Chen, P.-Y., Lin, C-T., Yam, R.S.W. and Yuan, H.-W. Influences of Physical Vegetation Management on Odonata Abundance in Urbanized Ecosystem: a Case Study in Northern Taiwan. Wetlands. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13157-020-01314-4
Shiao, M.-T., M.-C. Chuang, H.-W. Yuan, and Y. Wang, Seasonal rainfall in subtropical montane cloud forests drives demographic fluctuations in a Green-backed Tit population., The Condor Ornithological Applications, 122, pp1-15, (SCI)
Lin, D.-L., S.-W. Fu, H.-W. Yuan*, and T.-S. Ding, Bird species richness in relation to land-use patch structure and vegetation structure in a forest-agriculture mosaic, Ornithol Sci., 18, pp135-147, (SCI)
Holmes, N. D., D. R. Spatz, S. Oppel, H.-W. Yuan, Globally important islands where eradicating invasive mammals will benefit highly threatened vertebrates., PLOS ONE, PONE-D-18-27627R2, (SCI)
Shiao, M.-T., M.-C. Chuang, Shipher Wu, H.-W. Yuan*, and Y. Wang. , Differential larval phenology affects nestling condition of Green backed Tit (Parus monticolus) in broadleaf and coniferous habitats, subtropical Taiwan. , Journal of Ornithology, 160(4), pp1003-1014, (SCI)
Shiao, M.-T., K.-P. Yu, M.-C. Chuang, H.-W. Yuan*, Estimation of biomass from shape-specific length-mass equations for arboreal spiders in subtropical montane forest of Taiwan., Journal of Arachnology., 47, pp326-333, (SCI)
Shiao, M.-T., M.-C. Chuang, H.-W. Yuan, and Y. Wang., Calcium is not a limiting micronutrient for egg production by Green-backed Tits in a mosaic landscape of mixed-oak forests and cedar plantation in subtropical Taiwan., Ornithological Science, 17(2), (SCI)
Hung, C.-H, L.-N. Chang, K.-G. Chiang, and H.-W. Yuan, Trends in numbers of the Critically Endangered Chinese Crested Tern Thalasseus bernsteini and sympatrically nesting Greater Crested Tern T. bergii in the Matsu Archipelago, Taiwan., Bird Conservation International, 1-14. doi:10.1017/S0959270918000369, (SCI)
洪崇航、蔣功國、管立豪、張樂寧、袁孝維, 應用無人機於馬祖大鳳頭燕鷗與瀕危黑嘴端鳳頭燕鷗之巢位調查, 台灣生物多樣性研究, in press
Valera, F., T. Gómez-Moracho, H.-W. Yuan, I. Muñoz, P. De la Rúa, R. Martín-Hernández, Y.-L. Chen, M. Higes., Any role for the dissemination of Nosema spores by the Blue-tailed bee-eater Merops philippinus? Journal of Apicultural Researchhttp. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00218839.2017.130637., (SCI)
Lin, C.-C., L. A. Dugatkin, H.-W. Yuan, P.-F. Lee, and S.-F. Shen., A sequential collective action game and its applications to cooperative parental care in a songbird. , Animal Behaviour, 129, pp151-159, (SCI)
Shen, S.-F., H.-W. Yuan, and M. Liu., Taiwan yuhinas: unrelated joint-nesters cooperate in unfavorable environments. In Cooperative Breeding: Studies of Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior. , W.D. Koenig and J. Dickinson, eds, (Others)
洪崇航、張壽華、阮錦松、陳水華、張樂寧、蔣忠祐、袁孝維, 從零到百「神話之鳥」黑嘴端鳳頭燕鷗保育史, 自然保育季刊, 94, pp20-37
Shiao, M.-T., M.-C. Chuang, H.-W. Yuan, and W. Ying., Effects of weather variation on the timing and success of breeding in two cavity-nesting species in a subtropical montane forest in Taiwan, Auk, 132, pp671-684, (SCI)
Liu, M., Q.-D. Zhong, Y.-R. Cheng, S.-H. Li, S. Fang, C.-E. Pu, H.-W. Yuan*, S.-F. Shen*, Genetic relatedness in groups of the joint-nesting Taiwan yuhinas: Low relatedness groups with preference of accepting male kin., PLOS ONE , 10, (SCI)
余家斌、袁孝維、蔡明哲、邱祈榮, 森林遊憩與健康, 中華林學季刊, 48(2), pp173-184, (Others)
張樂寧、袁孝維*(通訊作者), 《黑冠麻鷺故事館》邀你一起寫故事, 冠羽飛訊, 224, pp50-51, (Others)