


廖憶純 教授

廖憶純 副教授

廖憶純 (Yi-Chun Liao) 教授

國立臺灣大學 生命科學院 生化科技學系

  • 電話 :(O) 3366-9682 ;(L) 3366-4442
  • 傳真 :3366-2271
  • 辦公室 :農化二館 513 室
  • 研究室 :細胞生物學研究室 (農化二館 513 室)
  • E-mail :yliao@ntu.edu.tw
  • 研究專長 :生物化學、分子生物學、細胞生物學
  • 授課領域 :生物化學實驗、分子生物學、生物化學、專題研究、專題討論


  • 國立臺灣大學農業化學研究所  博士 (1996/09 ~ 2002/06)
  • 國立臺灣大學農業化學系  學士 (1992/09 ~ 1996/06)


  • 探討座落於 focal adhesion 與細胞核之 CTEN 蛋白質的結構與功能,及其參與的訊息傳導路徑與分子調控機制
  • 中國橄欖抑癌、抗發炎與抗衰老活性化合物的篩選、解構與功效評估



  • 生化科技學系 教授 (2023/08 ~ now)
  • 生化科技學系 副教授 (2016/08 ~ 2023/07)
  • 生化科技學系 助理教授 (2010/08 ~ 2016/07)
  • 美國加州大學 Davis 分校醫學院生化與分子醫學系 專案計畫助研究員 (2008/09 ~ 2010/07)
  • 美國加州大學 Davis 分校 博士後研究員 (2003/09 ~ 2008/08)
  • 國立臺灣大學農業化學系 博士後研究員 (2002/08 ~ 2003/07)


  • 臺灣大學傑出教學獎 (2018)
  • 臺灣大學優良教學獎 (2013、2014、2015、2016、2017、2024)


