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Institute of Fisheries Science, NTU

Chih-Hao Hsieh Professor

  • Chih-Hao Hsieh


  • Education:Ph.D. (Biological Oceanography), Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California-San Diego, USA

  • Office:Room 420 & 422, Institute of Oceanography

  • TEL:886-2-3366-9745
  • 886-2-3366-9746


  • Research:Thereotical Ecology; EcoInfomatics; Biological Oceanography; Fisheries Oceanography; Zooplankton Ecology

  • Website of lab:

  • Course:
  • Biological Oceanography
    Marine Ecology
    Advanced in Theoretical Ecology
    Computer-intensive Statistics in Ecology
    Fundamentals of Oceanic Statistics

Research Interests:
(1) Thereotical Ecology
(2) EcoInfomatics
(3) Biological Oceanography
(4) Fisheries Oceanography
(5) Zooplankton Ecology


能夠預測未來是科學的最終目標之一。如果是這樣,相反,預測能力可以有效地用於檢查系統動態。基於樣本外預測技巧,我們採用非線性時間序列技術來研究系統動力學。這些方法植根於系統吸引子的狀態空間重構理論。這些技術能夠區分自然時間序列中的低維非線性動力學和高維線性噪聲。使用這些非線性方法,我們研究了內在和外在過程對生物種群調節的相對貢獻,檢測潛在的生態系統響應環境變化的突然變化,表徵果蠅飛行行為的神經反饋控制,並且正在開發更多的應用程序。此外,我們擴展了這些方法以檢測生態系統組件之間的因果關係。這些方法用於改善生態系統管理,例如預測漁業資源規模以應對氣候變化和捕魚。這些方法最初是由教授開發的。George Sugihara(美國斯克里普斯海洋研究所)。


將環境變化的影響與捕魚的影響區分開來一直難以捉摸,但對於健全的漁業管理至關重要。隨著漁業管理政策轉向生態系統方法,了解捕撈和氣候的交互影響非常重要。使用從加州合作海洋漁業調查中收集的 50 年長的魚類時間序列數據調查中,我們開發了一種新方法,通過比較已開發和未開發的種群,在不斷變化的環境中檢查捕撈對魚類種群的影響。我們發現捕魚降低了面臨環境變化的魚類種群的複原力,並提高了被剝削種群的繁榮和蕭條。這種升高的變異性是由捕撈引起的年齡截斷效應 (ATE) 引起的,由於內在增長率等人口參數的變化,導致青少年種群的種群動態越來越不穩定。我們還發現,捕魚迫使被剝削的種群“將雞蛋放在一個籃子裡”,並降低了被剝削種群的空間異質性。我們繼續從數據中調查捕撈對被剝削種群年齡結構的影響,



  1. 三峽大壩對東海生態系統的影響(與龔國慶課題組)。我們是台灣最大的海洋團隊。我們的工作幾乎涵蓋了東海生態系統中的所有內容:物理、營養物質、細菌、初級生產、浮游植物、浮游動物、浮游魚類和漁業管理以及所有這些對生物地球化學循環和微量元素的影響。我們預計三峽大壩全面運行後,這個生態系統將發生巨大變化。

  2. 魚游泳行為-水動力耦合模型研究日本鳀魚從東海到台灣沿海地區的遷移(與Yu-Heng Tzeng、Shih-Nan Chen和Sen Jan合作)。

  3. 台灣周邊重要物種的漁業海洋學,如鳳尾魚、鯔魚和鰻魚。

  4. 台灣周邊海域浮游動物數據庫。


  1. 了解氣候變化和人為影響的協同效應是湖泊系統中的一個熱門話題。我們使用長達 ​​40 年的浮游植物、浮游動物和魚類時間序列數據以及物理和化學測量值,研究了日本琵琶湖氣候和富營養化的影響。 

  2. 我與Fuh-Kao Shiah(中央研究院)合作研究飛翠水庫的浮游動物生態學和浮游生物食物網。



  1. 我們研究了小型哺乳動物腸道中的微生物群落和台灣周邊海域的微生物生物地理學(與Hon-Tsen Yu,Inst. Zool.,NTU)

  2. 我們正在編譯現場數據並調查社區結構的模式以應對乾擾。我們的目標是發展理論來解釋觀察到的模式。該理論和方法可用於檢驗環境質量和生態系統保護。該項目與Norio Yamamura(日本人文與自然研究所)和Takeshi Miki(台灣 IONTU)、Michio Kondoh(日本琉球大學)和Kei Tokita (日本大阪大學)共同開展。 


  1. 帶有ZooScanFlowCam的自動浮游動物分類系統。

  2. 尺寸譜和尺寸-營養關係作為研究浮游生物食物網營養動力學的新方法。

  3. 對浮游動物攝食和生長的環境影響。

  4. Calanus pacificus在南加州地區的死亡率並研究死亡原因(與馬克·奧曼,斯克里普斯海洋研究所)。這是長期生態研究 (LTER):加利福尼亞當前生態系統的一部分。

近年重要著作 (2017- ):

Ho, P.-C., N. Okuda, C. F. Yeh, P. L. Wang, G. C. Gong, and C.-H. Hsieh (2021) Carbon and nitrogen isoscape of particulate organic matter in the East China Sea. Progress in Oceanography, 197: 102667.

