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Institute of Fisheries Science, NTU

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The research conducted by Prof. Chun-Wei Chang and Prof. Chia-Yi Ko collaborated with an outstanding research team from Academia Sinica and National Taiwan Ocean University to firstly unveil the facilitative effects of viral shunt on bacterial growth in open ocean has been published in Science Advances on October 12th, 2022.
  • 發布單位:Committee On Fisheries Extension

Viral shunt: A 30 years’ unsolved grudge between marine viruses and bacteria.


Pathogenic bacteria and viruses are notorious for destroying the human population and civilization. Yersinia pestis (aka. plague, the black death) took half of the Europeans' life in the Middle Ages, and that COVID-19 has resulted in the highest casualty in human history (6.45 million by August 2022). However, the vast majority (>95%) of these microbes are harmless to us. These non-pathogenic microbes play essential roles in recycling the primary elements that make up all living systems on earth.

The ocean has an inventory of dissolved organic carbon (DOC; ~660 Giga-ton C) roughly equal to that of atmospheric CO2. Most oceanic DOC is derived from autochthonous food web processes. Heterotrophic bacteria are responsible for DOC decomposition and constitute a key component in the “microbial-loop” (Fig. 1), which emphasizes the connections between DOC, bacteria, protozoans, and the traditional grazing (phytoplankton to zooplankton to fishes) food chain.

Viruses are thought responsible for c.a. 10~50% of the total bacterial mortality in surface seawater. The viral shunt hypothesis suggested that the viral-lysis process lessened the transfer of bacterial cells to protozoans; and that the lysate released from the broken cells stimulated the growth of the existing bacteria. This viral shunt hypothesis is crucial for microbial biogeochemistry but its applicability to the real world has not been well documented for almost three decades. We suspected that that the timescale adopted in sampling and system trophic status determine the “visibility” of the viral shunt in the field.

Prof. Chun-Wei Chang (corresponding author) and Prof. Chia-Yi Ko from the Institute of Fisheries Science, NTU collaborated with an outstanding research team from Academia Sinica and National Taiwan Ocean University to firstly unveil the facilitative effects of viral shunt on bacterial growth in open ocean. The results from 9 diel surveys (sampling with a 3-hours interval for 24-48 hours; 2010-2017) conducted in the tropical South China Sea indicated that in terms of tempo-spatial distribution, bacterial abundance (Fig. 2A) and virus abundance (Fig. 2B) changed synchronously (Fig. 2D). While bacteria per cell growth rate (Fig. 2C) varied negatively with that of bacteria (and virus too) abundance (Fig. 2E).

Bacteria are in famine status in an oligotrophic ocean. The supply of labile substances such as the lysate from viral lysis process stimulates bacteria to turnover in a time-scale of hours. The difficulty of detecting the viral shunt in mesotrophic/eutrophic systems might due to their abundant allochthonous and autochthonous organics input sources. The differential temperature responses of the viral shunt modes in the upper and lower euphotic zones provides insights into the viral shunt and the consequential impacts on food web processes (i.e. fueling primary production and bacteriovory) in a warming climate. This research has been published in Science Advances on October 12th, 2022.

In addition to traditional fishing and aquaculture industries, the Institute of Fisheries Science, NTU will deepen the exploration of our marine environment. Under the impacts of global changes, there are still plenty of mysteries that potentially affects the overall development of marine wildlife and fishery.


Reference: Shiah, FK, CC Lai, TY Chen, CY Ko, JH Tai, & CW Chang*, Viral shunt in tropical oligotrophic ocean. Science Advances 8, eabo2829 (2022). (DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.abo2829; *Corresponding author)


Figure 1. Schematic diagram of marine microbial food web. The diagram presents key microbial processes that critically affects marine biogeochemical cycle, including the inorganic and organic fluxes (arrows) flowing among different plankton via grazing food chain (blue lines), microbial loop (brown lines), viral loop (red dashed lines) and biological pump (purple arrow).


Figure 2. Depth (0-100m) contours of (A) bacterial biomass, (B) viral abundance, (C) bacterial per cell growth rate in the 9 diel surveys. The scatter plots of bacteria biomass vs. (D) virus abundance and (E) bacteria per cell growth rates.