Bih, H.-D. (2017). Pathways toward progressive gender consciousness for young men in Taiwan. In X. Lin, C. Haywood, & M. Mac an Ghaill (Eds.), East Asian men: Masculinity, sexuality and desire (pp. 237-258). Hampshire, UK: Palgrave Macmillan. (ISBN-13: 978-1137556332)
Bih provides a fruitful description and analysis of the trajectory that the individual man develops a concern for gender equity in a non-Western social context. In order to reach gender equity, boys’ and men’s participations are crucial. Based on rich interviewing data, this chapter specifies that having a subjective experience of gender discrimination in society or seeing women suffering gender oppression does not necessarily lead a man to develop progressive gender consciousness. Only through the help of feminist discourse is a person able to develop an awareness of the existence of sexism and patriarchy. However, gender consciousness is an ongoing process; how they make choices to support or resist gender equity depends on the negotiation of personal, relational and political interests.