近年重要著作 (2010- ):
Chen, C. Y., Y. T. Chen, K. S. Chen, C. C. Hsu, L. L. Liu, H. S. Chen, and M. H. Chen, (2018) Arsenic and five metal concentrations in the muscle tissue of bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 129 (1): 186-193.
Wang, H. Y., Y. S. Chen, C. C. Hsu, and S. F. Shen (2017) Fishing-induced changes in adult length are mediated by skipped-spawning. Ecological Applications, 27 (1): 274-284.
Shih, C. L., C. C. Hsu, and C. Y. Chen (2014) First attempt to age yellowfin tuna, Thunnus albacares, in the Indian Ocean, based on sectioned otoliths. Fisheries Research 149: 19-23.
Shih, C. L., Y. H. Chen, and C. C. Hsu (2014) Modeling the Effect of Environmental Factors on the Ricker Stock-Recruitment Relationship for North Pacific Albacore Using Generalized Additive Models. Terrestrial Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences 25(4): 581-590.
Chen, C. Y., C. C. Lai, K. S. Chen, C. C. Hsu, C. C. Hung, and M. H. Chen (2014) Total and organic mercury concentrations in the muscles of Pacific albacore (Thunnus alalunga) and bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus). Marine Pollution Bulletin 85(2): 606-612. SI.
K. S. Chen, T. Shimose, T. Tanabe, C. Y. Chen, and C. C. Hsu * (2012) Age and growth of albacore
Thunnus alalunga in the North Pacific Ocean. Journal of Fish Biology 80(6): 2328-2344.
Chen, M. H., P. Y. Teng, C. Y. Chen, and C. C. Hsu (2011) Organic and total mercury levels in bigeye tuna, Thunnus obesus, harvested by Taiwanese fishing vessels in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans, Food Additives & Contaminants Part B-Surveillance 4(1): 15-21.
Wu, G. C. C., H. C. Chiang, Y. W. Chou, Z. R. Wong, C. C. Hsu, C. Y. Chen, and H. Y. Yang (2010) Phylogeography of yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) in the Western Pacific and the Western Indian Oceans inferred from mitochondrial DNA. Fisheries Research 105(3): 248-253.
Chen K. S., P. R. Crone, and C. C. Hsu * (2010) Reproductive biology of albacore Thunnus alalunga. Journal of Fish Biology 77 (1): 119-136.