Shenglin Elijah Chang(2013) “三城混成幇」の新農村体験: 台湾安坑三城における新しい「農学耕読」の実践.” Inコミュニティ・デベロップメント, 林まゆみ, Tokyo: 彰囯社
Shenglin Elijah Chang (2013), “混搭的三城幫”(Planting SanCheng Peri-urban Agricultural Seeds) in 反造城市 (People Change Cities), Jeffery Hou ed., Taipei: 左岸出版社 (Rive Gauche Publishing House). (in Chinese)
Shenglin Elijah Chang and Yenchew Foo (2013). Listening to Transcultural Voices, Watching out for Trans-Asian Places: Kampung Kanthan in Transition. Transcultural Cities. New York, USA: Taylor & Francis/Routledge. Jan, 2013: 104-117.
Shenglin Chang (2006). The Global Silicon Valley Home: Lives and Landscapes Within Taiwanese American Trans-Pacific Cultures. Stanford University Press.
Shenglin Chang (2006). Challenging the Chips: Labor Rights and Environmental Justice in the Global Electronics Industry. Edited by David N. Pellow, David A. Sonnenfeld, and Ted Smith. Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press. Responsible for co-editing “Environmental Justice and Labor Rights” section with Dr. Andrew Watterson.
Shenglin Chang, Hua-mei Chiu and Wenling Tu (2006). Breaking the Silicon Silence: Giving Voice to Health and Environmental Impacts Within Taiwan’s Hsinchu Science Park. In Challenging the Chips: Labor Rights and Environmental Justice in the Global Electronics Industry. Edited by David N. Pellow, David A. Sonnenfeld, and Ted Smith. Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press. [Senior author]
Andrew Watterson and Shenglin Chang (2006). Section Introduction: Environmental Justice and Labor Rights. In Challenging the Chips: Labor Rights and Environmental Justice in the Global Electronics Industry. Edited by David N. Pellow, David A. Sonnenfeld, and Ted Smith. Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press. [Second author]
Shenglin Chang (2006). Homes Across the Waters: The Construction of Gender and Landscape Within a Trans-Pacific Life. In book proposal “A Century of Women: Evaluating Gender in Landscape Architecture.” A book proposal prepared by Louise Mozingo and Linda Jewell in the Department of Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning at UC Berkeley. Accepted.