24. 趙紘毅指導教授林祥泰教授台灣化學工程學會61週年年會英語口頭報告競賽論文競賽-輸送/熱力/綠色化工/環保C2組佳作 (2014)
    25. 陳威霖指導教授林祥泰教授台灣化學工程學會61週年年會壁報論文競賽-熱力及界面工程組佳作 (2014)
    26. 趙紘毅、駱璇同學/指導教授林祥泰教授 2014GIMS12會議獲得學生海報第二名
    27. American Chemical Society, associate member (2000至今)
    28. American Institute of Chemical Engineers, life member
    29. 台灣化工學會終身會員
    30. 台灣化學工程學會理事 (2020-2022)
    1. B.-Y. Yu, P.-J. Wu, C.-C. Tsai, and S.-T. Lin, Production of diethyl carbonate from direct CO2 conversion. In Chemical Engineering Process Simulation, Foo, D. C. Y., Ed. Elsevier: 2023; pp 391-424.
    2. N. Venkatareddy, S.-T. Lin, and P. K. Maiti, Phase behavior of active and passive dumbbells. PHYSICAL REVIEW E 107, 034607, 2023.
    3. C. C. Tsai, A. McNeeley, S. T. Lin, and Y. A. Liu, Evaluation of thermophysical data, COSMO-SAC predictions, and feed simplifications for aromatic extraction process simulation using ionic liquid EMIM NTf2. AIChE J., 69 (2), e17916, 2023.
    4. C. C. Tsai, and S. T. Lin, Improved vapor pressure prediction from PR plus COSMOSAC EOS using normal boiling temperature. AIChE J., 69 (3), e17997, 2023.
    5. S. Naskar, D. Bhatia, S. T. Lin, and P. K. Maiti, Mechanistic insight into the structure, thermodynamics and dynamics of equilibrium gels of multi-armed DNA nanostars. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 25 (11), 7847-7858, 2023.
    6. A. McNeeley, C. C. Tsai, S. T. Lin, and Y. A. Liu, Science-guided data analytics for selecting ionic liquid solvents for aromatic extraction. AIChE J., e18081, 2023.
    7. A. McNeeley, C. C. Tsai, S. T. Lin, and Y. A. Liu, Development of energy-optimum aromatic extraction processes using ionic liquid EMIM NTf2. AIChE J., 69 (2), e17888, 2023.
    8. Y. C. Hung, C. M. Hsieh, H. Machida, S. T. Lin, and Y. Shimoyama, Modeling of phase separation solvent for CO2 capture using COSMO-SAC model. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 135, 104362, 2022.
    9. Y. C. Hung, C. M. Hsieh, H. Machida, S. T. Lin, and Y. Shimoyama, Unveiling the mechanism of CO2-driven phase change in amine plus water plus glycol ether ternary mixture. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 131, 104143, 2022.
    10. Y. Hung, C. Hsieh, H. Machida, S. Lin, and Y. Shimoyama, Phase Equilibrium Modeling of Mixtures Containing Conformationally Flexible Molecules with the COSMO-SAC Model. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 356, 118896, 2022.
    11. P. W. Wang, D. T. Wu, and S. T. Lin, Promotion mechanism for the growth of CO2 hydrate with urea using molecular dynamics simulations. Chemical Communications, 57, 5330-5333, 2021.
    12. T. Vikramaditya, and S. T. Lin, Novel Donor-Electret-Acceptor Framework for Higher Charge Transfer and Distance of Charge Transfer through Dipole Engineering. J. Phys. Chem. C, 125 (37), 20219-20229, 2021.
    13. C. T. Lee, C. C. Tsai, P. J. Wu, B. Y. Yu, and S. T. Lin, Screening of CO2 utilization routes from process simulation: Design, optimization, environmental and techno-economic analysis. Journal of Co2 Utilization, 53, 101722, 2021.
    14. Y.-C. Hung, C.-M. Hsieh, H. Machida, S.-T. Lin, and Y. Shimoyama, Towards Design of Phase Separation Solvent for CO2 Capture using COSMO-SAC Model. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 336, 116229, 2021.
    15. J. J. Chang, D. S. H. Wong, C. H. Huang, J. L. Kang, H. H. Hsu, and S. T. Lin, Towards a universal digital chemical space for pure component properties prediction. Fluid Phase Equilib., 527, 112829, 2021.
    16. B.-Y. Yu, P.-J. Wu, C.-C. Tsai, and S.-T. Lin, Evaluating the direct CO2 to diethyl carbonate (DEC) process: Rigorous simulation, techno-economical and environmental evaluation. Journal of CO2 Utilization, 41, 101254, 2020.
    17. T. Vikramaditya, and S.-T. Lin, Accurate Prediction of Vertical Emission from Excited-State Tuning of Range-Separated Density Functional Theory. J. Phys. Chem. C, 2020.
    18. C. C. Tsai, and S. T. Lin, Integration of Modern Computational Chemistry and ASPEN PLUS for Chemical Process Design. AIChE J., 66 (10), e16987, 2020.
    19. K.-Y. Chang, C.-K. Chu, L.-S. Chu, Y.-A. Chen, S.-T. Lin, Y.-P. Chen, and L.-J. Chen, Effect of Small Cage Guests on Dissociation Properties of Tetrahydrofuran Hydrates. J. Phys. Chem. B, accepted, 2020.
    20. C.-K. Chang, and S.-T. Lin, Improved Prediction of Phase Behaviors of Ionic Liquid Solutions with Consideration of Directional Hydrogen Bonding Interactions. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 59, 3550−3559, 2020.