


王愛玉 名譽教授

王愛玉 名譽教授

王愛玉 (Ai-Yu Wang) 名譽教授

國立臺灣大學 生命科學院 生化科技學系 

  • E-mail :aywang@ntu.edu.tw
  • 研究專長 :植物生化與分子生物、酵素化學、生物技術


  • 國立台灣大學 農業化學研究所 博士 (1984/09 ~ 1989/06)
  • 國立台灣大學 農業化學系 學士 (1980/09 ~ 1984/06)
  • 臺北市立第一女子高級中學 (1977/09 ~ 1980/06)



生長快速是竹類植物的特色,以剛竹 (Phyllostachys bambusoides) 為例,在生長最快速時期,一天可生長一公尺以上。由於竹快速生長的特性及盤根錯節的地下莖與根系,使之在維持大氣中氧及二氧化碳的平衡、水土保持等方面具重要功能。此外,竹類植物行光合作用所同化的碳,大部分被轉換為細胞壁多醣類,因此儲存了豐富的生物質量 (biomass),在提供纖維素材料與作為生質能源利用等方面,竹具有相當高的優勢與效益。闡明竹的快速生長機制及開發功能性基因的利用,是本研究的主要目的。本實驗室針對綠竹 (Bambusa oldhamii) 進行了轉錄體分析,已找到一些可能參與調控竹類植物快速生長的基因,目前正針對這些基因進行功能性探討,未來擬將相關基因轉殖至其它糧食作物或經濟作物中,以達到縮短產期並增加產量的目的。


在大多數植物中,由光合組織經光合作用所固定的碳,主要是以蔗糖的型式輸出,藉由韌皮部運送至其它組織,以提供生長發育所需能量、合成生物分子所需基質或進行碳源的貯存。蔗糖除了是植物能量運轉、利用和貯存的主要形式之外,蔗糖及其降解後的產物(六碳糖)也扮演了調節基因表現與酵素活性的角色,進而影響植物中的各種醣類代謝,以因應生長發育與環境變化的不同需求。因此,參與蔗糖轉運、代謝與利用的各種酵素,在植物中具有相當重要的功能。我們以水稻及綠竹為材料,研究的目標酵素包括:sucrose transporter, sucrose synthase, invertase, cellulose synthase 等,由基因結構與功能性、基因表現調控機制、酵素功能與結構等各層次進行探討,以闡明植物如何利用簡單的糖類來維持生存命脈、掌控碳源分配與生長自主權,並期未來應用於提升農產品的品質與產量。


  • 生化科技學系 系主任 (2016/08 ~ 2019/01)
  • 生化科技學系 教授 (2003/08 ~ 2019/01)
  • 微生物與生化學研究所 教授 (2003/08~2009/07)
  • 農業化學系 教授 (1999/08 ~ 2003/07)
  • 農業化學系 副教授 (1993/08 ~ 1999/07)
  • 伊利諾大學Urbana-Champaign 分校 (微生物系) 博士後研究 (1989/08 ~ 1993/07)


  • 臺灣大學 特聘教授 (2013)
  • 臺灣大學 傑出教學獎 (2012)
  • 臺灣大學 優良教學獎 (2011)
  • 臺灣大學 優良導師獎 (2009)
  • 臺灣大學 傑出教學獎 (2006)
  • 臺灣大學 優良教學獎 (2005)
  • 臺灣大學 優良教學獎 (2004)