Chang, C. W., T. Miki, M. Ushio, P. J Ke, H. P. Lu, F. K Shiah, and C.-H. Hsieh (2021) Reconstructing large interaction networks from empirical time series data. Ecology Letters, 24(12): 2763-2774.

Ho, P.-C., G. C. Gong, C.-H. Hsieh, P. W. Y. Chen, and A. Y. Tsai, (2021) Diel Variation of Viral Production in a Coastal Subtropical Marine System. Diversity-basel, 13(9): 426.

Pan, R. Y., T. C. Kuo, and C.-H. Hsieh (2021) Hump-shaped relationship between aggregation tendency and body size within fish populations. Ecography, 44(9): 1418-1427.

Chen, T. C., P. C. Ho, G. C. Gong, A. Y. Tsai, and C.-H. Hsieh (2021) Finding Approaches to Exploring the Environmental Factors That Influence Copepod-Induced Trophic Cascades in the East China Sea. Diversity-basel, 13(7): 299.

Lin, Y. C., C. P. Chin, J. W. Yang, K. P. Chiang, C.-H. Hsieh, G. C. Gong, C. Y. Shih, and S. Y. Chen (2021) How Communities of Marine Stramenopiles Varied with Environmental and Biological Variables in the Subtropical Northwestern Pacific Ocean. Microbial Ecology, DOI:10.1007/s00248-021-01788-7.

Huang, Y.-H., H.-H. Tao, G.-C. Gong, and C.-H. Hsieh (2021) Importance of prey size on investigating prey availability of larval fishes. PLoS ONE, 16(5): e0251344.

Chang, F. H., Yang, J. W., Liu, A. C. H., Lu, H. P., Gong, G. C., Shiah, F. K., and C.-H. Hsieh (2021) Community Assembly Processes as a Mechanistic Explanation of the Predator-Prey Diversity Relationship in Marine Microbes. Frontiers in Marine Science, 8: 651565.

Li, S.-W., P.-H. Lin, T.-Y. Ho, C.-H. Hsieh, and C.-l. Sun (2021) Change in rheotactic behavior patterns of dinoflagellates in response to different microfluidic environments. Scientific Reports, 11(1): 11105.

Tao, H. H., G. Dur, P. J. Ke, Souissi, S., and C.-H. Hsieh (2021) Age-specific habitat preference, carrying capacity, and landscape structure determine the response of population spatial variability to fishing-driven age truncation. Ecology and Evolution, 11(11): 6358-6370.

Hsu, J., Y. J. Chang, T. Kitakado, M. Kai, B. Li, M. Hashimoto, C.-H. Hsieh, V. Kulik, and K. J. Park (2021) Evaluating the spatiotemporal dynamics of Pacific saury in the Northwestern Pacific Ocean by using a geostatistical modelling approach. Fisheries Research, 235: 105821.

Chang, C.-W.., H. Ye, T. Miki, E.R. Deyle, S. Souissi, O. Anneville, R. Adrian, Y.R. Chiang, S. Ichise, M. Kumagai, S.S. Matsuzaki, F.K. Shiah, J.T. Wu, C.-H. Hsieh, and Sugihara, G. (2020) Long-term warming destabilizes aquatic ecosystems through weakening biodiversity-mediated causal networks. Global Change Biology, 26(11), 6413-6423.

Lu, H.-P., Y.-H. Shao, J.-H. Wu, and C-H. Hsieh (2020) System Performance Corresponding to Bacterial Community Succession after a Disturbance in an Autotrophic Nitrogen Removal Bioreactor. mSystems, 5(4): e00398-20.

Ho, P. C., E. Wong, F. S. Lin, A. R. Sastri, C. Garcia-Comas, N. Okuda, F. K. Shiah, G. C. Gong, R. S. W. Yam, and C.-H. Hsieh (2020) Prey stoichiometry and phytoplankton and zooplankton composition influence the production of marine crustacean zooplankton. Progress in Oceanography, 186: 102369.

Wang, J.-Y., T.-C. Kuo, and C.-H. Hsieh (2020) Causal effects of population dynamics and environmental changes on spatial variability of marine fishes. Nature Communications, 11(1): 2635.

