Liang-Chih Chen, Shenglin Elijah Chang (2015, Aug). Building and Recovering Rural Economic Landscapes: The case of liquor and tea industries in Taiwan . Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, Vol 202, 408–416. MOST 102-2410H-002-158-MY2. 本人為通訊作者.
Shenglin Elijah Chang (2015, Jan). The Danshui River Cultural Ecosystem as the Amis Tribal Landscape: An Asian Green-grassroots Approach. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, Volume 170 (27) PP. 463–473. (Scopus). MOST 1002621-M-002-034. 本人為第一作者、通訊作者.
Shenglin Elijah Chang (2013, Nov). Blue Magpie TEAgriculture: Eco-tea Cultivation and Participatory Farming in Pinglin Satoyama, Taiwan. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 101 ( 2013 ), 14 – 22 . (Scopus). MOST 1022410-H-002-158-MY2. 本人為第一作者、通訊作者.
Po-Chun Huang and Shenglin Elijah Chang (2012, Nov). The Choice of Hui-Lan in Taiwan: Building an Expressway to Return Home or Preserving the Ecology for Generations to Come?. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, 50 ( 2012 ) 563 – 573. (Scopus). 本人為通訊作者.
Shenglin Elijah Chang (2012, Nov). The Trans-Pacific Status Seekers: Dialogue and Discontent of Transnational Suburbanization. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences , 50 ( 2012 ) 89 – 101. (Scopus). 本人為第一作者、通訊作者.
Chen-Ting Wu, Hsin-ko Cinco Yu, Shenglin Elijah Chang (2012, Sep). Expired Community, Out of work Waterway: Demolishing the Liugongjun Canal and Village to Build a Cheonggyecheon in the Metropolitan Taipei , Taiwan . The 8th Conference of the Pacific Rim Community Design network
Chia-Hsuan Lee and Shenglin Elijah Chang (2012, Sep). Peri-urban Agriculture for Green Life In the Metropolitan Taipei. The 8 th Conference of the Pacific Rim Community Design net work, Seoul .
Hui Chin Huang, Zong Jun Lee, Chia-Hsuan Lee, and Shenglin Elijah Chang (2012, Sep). Green cycle for the Youth in Old town Daxi:Take the educational interaction as the catalyst for historical town. The 8th Conference of the Pacific Rim Community Design net work, Seoul .
張聖琳,黃柏鈞,蕭定雄(2012 年 09 月)。從抬頭賞鳥到彎腰環保: 中華野鳥協 會台灣藍鵲茶的坪林新鄉村多元就業實驗 。2012 年兩岸社會創新與發展學術研討 會,台灣台北。本人為第一作者、通訊作者。