王俊能,冠羽畫眉渡冬限定的花蜜飲, 科學史沙龍/台灣大學科教中心。
Chun-Neng Wang, Evolution of flower color in Taiwan revealed bee preference selection , 2019 U Tokyo-NTU Joint Conference。
Chun-Neng Wang, Exploring the Function of the miR390-TAS3-ARF Pathway in Marchantia polymorpha, Marchantia Workshop (國際地錢基因體聯盟)。
Chun-Neng Wang, Flower color divergence along elevation in Taiwan , Congress of Animal Behavior and Ecology (2019動物行為暨生態學研討會)。
Chun-Neng Wang, Exploring genetic modules controlling floral symmetry in Darwin's Gloxinia, Sinningia speciosa , Taiwan-Japan Plant Biology 2017 (台日植物生物學國際研討會)。
Chun-Neng Wang, Co-option of shoot maintenance CENTRORADIALIS and photoperiod regulated FT module on floral reversion and bulbils formation in Titanotrichum oldhamii (Gesneriaceae), IBC 2017 (XIX International Botanical Congress第19屆國際植物學大會), Section T4-37: Regulatory mechanism of flowering time.
Chun-Neng Wang, Local adaptation of Taxus mairei: continent versus island, 氣候變遷:植物演化之因應策略研討會, 2016台灣植物學會年會。
Chun-Neng Wang, Floral bilateral symmetry enhances shape variation revealed through morphometric and genetic analysis, 37th New Phytologist Symposium, Plant developmental evolution.
Chun-Neng Wang, Floral bilateral symmetry enhances shape variation revealed through morphometric and genetic analysis, 海峽兩岸植物科學與農業生物技術研討會。