Ho, P. C., C. W. Chang, F. K. Shiah, P.-L. Wang, C.-H. Hsieh, and K.H. Andersen (2020) Body Size, Light Intensity, and Nutrient Supply Determine Plankton Stoichiometry in Mixotrophic Plankton Food Webs. American Naturalist, 195(4): E100-E111.

Cheng, W. H., H. P. Lu, C. C. Chen, S. Jan, and C.-H. Hsieh (2020) Vertical Beta-Diversity of Bacterial Communities Depending on Water Stratification. Frontiers in Microbiology, 11: 499.

Lin, F. S., P. C. Ho, A. R. Sastri, C. C. Chen, G. C. Gong, S. Jan, and C.-H. Hsieh (2020) Resource availability affects temporal variation of phytoplankton size structure in the Kuroshio east of Taiwan. Limnology and Oceanography, 65(2): 236-246.

Lin, F. S.., P. C. Ho, A.R. Sastri, C. C. Chen, G. C. Gong, S. Jan, and C.-H. Hsieh (2020) Resource availability affects temporal variation of phytoplankton size structure in the Kuroshio east of Taiwan. Limnology and Oceanography, 9999: 1-11.

Anneville, O., C. W. Chang, G. Dur, S. Souissi, F. Rimet, and C.-H. Hsieh (2019) The paradox of re-oligotrophication: the role of bottom-up versus top-down controls on the phytoplankton community. Oikos, 128(11): 1666-1677.

Huang, W. B., C.-H. Hsieh, T. S. Chiu, W. T. Hsu, and C. S. Chen, (2019) CPUE standardization for the Pacific saury Cololabis saira fishery in the Northwest Pacific. Journal of Marine Science and Technology-Taiwan, 27(5): 472-480.

Ye, L., C. W. Chang, S. S. Matsuzaki, N. Takamura, C. E. Widdicombe, and C.-H. Hsieh (2019) Functional diversity promotes phytoplankton resource use efficiency. Journal of Ecology, 107(5): 2353-2363.

Lu, H. P., Y. C. Yeh, F. K. Shiah, G. C. Gong, and C.-H. Hsieh (2019) Evolutionary constraints on species diversity in marine bacterioplankton communities. ISME Journal, 13(4): 1032-1041.

Chang, Y. H., Y. H. Lin, C.-H. Hsieh, and Y. M. Chen (2019) Aurantiochytrium dietary supplements reduce intra-cohort cannibalism among orange-spotted groupers (Epinephelus coioides) by modulating brain 5-HT and serum cortisol. Aquaculture, 502: 202-211.

Arranz, I., C.-H. Hsieh, T. Mehner, and S. Brucet (2019) Systematic deviations from linear size spectra of lake fish communities are correlated with predator-prey interactions and lake-use intensity. Oikos, 128(1): 33-44.

Chang, Y. J., K. W. Lan, W. A. Walsh, J. Hsu, and C.-H. Hsieh (2019) Modelling the impacts of environmental variation on habitat suitability for Pacific saury in the Northwestern Pacific Ocean. Fisheries Oceanography, 28(3): 291-304.

Grziwotz, F., J. F. Strauss, C.-H. Hsieh, and A. Telschow (2018) Empirical Dynamic Modelling Identifies different Responses of Aedes Polynesiensis Subpopulations to Natural Environmental Variables. Scientific Reports, 8: 16768.

Itoh, M., Kojima, H., Ho, P. C., Chang, C. W., Chen, T. Y., Hsiao, S. S. Y., Kobayashi, Y., Fujibayashi, M., Kao, S. J., Hsieh, C. H., Fukui, M., Okuda, N., Miki, T., Shiah, F. K. (2018) Integrating isotopic, microbial, and modeling approaches to understand methane dynamics in a frequently disturbed deep reservoir in Taiwan (vol 32, pg 861, 2017). Ecological Research, 33 (5):1083-1084.

Dornelas, M., L. H. Antao, F. Moyes, A. E. Bates, A. E. Magurran, D. Adam, C. A. Chen, C.-H. Hsieh et al. (2018) BioTIME: A database of biodiversity time series for the Anthropocene. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 27(7): 760-786.

Yang, J. W., W. X. Wu, C. C. Chung, K. P. Chiang, G. C. Gong, and C.-H. Hsieh (2018) Predator and prey biodiversity relationship and its consequences on marine ecosystem functioning-interplay between nanoflagellates and bacterioplankton. ISME Journal, 12 (6): 1532-1542.

Tu, C. Y., K. T. Chen, and C.-H. Hsieh (2018) Fishing and temperature effects on the size structure of exploited fish stocks. Scientific Reports, 8: 1732.