  1. Yeh YT#, Chen CK#, Liao YC#, Lee SS, Hsieh SC. Analysis and identification of phenolic compounds with antiproliferative activity from Chinese olive (Canarium album L.) fruit extract by HPLC-DAD-SPE-TT-NMR. J. Food Drug Anal. 2023; 31: 639-648. (#equal contribution) (SCIE)
  2. Yeh YT, Hsu KM, Chen HJ, Su NW, Liao YC, Hsieh SC. Identification of scoparone from Chinese olive fruit as a modulator of macrophage polarization from Chinese olive fruit. J. Agric. Food Chem. 2023; 71: 5195-5207. (SCIE)
  3. Wang YX, Huang CY, Chiu HJ, Huang PH, Chien HT, Jwo SH, Liao YC*. Nuclear-localized CTEN is a novel transcriptional regulator and promotes cancer cell migration through its downstream target CDC27. J. Physiol. Biochem. 2023; 79: 163-174. (*corresponding author) (SCIE)
  4. Liao YC*, Lo SH*. Tensins: emerging insights into their domain functions, biological roles and disease relevance. J. Cell Sci. 2021; 134: jcs254029. (*corresponding author) (SCIE)
  5. Chang CC, Liu YC, Lin CH, Liao YC*. Histone acetyltransferase p300 mediates the upregulation of CTEN induced by the activation of EGFR signaling in cancer cells. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 2021; 534: 53-58. (*corresponding author) (SCIE)
  6. Wu WM, Liao YC*. Downregulation of C-terminal tensin-like protein (CTEN) suppresses prostate cell proliferation and contributes to acinar morphogenesis. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2018; 19: 3190. (*corresponding author) (SCIE)
  7. Hsieh SC, Hsieh WJ, Chiang AN, Su NW, Yeh YT, Liao YC*. The methanol-ethyl acetate partitioned fraction from Chinese olive fruits inhibits cancer cell proliferation and tumor growth by promoting apoptosis through the suppression of NF-κB signaling pathway. Food Funct. 2016; 7: 4797-4803. (*corresponding author) (SCIE)
  8. Hsieh CC#, Liao CC#, Liao YC#, Hwang LS, Wu LY, Hsieh SC. Proteomic changes associated with metabolic syndrome in a fructose-fed rat model. J. Food Drug Anal. 2016; 24: 754-761. (#equal contribution) (SCIE)
  9. Yang K, Wu WM, Chen YC, Lo SH, Liao YC*. ΔNp63α transcriptionally regulates the expression of CTEN that is associated with prostate cell adhesion. PLoS One 2016; 11: e0147542. (*corresponding author) (SCIE)
  10. Chen NT, Kuwabara Y, Conley C, Liao YC, Hong SY, Chen M, Shih YP, Chen HW, Hsieh F, Lo SH. Phylogenetic analysis, expression patterns, and transcriptional regulation of human CTEN gene. Gene 2013; 520: 90-97. (SCIE)
  11. Chang JC#, Liao YC#, Yang CC, Wang AY. The purine-rich DNA binding protein OsPuralpha participates in the regulation of the rice sucrose synthase 1 gene expression. Physiol. Plant. 2011; 143: 219-234. (#equal contribution) (SCIE)
  12. Albasri A, Al-Ghamdi S, Fadhil W, Aleskandarany M, Liao YC, Jackson D, Lobo DN, Lo SH, Kumari R, Durrant L, Watson S, Kindle KB, Ilyas M. Cten signals through integrin-linked kinase (ILK) and may promote metastasis in colorectal cancer. Oncogene 2011; 30: 2997-3002. (SCIE)
  13. Shih YP, Liao YC, Lin Y, Lo SH. DLC1 negatively regulates angiogenesis in a paracrine fashion. Cancer Res. 2010; 70: 8270-8275. (SCIE)
  14. Lin Y, Chen NT, Shih YP, Liao YC, Xue L, Lo SH. DLC2 modulates angiogenic responses in vascular endothelial cells by regulating cell attachment and migration. Oncogene 2010; 29: 3010-3016. (SCIE)
  15. Liao YC, Chen NT, Shih YP, Dong Y, Lo SH. Up-regulation of C-terminal tensin-like molecule promotes the tumorigenicity of colon cancer through beta-catenin. Cancer Res. 2009; 69: 4563-4566. (SCIE)
  16. Kuo CJ, Huang LC, Liao YC, Chang CT, Sung HY. Biochemical characterization of a novel chitotriosidase from suspension-cultured bamboo (Bambusa oldhamii) cells. Bot. Stud. 2009; 50: 281-289. (SCIE)
  17. Liao YC, Shih YP, Lo SH. Mutations in the focal adhesion targeting region of deleted in liver cancer-1 attenuate their expression and function. Cancer Res. 2008; 68: 7718-7722. (SCIE)
  18. Liao YC, Lo SH. Deleted in liver cancer-1 (DLC-1): a tumor suppressor not just for liver. Int. J. Biochem. Cell Biol. 2008; 40: 843-847. (SCIE)
  19. Kuo CJ, Liao YC, Yang JH, Huang LC, Chang CT, Sung HY. Cloning and characterization of an antifungal class III chitinase from suspension-cultured bamboo (Bambusa oldhamii) cells. J. Agric. Food Chem. 2008; 56: 11507-11514. (SCIE)
  20. Katz M, Amit I, Citri A, Shay T, Carvalho S, Lavi S, Milanezi F, Lyass L, Amariglio N, Jacob-Hirsch J, Ben-Chetrit N, Tarcic G, Lindzen M, Avraham R, Liao YC, Trusk P, Lyass A, Rechavi G, Spector NL, Lo SH, Schmitt F, Bacus SS, Yarden Y. A reciprocal tensin-3-cten switch mediates EGF-driven mammary cell migration. Nat. Cell Biol. 2007; 9: 961-969. (SCIE)
  21. Liao YC, Si L, devere White RW, Lo SH. The phosphotyrosine-independent interaction of DLC-1 and the SH2 domain of cten regulates focal adhesion localization and growth suppression activity of DLC-1. J. Cell Biol. 2007; 176: 43-49. (SCIE)
  22. Chiang MK, Liao YC, Kuwabara Y, Lo SH. Inactivation of tensin3 in mice results in growth retardation and postnatal lethality. Dev. Biol. 2005; 279: 368-377. (SCIE)
  23. Cui Y, Liao YC, Lo SH. Epidermal growth factor modulates tyrosine phosphorylation of a novel tensin family member, tensin3. Mol. Cancer Res. 2004; 2: 225-232. (SCIE)
  24. Liao YC, Wang AY. Sugar-modulated gene expression of sucrose synthase in suspension-cultured cells of rice. Physiol. Plant. 2003; 118: 319-327. (SCIE)
  25. Sayion Y, Huang YW, Chen HM, Liao YC, Wang AY. Expression and Characterization of rice sucrose synthase in Escherichia coliFood. Sci. Agri. Chem. 1999; 1: 122-128.