  1. Huang YC, Hsiang EC, Yang CC, Wang AY. New insight into the catalytic properties of rice sucrose synthase. Plant Mol Biol 2015; In Press.(SCI)
  2. Hsieh YL, Lu CF, Chiang BY, Liao SC, Chen RY, Lin CS, Wang AY, Yang CC. Molecular Characterization of Ethylene Response Sensor 1 (BoERS1) in Bambusa oldhamiiPlant Mol Biol Rep 2015: 1-12.(SCI)
  3. Liao SC, Lin CS, Wang AY, Sung HY. Differential expression of genes encoding acid invertases in multiple shoots of bamboo in response to various phytohormones and environmental factors. J Agri Food Chem. 2013; : 4396–4405. (SCI)
  4. Yeh SH, Lee BH, Liao SC, Tsai MH, Tseng YH, Chang HC, Yang CC, Jan HC, Chiu YC, Wang AY. Identification of genes differentially expressed during the growth of Bambusa oldhamiiPlant Physiol Biochem 2013; 63: 217-26.(SCI)
  5. Yeh SH, Lin CS, Wu FH, Wang AY. Analysis of the expression of BohLOL1, which encodes an LSD1-like zinc finger protein in Bambusa oldhamiiPlanta. 2011; 234(6): 1179-89.(SCI)
  6. Chang JC, Liao YC, Yang CC, Wang AY. The purine-rich DNA-binding protein OsPurα participates in the regulation of the rice sucrose synthase 1 gene expression. Physiol Plant. 2011; 143(3): 219-34.(SCI)
  7. Chen CY, Hsieh MH, Yang CC, Lin CS, Wang AY. Analysis of the cellulose synthase genes associated with primary cell wall synthesis in Bambusa oldhamii.Phytochemistry. 2010; 71(11-12): 1270-9.(SCI)
  8. Chen TH, Huang YC, Yang CS, Yang CC, Wang AY, Sung HY. Insights into the catalytic properties of bamboo vacuolar invertase through mutational analysis of active site residues. Phytochemistry. 2009; 70(1): 25-31.(SCI)
  9. Chiu WB, Lin CH, Chang CJ, Hsieh MH, Wang AY. Molecular characterization and expression of four cDNAs encoding sucrose synthase from green bambooBambusa oldhamiiNew Phytol. 2006; 170(1): 53-63.(SCI)
  10. Hsieh CW, Liu LK, Yeh SH, Chen CF, Lin HI, Sung HY, Wang AY. Molecular cloning and functional identification of invertase isozymes from green bambooBambusa oldhamiiJ Agric Food Chem. 2006; 54(8): 3101-7.(SCI)
  11. Wang LT, Wang AY, Hsieh CW, Chen CY, Sung HY. Vacuolar invertases in sweet potato: molecular cloning, characterization, and analysis of gene expression. J Agric Food Chem. 2005; 53(9): 3672-8.(SCI)
  12. Liao YC, Wang AY. Sugar-modulated gene expression of sucrose synthase in suspension-cultured cells of rice. Physiol Plant. 2003; 118(3): 319-27.(SCI)
  13. Huang WC, Wang AY, Wang LT, Sung HY. Expression and characterization of sweet potato invertase in Pichia pastorisJ Agric Food Chem. 2003; 51(5): 1494-9.(SCI)
  14. Tsai ZC, Wang AY. Identification of rice manganese-dependent protein kinases that phosphorylate sucrose synthase at multiple serine residues. Bot Bull Acad Sinica. 2003; 44(2): 141-50.(SCI)
  15. Wang AY, Kao MH, Yang WH, Sayion Y, Liu LF, Lee PD, Su JC. Differentially and developmentally regulated expression of three rice sucrose synthase genes. Plant Cell Physiol. 1999; 40(8): 800-7.(SCI)
  16. Sayion Y, Huang YW, Chen HM, Liao YC, Wang AY. Expression and Characterization of rice sucrose synthase in Escherichia coliFood Sci Agri Chem. 1999; 1(2): 122-8
  17. Lin CL, Lin HC, Wang AY, Sung HY. Purification and characterization of an alkaline invertase from shoots of etiolated rice seedlings. New Phytol. 1999; 142(3): 427-34.(SCI)
  18. Kao MH, Wang AY. Effects of sucrose, light and temperature on the steady-state levels of sucrose synthase isozymes in etiolated rice seedlings. J Chin Agri Chem Soc. 1999; 37(2): 207-14
  19. Huang DY, Wang AY. Purification and characterization of sucrose synthase isozymes from etiolated rice seedlings. Biochem Mol Biol Int. 1998; 46(1): 107-13.(SCI)
  20. Huang JW, Chen JT, Yu WP, Shyur LF, Wang AY, Sung HY, Lee PD, Su JC. Complete structures of three rice sucrose synthase isogenes and differential regulation of their expressions. Biosci Biotechnol Biochem. 1996; 60(2): 233-9.(SCI)
  21. Wang AY, Cronan JE, Jr. The growth phase-dependent synthesis of cyclopropane fatty acids in Escherichia coli is the result of an RpoS(KatF)-dependent promoter plus enzyme instability. Mol Microbiol. 1994; 11(6): 1009-17.(SCI)
  22. Chang YY, Wang AY, Cronan JE, Jr. Expression of Escherichia coli pyruvate oxidase (PoxB) depends on the sigma factor encoded by the rpoS(katF) gene. Mol Microbiol. 1994; 11(6): 1019-28.(SCI)
  23. Wang AY, Juang RH, Chang CT, Sung HY. Purification and characterization of 5'-phosphodiesterase from barley rootlets. Biochem Mol Biol Int. 1993; 29(6): 1095-102.(SCI)
  24. Chang YY, Wang AY, Cronan JE, Jr. Molecular cloning, DNA sequencing, and biochemical analyses of Escherichia coli glyoxylate carboligase. An enzyme of the acetohydroxy acid synthase-pyruvate oxidase family. J Biol Chem. 1993; 268(6): 3911-9.(SCI)
  25. Yu WP, Wang AY, Juang RH, Sung HY, Su JC. Isolation and sequences of rice sucrose synthase cDNA and genomic DNA. Plant Mol Biol. 1992; 18(1): 139-42.(SCI)
  26. Wang AY, Yu WP, Juang RH, Huang JW, Sung HY, Su JC. Presence of three rice sucrose synthase genes as revealed by cloning and sequencing of cDNA. Plant Mol Biol. 1992; 18(6): 1191-4.(SCI)
  27. Wang AY, Grogan DW, Cronan JE, Jr. Cyclopropane fatty acid synthase ofEscherichia coli: deduced amino acid sequence, purification, and studies of the enzyme active site. Biochemistry. 1992; 31(45): 11020-8.(SCI)
  28. Wang AY, Chang YY, Cronan JE, Jr. Role of the tetrameric structure ofEscherichia coli pyruvate oxidase in enzyme activation and lipid binding. J Biol Chem. 1991; 266(17): 10959-66.(SCI)
  29. Chang YY, Cronan JE, Jr., Li SJ, Reed K, Vanden Boom T, Wang AY. Locations of the lippoxB, and ilvBN genes on the physical map of Escherichia coliJ Bacteriol. 1991; 173(17): 5258-9.(SCI)


  1. 黃鵬林, 王愛玉, 劉瑞芬, 莊榮輝. 生物技術核心實驗. 臺北市: 國立臺灣大學生物技術研究中心; 2001.