Ushio, M., C.-H. Hsieh, R. Masuda, E. R. Deyle, H. Ye, C. W. Chang, G. Sugihara, and M. Kondoh, (2018) Fluctuating interaction network and time-varying stability of a natural fish community. Nature, 554(7692): 360-363.

Wu, W. X., H. P. Lu, A. Sastri, Y. C. Yeh, G. C. Gong, W. C. Chou, and C.H. Hsieh (2018) Contrasting the relative importance of species sorting and dispersal limitation in shaping marine bacterial versus protist communities. ISME Journal, 12(2): 485-494.

Lu, H. P., P. Y. Liu, Y. B. Wang, J. F. Hsieh, H. C. Ho, S. W. Huang, C. Y. Lin, C. H. Hsieh, and H. T. Yu (2018) Functional Characteristics of the Flying Squirrel's Cecal Microbiota under a Leaf-Based Diet, Based on Multiple Meta-Omic Profiling. Frontiers in Microbiology, 8: 2622.

Miki, T., Yokokawa, T., Ke, P. J., Hsieh, I. F., Hsieh, C. H., Kume, T., Yoneya, K., Matsui, K. (2018) Statistical recipe for quantifying microbial functional diversity from EcoPlate metabolic profiling. Ecological Research, 33 (1): 249-260.

Weng, C. Y., C. H. Hsieh, and M. H. Su (2017) Recruitment dynamics mediated by ungulate herbivory can affect species coexistence for tree seedling assemblages. Taiwania, 62 (3): 283-293.

Chen, I. C., C. H. Hsieh, M. Kondoh, H. J. Lin, T. Miki, M. Nakamura, T. Ohgushi, J. Urabe, and T. Yoshida (2017) Filling the gaps in ecological studies of socioecological systems. Ecological Research, 32(6): 873-885.

Itoh, M, H. Kojima, P. C. Ho, C. W. Chang, T. Y. Chen, S. S. Y. Hsiao, Y. Kobayashi, M. Fujibayashi, S. J. Kao, C. H. Hsieh, M. Fukui, N. Okuda, T. Miki, and F. K. Shiah, (2017) Integrating isotopic, microbial, and modeling approaches to understand methane dynamics in a frequently disturbed deep reservoir in Taiwan. Ecological Research, 32 (6): 861-871.

Weng, C. Y., K. C. Yang, C. F. Hsieh, C. H. Hsieh, and M. H. Su (2017) Local neighborhood communities in the understory play a critical role by affecting regeneration niches and subsequent community assembly in a montane cloud forest. Ecological Research, 32 (6): 821-833.

Chang, C. W., M. Ushio, and C.H. Hsieh (2017) Empirical dynamic modeling for beginners. Ecological Research, 32 (6): 785-796.

Iwayama, A., H. Ogura, Y. Hirama, C. W. Chang, C. H. Hsieh, and M. Kagami, (2017) Phytoplankton species abundance in Lake Inba (Japan) from 1986 to 2016. Ecological Research, 32 (6): 783-783.

Nakamura, M., C. H. Hsieh, T. Miki, and M. Kondoh (2017) Establishment of an ecological research network involving Taiwan and Japan: developing a better understanding of ecological phenomena unique to East Asia. Ecological Research, 32 (6): 779-781.

Okuda, N., Y. Sakai, K. Fukumori, S. M. Yang, C. H. Hsieh, and F. K. Shiah (2017) Food web properties of the recently constructed, deep subtropical Fei-Tsui Reservoir in comparison with the ancient Lake Biwa. Hydrobiologia, 802 (1):199-210.

Telschow, A., F. Grziwotz, P. Crain, T. Miki, J. W. Mains, G. Sugihara, S. L. Dobson, and C. H. Hsieh (2017) Infections of Wolbachia may destabilize mosquito population dynamics. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 428: 98-105.

Chen, C. C., G. C. Gong, W. C. Chou, C. C. Chung, C. H. Hsieh, F, K. Shiah, and K. P. Chiang (2017) The influence of episodic flooding on a pelagic ecosystem in the East China Sea. Biogeosciences, 14 (10): 2597-2609.

Wong, E., A. R. Sastri, F. S. Lin, and C. H. Hsieh (2017) Modified FlowCAM procedure for quantifying size distribution of zooplankton with sample recycling capacity. PLoS One, 12 (4): 10.1371/journal.pone.0175235.

Dakos, V., S. M. Glaser, C. H. Hsieh and G. Sugihara (2017) Elevated nonlinearity as an indicator of shifts in the dynamics of populations under stress. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 14 (128): 20160845.

Wu, W., R. Logares, B. Huang and C. H. Hsieh (2017) Abundant and rare picoeukaryotic sub-communities present contrasting patterns in marginal seas of the northwestern Pacific Ocean. Environmental Microbiology. 19(1): 287-300.